Sharon's Dukan Diary

Had a much better day with the water yesterday. I drank 2.25 litres. I think it was because it was quite hot. Did my 20 minutes brisk walk as well. Gallette and yoghurt for breakfast, smoke salmon, prawns and yoghurt dip for lunch followed with griddled salmon steaks and an egg custard for dinner.

I have been on the scales this morning and I am three pounds down since Monday. Somehow I expected this to be a little more but trying not to let it get me down, still have three days on attack.
Had a much better day with the water yesterday. I drank 2.25 litres. I think it was because it was quite hot. Did my 20 minutes brisk walk as well. Gallette and yoghurt for breakfast, smoke salmon, prawns and yoghurt dip for lunch followed with griddled salmon steaks and an egg custard for dinner.

I have been on the scales this morning and I am three pounds down since Monday. Somehow I expected this to be a little more but trying not to let it get me down, still have three days on attack.

Food sounding yummy :) and 3 lb loss in 4 days is fantastic :D and as you said you still have 3 attack days left ;)
Good luck for today x
Thanks Claire :) I think when you look at it overall 3lb in 4 days is good. I think I was just on a bit of a downer this morning but I have rallied and feeling a little better now. How are you doing?
Thanks Claire :) I think when you look at it overall 3lb in 4 days is good. I think I was just on a bit of a downer this morning but I have rallied and feeling a little better now. How are you doing?

I had my down day yesterday, scales broke, tired, stressed soon passed :D
Went shopping after work, new scales and a fridge full of meat/prawns/chicken/ff diary so all is well in my world lol
Hubbie has now lost 4.5 but I've pipped him with 5 :) go me!!
Looking forward to my asparagus soup on Sunday :p
Hi Sharon - you're doing great, well done so far! Glad to hear you got over the 'hard day' (mine was about day 4/5, I had terrible stomach cramps...) it's just your body switching to the new mode...

Great losses, keep up the good work but don't be disheartened when loss slows to about 2lb a week which is the general average you can expect in the long term.

Enjoy the veggies when they come back!
Finished my week on attack and lost 5lbs :)

Pretty happy with that. Upon reflection it was an awesome week. I was not hungry once, I coped with several stressful situations without reverting to a binge, I refused chocolate when it was offered and I had more energy. The negative for me was my lack of daily 20minute walks. I have not maintained that so I need to think of a strategy to improve this from now on.

Today is my first PV day and I am excited about having veg.
Well done and enjoy those veggies :) You have completed stage one and now into stage two. Good luck.
First day on cruise yesterday and had a PV day. I had my usual breakfast and prepared a tuna salad for lunch. I made far too much so only ate half then had the rest for dinner. Had a busy day sorting my daughters bedroom so kept my mind off food but in all honesty I wasn't hungry and didn't need any extra.

Plan for today is to go for half hour walk in a short while even if it is just a stroll rather than a brisk walk because my back is playing up. Will be a grilled chicken day today I think.
More than a little tired today, I am sure it is the weather getting me down. Had a go at toffee muffins last night they turned out awesome and had to be tested. Slightly adverse effect on the 'motion' this morning at least its moving now!

Second PV day today, cooked breakfast, salad for lunch and roast chicken and roast veg for dinner. Can't grumble, am loving the food choices on this plan.
thanks for keeping it real here, my first day on dukan and unlike most of you it's been terrible but i intend to stay on...i am curently weighing at 200lbs with a target of 140 but mini target is 10lbs...taking baby steps.
I had 2 eggs for brekkie and peppered steak for lunch and dinner with loads of water, herbal tea and a diet coke. i have a massive headache so decided to sleep early.

any advice for a newbie?
thanks for keeping it real here, my first day on dukan and unlike most of you it's been terrible but i intend to stay on...i am curently weighing at 200lbs with a target of 140 but mini target is 10lbs...taking baby steps.
I had 2 eggs for brekkie and peppered steak for lunch and dinner with loads of water, herbal tea and a diet coke. i have a massive headache so decided to sleep early.

any advice for a newbie?

It sounds like carb withdrawl. I had that when I did Lighter life, a meal replacement plan. It's your body adjusting to the lack of carbs. It could also be you are not drinking enough. Make sure you are having at least 1.5 litres of water a day. The caffiene in diet coke, tea and coffee will also give you headaches. The only thing to do is try and ride it out, it does get easier I can assure you. I have had days, not on this plan but on others, where I have had terrible headaches and just felt awful but took a couple of painkillers and went back to bed. If you let these moments get the better of you, you fall off the wagon and it is so difficult to get back on. Take that from someone who has been there :) Also I find with headaches too a cold flannel on your forehead helps. If you are in the UK you can get cold patches for migraines from the chemist, sort of like a sticky gel patch which I use when I get a bad migraine, they just stick to your forehead and are cold.

All that being said hope you are feeling a little better now :)
hmmm stayed the same on the scales this morning. I had a PV day yesterday so I am assuming that is why.
The scales moved again this morning only 0.2 lbs but better than nothing. I don't think I was mentally prepared for them to slow down this much this week but it will not get me down.

Today I am going to make a more conscious effort the drink all my water as I have been lacking. I am also going to walk the dog this morning, in the rain :( because I haven't been very good at doing my 30 minute walk each day either.

PV today and I have decided I will have my chicken and roast veg for lunch and then a lighter salad for tea.
Was not well yesterday :( I decided to have my main meal lunchtime, roast chicken and roast veg, as we were going out in the evening. I am not sure if something I ate didn't agree with me or my system had a shock because of a large meal in the middle of the day. By early evening I had stomach cramps and when we got back from the cinema I had the runs, not good :( I didn't eat anything else and went to bed.

Feeling a little better this morning, although I have a headache. I expect that is down to dehydration from losing extra water. Off out for my walk in a short while. PP today. Lost 0.6lb this morning
On a bit of a downer this morning. First week of cruise completed and I lost 1.6lb, I think I expected more than that :( I have also got stuck at the same weight since Saturday morning. I think TOTM is due this week so I am hoping that is why.
woohooo shouldn't have worried yesterday about staying the same. Scales down 0.8lb this morning :) So pleased I didn't let it affect me negatively yesterday.

Had a good day yesterday too. Did not manage my walk but did the housework and then spent a quiet day reading, interspersed with interruptions from the kids !

This week my mum, who lives with us, has gone away for the week so I am walking the dog in the mornings this week. I actually quite enjoy it and should really make more of an effort to do it regularly.

Not much planned for today other than sunshine, garden and kindle I think :)
ooh, you're a kindler too? I got mine for my birthday a couple of months ago and i love it! There are a few of us on here who kindle now. I find myself reading more than I probably would have before as it's such a pleasant experience, though i've always read a lot - i inhale books!