Secret Diary

Oooh, I had a look at cheapest was £5 ish delivered.....
If u search The Beck Diet Solution under trade in there's a hard backed copy for 40p with £2.80 p&p from a company called outbooks.
Caramel shake hot with a spoonful of coffee is AMAZING :) love it ?
300mls of hot (not boiling) water whizzed up in blender the zapped in micro for 1min then added spoonful of coffee.
Ok own up who's been to the co-op & bought all my beloved sparkling water eh? Come on who was it? Ha ha :) Loving having a litre or 2 of this sparkling water in the evening it feels like a treat but they were sold out today so looks like its plain old water for me tonight. Oh well at least it's cheaper. I thought we cld have Ribena plus but sadly no. Lady at s&s live chat said 'no'

Just gonna search for the book again! :eek:

Oh, I've seen a few times we can have Ribena Plus, oh well, don't need to buy any now lol.

I've not had a hot shake? Was it good??? I should make one, maybe tonight.

Had 2 x Choc shakes today and feeling okay! Starting to get mildly peckish, but nothing major! So happy :p

What you having for dinner tonight then?
Just got through your diary hunca, a big well done for how you've been getting on and your fab week one weigh in!

your stats and mine are virtually identical, so I shall tune in regularly!

btw Ive been having terrible trouble with my lips... So very dry, tingly almost stinging and sore... I put it down to the weather but maybe there is more to it... I normally use the Vaseline lip balm but that isn't touching it right now, so I've resorted to Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream which is amazing stuff... Stinks a bit but it's definitely helping. They do a lip balm version too, but i dont have any and I'm in that post Christmas completely skint until payday phase :rolleyes: so I thought I would have a go with the cream instead... I'd recommend it...

anyway, keep going you are doing so well. xx
Just got through your diary hunca, a big well done for how you've been getting on and your fab week one weigh in!

your stats and mine are virtually identical, so I shall tune in regularly!

btw Ive been having terrible trouble with my lips... So very dry, tingly almost stinging and sore... I put it down to the weather but maybe there is more to it... I normally use the Vaseline lip balm but that isn't touching it right now, so I've resorted to Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream which is amazing stuff... Stinks a bit but it's definitely helping. They do a lip balm version too, but i dont have any and I'm in that post Christmas completely skint until payday phase :rolleyes: so I thought I would have a go with the cream instead... I'd recommend it...

anyway, keep going you are doing so well. xx

Hi Lulu1964 I love it when someone else has similar stats :)
Oh thank god someone else has sore lips I thought I was allergic to the packs!! I bought blisteze which helped. I have 8hr cream but never thought of using that. They have been better ystdy & today but prior to that it was awful. At times it was like after effects of an injection at dentist u know when the sensation is almost back but not quite.
Let me know how u get on searching for book. I had chilli can carne (white pack) for tea. It's one of my favourites. I have 1 pack left today but it'll be a struggle to get that down as I'm just not hungry. I find I'm now eating my packs at roughly same time ever day.
I had chilli too, with mushrooms and brocolli.. then had a choc truffa bar at 8pm, was yummy!!

Very satisfied today, yay! hope it lasts!

Hope your lips feel better soon, not got that problem myself, must be low sugar or circulation?

Just had my Coke zero, could have left it to be honest.. also not bothering with jelly and zero noodles anymore.. just not fussed for them :D
I'm just about to have a lemon bar & cake coke zero. Teenagers r all settled watching a movie & eating popcorn.
I had another look and failed.. altho I'm sort of eager to read it, so if the snow hems us in this weekend I'll get the Kindle version and download it straight away :eek: I'm soooo impatient!

Hope you are enjoying your evening hidden away upstairs lol..
I'm determined u shall get it for 49p + p&p lol

I searched on my iPhone for the beck diet solution & 15 results came up & at no2 underneath the main price it says 'hardback 52 new or used copies from £0.49' ? How much is the kindle version? I got the sample of it on my kindle app but now I've got the book it's much easier as u can flick to & fro but I guess if u want to read tmrw then kindles ur answer. Wonder if I'll get peace to start reading tonight with 4 teenagers here for sleepover??!!
Currently sitting in youngest daughters room planning my next s&s order which I need to place this w'end so its here in time. Do u think I shld go for the male 5 a day pack? That wld last me 5 weeks
Yeah I would, I got 2 weeks Male one last time.. so I have loads left..!

Next time I'm buying the 4 week one..

You going to try anything new? I want to try the wafer things..
So odd, it's not coming up on my laptop at all!! GRRR.. i'll try my iPhone lol
Not on iPhone either haha - oh dear.. I must be in a parallel universe!

Looked on eBay and there's one going for 99p + £1.00 shipping, so that'll do!

Kindle one is £6.50 ish.. see how bored I get tomorrow.. :p

Not been hungry at all tonight.. starting to think this diet malarky may actually work this time :D
Very strange. Oh well I tried to get u a bargain lol

Yes I fancy trying the wafers. I'm loving the soups right now as they r so easy to make. I've got 1 in my bag for day out shopping with 4 teenagers tmrw (although gin may be better) Hoping that Starbucks will give me a mug of boiling water along with a black coffee ;-)
Also packed a dark choc Truffa bar. So all set. Doesn't even bother me that kids r going to TGI Fridays. Wee flurry of snow right now so we may not be going anywhere !