Size 10 screaming to get out!!

Oh shut up about your lapsang souchong tea smoked salmon and asparagus Heston Blumenthal....
Jubbly said:
Oh and also, despite it not all being as bad as I thought, my guts have finally caught up and I'm defo in need of some PH now. There are these little things like rabbit droppings in the loo sometimes (sorry TMI)...;) xx

Lmao ok get some laxatives in you and tomorrow get some PH
Jubbly said:
I ordered some PH before I started as I am well aware of the effects but they didn't turn up and I never chased it so wasted my money :(. Ordered more today, hope they hurry up, need the loo properly and hopefully it might knock off a pound or two ;).

Jesus, I bought Boo a pizza as he's fed up of leftover bean salad and sausages that people left from the BBQ and OH MY GOD, it smells delish. I won't be nice like that again...!!

Have just eaten a couple of chicken thighs (you know, the weird cold brown ones you get near the pate). I suppose technically it's AAM week so I'm not stressing and I'm hoping it's going to make me feel a bit better. A few bits of celery, about half a sausage, quarter of a slice of ham, some chicken today.....pah, it'll be OK!! To be honest I'm doing so much damage this weekend it doesn't matter much now anyway :eek:. I have a lovely Coke Zero (free fridge magnet in the box, yay!!) and my wonderful, wonderful choccie shakes came and I was sooooo excited (far more excited than milkshakes warranted frankly). Gonna have one in a mo so I defo get all my nutrition for the day :).

Cheered up now since we went to the allotment and saw all the little plants growing and going to have a lovely long bath and some fun bed action tonight as I've persuaded Boo to come to bed earlier (have been so knackered have been asleep by the time he comes up!) ;). Cheeky. xx

Lmao enjoy the bed action you saucy minx
I dunno, Heston might be onto something, that doesn't sound like it contains many carbs ;)

You know, I thought the same thing myself. It's even got a protein-filled egg with it. It's more the expense. I love Waitrose but I can't begin to imagine how much that smoked salmon is!! xx
Lmao enjoy the bed action you saucy minx

I did thank you. And it helped me sleep better which as a result has made me less tired today :D. Won't be telling Boo that though or he'll be harrassing me every night for "my own good"!!!! ;) xx
Ooooh, I did what I promised I wouldn't do and stood on the scales this morning. I wanted to see if those 4 ozs had come off!! They have, and a few more ozs - I'm 9 stone 10 lbs yippee!!! Not changing the ticker though - I know what happens then!! Fingers crossed stay at that weight next week or even less. Next mini goal reached - same weight I was when I started going out with Boo :D. Still very concerned about state of tummy though - have a horrid spare tyre bit under my boobs that looks like I've been smuggling chicken fillets under my skin, and that's not counting the huge rolly bits on my stomach - bleurgh. I am never satisfied until I can't see the line on the bottom of the tummy where it hangs down slightly - you know the bit. On the plus side, my shoulders are looking foxy :) xx
Oooh well done love! And grats on reaching another mini goal! Very satisfying when you can finally cross them off lol. :D
Morning foxy shoulders ;)

I am afraid you might have to resort to the dreaded exercise for the tummy situation, few sit ups and crunches? The only people I know with flat tummys do sit ups. I hate them. All of them.

Good work with the bed action, I'm all for it, keeps husband happy and it's surely exercise? Plus without cooking there isn't exactly much else to do in the evening....hahahahaha xx
Hello!!! Well I woke up feeling bigger than yesterday (because of chicken and salad????) and was 9 stone 11 lbs - I am convinced I would have been 9 stone 10 lbs and at next mini goal if I hadn't have gone to Nandos as I was only 4 ozs off, damn it!! Nevermind - it is still a 2lb loss which, when the BBQ AND the Nandos is taken into consideration, plus the salmon salad and the avocado and tuna the other night, is not bad going really. Fingers and everything massively crossed that I lose something next week, despite Bristol. I'm worrying about it now. I gave up last time when I reached this weight - must not do that this time under any circumstances. You are all at liberty to shout at me if I do so...

Carly, glad to see that you got your ceiling all done :) xx

Hiys Jubbs

You made great food choices and the scales showed it ..Well done you!!!!

You did a mini AAMW lol xxxx
Jubbly said:
I did thank you. And it helped me sleep better which as a result has made me less tired today :D. Won't be telling Boo that though or he'll be harrassing me every night for "my own good"!!!! ;) xx

Lmao good on you ;)
Gone off it slightly when I read all about the bruising and chafing! Still, no pain no gain. Also don't think I'll be very good at it but worth a try. I'm on the world's longest coach journey to Bristol and had all my packs and a bit of chicken really early today. We're still in London and I'm bored...xx
Gone off it slightly when I read all about the bruising and chafing! Still, no pain no gain. Also don't think I'll be very good at it but worth a try. I'm on the world's longest coach journey to Bristol and had all my packs and a bit of chicken really early today. We're still in London and I'm bored...xx

*shudder* @ chafing :S
Have fun!!!!!! :D Jealous here!!! :)