

Full Member
Im off to uni and yesterday i mixed my shake there not pleasant, will it be ok to make the shake up whirh the gand blender and put it in my deink bottle, im slightly confused as it size drink within 15 mins but mines will be within a couple of hours?
I'm at Uni too while doing this
My CDC said not to as it loses all it nutritious value but u can buy the tetra ready made cartons from your CDC instead which r great for when out and about.
agree with swhite. Tetras are a godsend when u have no blender or ice x
i would go for tetras or bars, i did lipo trim a few years back and didnt stick to it as shakes were vile but what made them worse was making them up at work in my silly hand shaker thing without ice etc, i used to gag getting them down lol. if you havent had the bars yet, they are sooo filling and really chewy you could almost have half and a black tea / coffee and the other hlaf later in the day at uni,i keep mine in fridge (im on maternity leave at home) but if i was back at work,i would be tempted to bring a tiny ice pack / cooler bag just to keep it nice and cool - lol sounds a bit mad but it just makes the shakes / bars etc so much nicer when they are cool x