Shrimp's journey!...and this time it's going to be a success

She will be she getting it done in Morpeth or Ashington
She's going to the Newcastle RVI
Oh they are good at the RVI...are you staying with her for a few days
Oh wow shrimp !!
Thats great news !
Yes, waking will be good for you if the doc says its ok to do.
At least walking now you can look about and see the roses :flowers:
Hope you have a lovely day.
walk is better then nothing.
HUGS :bighug:
So glad it went well Shrimp enjoy the walking its great that you can get out and about so soon after your op X
Hi Shrimp. How are you today?
I have been doing well thank you ladies.

just loads and loads of eye drops!

WI this morning and I have dropped a pound. Still happy that it's a pound.

i am going to look good on this years holiday to Mexico...beach an bikini here I come!

7 weeks next Tuesday.....the azul sea will be outside our room
Bet you can't wait!
Well done Shrimp! Not long until you're strutting your new body on that beach! xx
Well done on WI Shrimp that is fab 7 weeks is great you can loose a lot on this diet in that timeframe. Hope your OK after your Op X
Well done on your losses Shrimp. You are so lucky going to Mexico. I hear it is an amazing place to holiday. 7 weeks can make a huge difference. Keep going!!
Hi Shrimp. How are you feeling today? How is your eye?
Oh Lynne!

i am doing ine. I seem to have been really busy over the weekend and missed coming on here. I have gone off th wagon on Saturday and Sunday but I am back on it again today.

the eye is fab. The best it as been in four and a half months. I can not believe the sight came straight back. I just need to keep putting in my 10 eye drops a day. How is your mum feeling?
Sounds good. I might feel safer in the car with my mum when she's driving once she's had her operation. She goes in on Friday. I think she's pretty scared but I'm sure she'll be OK.
pleased to hear you're back on the diet. We all need to have a break sometimes!
Good morning Shrimp, well done on losing a stone already xx
Glad your eye has already improved that's great! Have a old day hun xx
Well done for your weight loss and glad your eye is ok now.
Btw Shrimp I popped into Boots on Saturday and they have all the Piz Buin stuff at half price so I got some of the sun cream for allergies, at £6 something I thought it was a good deal. Thought I'd let you know in case you needed any more :)
Thank you Bee...I do love Pizza Buin but I can't normally afford it. I will pop in this week.
I have had a good day. Jumped on the scales this morning and I have not put anything on over the weekend...this is great as I can continue on track to weigh in on Saturday.

I have been offered my boss's ticket to see Robbie next week...feel good that I have been asked but bad as I walked out on Robbie 2 weeks ago as he was poor. I need to see what the arrangements are and who else is going tomorrow. I sound a little like a spoilt brat.

Is everyone having a good day?