Sharon's Diary

hope ur feelin better today - im feeling awfulk think there must be somethin going around i think iv got tonselitis - rubbish!! have a nice time shopping honey xx
p.s - slowly slowly means when its off we are gonna keep it off - wish we had a magic wand thou ha ha
Hi all,

Feeling a little better today, although am CRAVING chocolate! had a light choc mousse and that didn't help. I think it's 'cos I have my nieces and nephew's easter eggs in the other room, and they're calling me! There's no way I'd eat them, but gawd they're tempting!
Anyhoo - good foodwise:

Alpen light/milk - 2.5

Walkers crisps - 3
Strawberries - .5

Prawn cocktail and salad - 4
Lite choc Mouse - 1.5

WW Temptations Beef in peppercorn with pots (mmm!) 6.5

Snack: apple

Total: 18.5

Hope everyone had a good day today - sooo much easier doing this when the weather's nice isn't it - must go and get some skinny cow lollies tomorrow! yay i love summer!

Hiya,gawd ive been offline all afternoon feel like ive had me throat cut!!

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo glad you are feeling a likkle bit better hun and thanks for the rep...
have a fab evening xx
Glad to see you're feeling a little more cheerful!! You're doing great (I'm having another of my binge days:eek:). Weight issues do make us soooo unhappy. It's quite unbelieveable that something that can give so much pleasure (food) can also make us so miserable, isn't it?

I know how you feel - before i lost my weight (loss so far)i was really really unhappy - I still have days where i could squeal coz i get SOOOOO tired of being on a diet but i really have to settle myself coz this is a FOREVER thing (ie I am never gonna be able to go back to the way i ate before!).

Don't worry about that chocolate hun!! Give yourself a treat now and again and don't beat yourself up (altho maybe not 2 tonnes of it:D)
Hi all,

How's everyone doing?

Been good again today (almost 2 weeks in a row, which is amaazing for me!)

2x ww toast W. lite flora
2x medium eggs


Roast Beef
Aunt Bessie Mash
low cal cauliflower cheese

Skinny cow ice-cream sandwich (mmmm!)

Tea will be butternut squash soup which I'm just making, will have it with some melba toast and low-fat soft cheese.

total 17 points.

Did exercise clearing the garden too, so all in all a good day!
Has anyone tried the Skinny cow ice-cream sandwich? The vanilla one is 2 points - not pointed the choc one yet, but guessing it's the same - anyway it was lovely - well worth the two points!

Hey Hey Hey, Pleased your feeling better and sticking to the plan. Sounds like you've had a busy old day. Skinny cow ice-cream sounds deeeeeeelish. I had a solero ice lolly on friday and also only 2 points, but it felt really naughty! Have a good evening xx
Hi hon

Skinny cow sandwich - I thought when you first typed it that you had got a lolly and put it between bread...LOL

Will def have to look out for them ;o)

Slowly but surely u will get to your goal xxx
mmmmmmmmm those sandwiches sound yum.. i love ice cream sandwiches! :D

well done on almost 2 weeks 100% - thats fantastic. You are doing so well! Keep up the good work :) xxx
Hiya,you sound alot better now.
The skinny cow sarnies sound nice will have a look out for em..
A lady at our WW meeting buys the SC drink,makes it up and makes lollies outta it,though that was a good idea and low in points for a lolly too.

have a lovely day xx
hi sharon
hope ur ok, i love skinny cow - choc lollies the best - i tried the ice cream sandwiches too mmmm .. i had the skinny cow hot choc last night and cut up a flump marshmallow into little pieces and put it on the top and it went all gooey - felt like i was being really naughty but well worth the 2 points!!!
well done ur doing so great keep urself motivated - its gonna be sooooo worth is when we all get where we want to be!! everytime i think about eating a bar of choc or gettin chinese or somethin i just tell myself there is no way its gonna taste as good as being slim again is gonna feel!!! xxxx
Glad to see you doing so well just keep away from that choc and you will be fine

Hi all

Had a good day again today - 18 points, so saving one :)

Had the chocolate skinny cow sandwich today - and it was lovely - a real chocolate fix :) Yum!

Going out tomorrow night and was told we're having a bottle of wine and nibbles. I said that I can't drink as I'm driving and I can't nibble as I'm weighing in the next day. Was told (jokingly I hope) that I'm a boring F*rt and may as well stay at home :eek: Least I'll be a thin boring f*rt! lol

Ha ha friends can be so down right honest at times ;oP surely u can allow yourself a little nibble! x
well done u stay strong!! it will all be worth it in the end - you will feel dead proud of yourself if u stick to your guns - and even more proud and happy if that scale is down again on weds!!! xxx
we will - i will cross everything and say a little prayer lol - it worked for us last week!! x
and we have to stay away from the easter eggs at the weekend too!!!
ok a mini one like a creme egg or kinder egg .. or better still a scrambled egg!!!! not quite the easter spirit though!!! i asked my mum for a new chanel red lipstick instead of any chocolate.. much better for my figure!! HA HA x
in the rosemary connolly magazine it says all the calories for easter eggs from the worst to the best - so the top 3 lowest calories were
1st maltesters easter egg - 472kcal - 26g fat
2nd cadburys "mini eggs" easter egg- 505kcal - 27g fat
3rd smarties easter egg - 553kcal - 29g fat

the rest were through the roof calories - thorntons classis is 2404kcal so just make sure u dont have that one ok!!! xxx