Show's over folks

You have to be strong hun! I know you won't magically be cured overnight, but you won't be cured if you don't make a sincere effort. You've taken the first step, and thats good. Now you need to carry on.
Wishing you all the luck in the universe!!!

I would really recommend seeing a counsellor... it's a bit weird the first time you go, but after a while you wonder how you ever got by without it! My counsellor is the loveliest person in the world, I always feel that she is on my side and trying to help me, and no matter what I say she never seems to judge me.
I agree you probably need more professional help. Your profile doesn't say where you live but I know my friend with anorexia has a great counsellor & also goes to a support group too, all through a hospital referral.
Please stay strong hun & take care of yourself.
Maybe try to find some local support yourself through the eating disorder organisations. I found a couple on the internet for you but there's loads more if you google it.
anorexia bulimia care support eating disorders
Eating Disorders Support - Buckinghamshire
Look after yourself & let us know how you get on.
Loads of love.
Dont worry about binging and purging today it wont go away immediately - and to be honest I think they come as a pair - it is not as easy as deciding not to binge and therefore you wont purge, a binge can vary, it is not always a lot of food, just what feels too much for you.

The anti-depressants are to improve your seretonin levels which are often low in bulimics and should help a lot. I do think counseling would be a big help if you can arrange some
:wave_cry:Thank you all so much, all this support is very overwhelming, brings a tear to the eye to think so many people would take their time to send this love and support, people I don't even know. I am very grateful.

Actually, I am starting to feel a little bit better. My food consumption for today involved 2 binges, the total food being;

2 Rijvitas
1 Bannana
1 90 calorie cheese snack
1 98 calorie kellogs snack (can't remember name of either brands)
2 Bowls of soup
2 Bowls of porridge
2 cupcakes
2 cream cakes

Sick as this sounds, that is a relatively small binge for one day to me, so I am proud of this.

As well of this I only threw up twice. The day before, I threw up 6 times, can you see how this is very significant?

And I've done an hour of Yoga which involved a very intensive abdominal workout which always leaves a good taste in my mouth. Yesterday I did an hour on my stepper, so I am introducing the exercise slowly back into the system.

Also, if anyone else suffers from serious bingeing my doctor gave me a book called "Overcoming Binge Eating" by Dr. Christopher G. Fairburn. I reccomend you grab a copy - it was frightening seeing my entire condition written down in a book with all the experiences and development in the exact order I came across it.:eek: Very helpful.
it was frightening seeing my entire condition written down in a book with all the experiences and development in the exact order I came across it.:eek: Very helpful.

That's because you aren't alone - I know it can feel like you're the only person in the world going though it but you aren't.

Glad you're feeling a little better.
I've read this thread and I'm so glad you're getting help. I've gone through periods of bulimia and the temptation is always there. It's so easy to fall into the binging and purging cycle but so difficult to get out of it. At the moment I've been going through this cycle but I must never be able to get it all up as it's only helped me maintain and I rarely lose any weight whilst binging and purging. I'm going to the doctor next week and specifically asking to be referred to a nutritionist as I feel a bit like I've forgotten how to eat properly. Maybe you should ask to be referred to a nutritionist too? I'm sorry to start on about myself in your thread but I do understand where you're coming from and how awful what you're going through is *hugs*. If you want to talk I'm here xxxx
Hi Cateka :)

I've also read the whole thread and I wanted to say how good it is to see you posting and feeling a bit better about things and that you did go to your GP.

Must admit, (with my professional head on here), did your GP suggest any referral to other support services for you as well as prescribe anti-d's and recommend a book? Just wondering:confused:

The anti-depressants could be of benefit to you short or long term if you can let your body absorb them and give it a little time hun? It can take roughly 2 weeks to start really feeling the lift.:)

I have to agree with other members here who have suggested some specific and specialised counselling to support you. I hope you can access that if you chose to.

If you decide to go for that and have any probs finding appropriate services in your area, then you know there are plenty of us on here who could help you with that issue and do it gladly.

Take care honey,

Lacey..xx :)
Hello everybody, thanks for all of the support and helpful comments, its really reassuring that you all seem to have an idea what it is like to feel this way even if you haven't had to stoop as low as me. Mixxi, I am so unbelivably sorry you are going through this too - I'm sure you know if I could do anything to take the burden off you I would, I hope you start to feel better soon my love.

Today I am actually feeling a lot better, I'm on my 4th day of anti-depressants, and I'm starting to feel not happier but ...calmer. I did two hours of exercise split into an hour before work and an hour after work which has helped me a great deal. I saw someone mention in another forum something about 'little and often', the method of breaking your meals down into little parts and eating them often I guess. I tried this today and with great success - I hardly felt hungry at all today, and it was almost like, I still enjoyed the food... but I wasn't that bothered? I just kept saying to myself 'don't worry, you can come back to it in a minute' everytime I got anxious after eating the small part of a meal. Normally eating anything would act as a trigger for bingeing to me, so I was suprised to find I could have so many small meals without bingeing.

Another awsome fact - this is the first time in over half a year I have made it through a day without vomiting! I seriously want to throw a parade for myself, I never thought this day would come, and I don't care if it falls apart tomorrow because I made it through TODAY.

Thank you all so much for everything, I might not be 'cured' so to speak but I really feel like I'm on route.

I have to go back to my GP in two weeks to see if I should take more pills or be referred to a specialist. I'm not too worried either way :D
Another awsome fact - this is the first time in over half a year I have made it through a day without vomiting! I seriously want to throw a parade for myself, I never thought this day would come, and I don't care if it falls apart tomorrow because I made it through TODAY.

Well done you. Hope tomorrow is just as good. x
A day without purging is a magnificent achievement!

Personally I've very rarely suffered bulimic episodes, preferring instead to go completely the other way but I can sympathise with feeling like you're completely out of control and think you're doing the absolute best thing you can by accepting what's going on and asking for help. That takes so much courage and I know many people who have been too frightened to ask for help and have ended up so much more worse off.

One quick question - please tell me you've quit with the pro-mia sites?
Love and hugs xxx
Just wanted to say how pleased I was to read that you didn't vomit yesterday. I wish you all the best for another purge free day. Stick with the little and often and stay strong hun. You're doing really well!

Glad to hear the great news! You're doing fantastic & on the right road. We're all here for you & know you can do this. Take care & keep us posted. Loads of love.
hey there honey. i have just read through your thread and wanted to congratulate you on your achievements in the last couple of days. you have done magnificently and seem to have taken the first steps on the road to recovery. i am so happy for you. there are bound to be ups and downs so don't punish yourself if every day isn't as bright and breezy, keep at it and you will succeed.

sending loads of love your way honey. how are things going today?

abz xx
big big hugs to you hunni - you are doing great! I know its hard but please keep trying one day at a time. xx
Hope things are still going okay for you