Size 10 screaming to get out!!

Gah, what happens when you take off your anti-viral stuff from the laptop cos it slows your system down too much? Yep, I have a horrid virus in my computer which means the whole thing needs wiping and re-installing. Therefore no minis over the weekend whilst at home and this somewhat desperate attempt to update via tiny keypad on phone!! And also what happens when I don't have you guys around? Yes, cake. And lots of it. Six today to be precise. But at least they were home-made raspberry muffins with fruit in :|. What with all the crap over the weekend and totm approaching, might even have a stupid, poxy and well-deserved GAIN this week. I miss you guys!!! On the plus side I have some ASDA measure up bars to try. I will just have to be good again from tomoz. Carly, thanks for the advice, I will get insurance as a matter of urgency. LadyG, we are also kittie people therefore have no idea what to actually DO with puppy but have been reading trusty and scary puppy book. Right, my fingers hurt. Back at work tomorrow with functional (just) computer hurrah!! Catch up with you all then and put on photo of Taco if I can figure it out!! xx
BTW I love the name of your puppy...Taco that is so cute.

Feel your pain re. Computer. Mine died his weekend. Motherboard had enough and just went kaput I nearly cried and reached for junk. Pulled it back though. Having to post through phone but at least I have that.

I am also a kitty person but would love a puppy. How is he holding up? Cannot wait to see pictures.
So sorry about your computer! That is so lame. :(

My dad has always said that if you're going to break your diet, you should break it on something GOOD... sounds like you did just that! ;) But as you know, draw a line and start again. :)
So sorry about your computer! That is so lame. :(

My dad has always said that if you're going to break your diet, you should break it on something GOOD... sounds like you did just that! ;) But as you know, draw a line and start again. :)

Well I neglected to mention the 4 cakes I had on Saturday as well :eek::eek::eek:. Nevermind - done now. Line drawn, coke zero open, chicken eaten (for breakfast???) and bar for lunch. Today is a new day etc etc. xx
Oooooh I miss sooooo much when I can't get online often ..... great news about the puppy and yes, fab name :D:D:D I had to give up my dog when I became allergic so I'm mightily jealous of your little walking companion.... but little Colin went to a better place (not there.... a nice little old lady :)) I still have me 2 cats though just about cos my son refuses to let them go despite the fact they make me wheeze and sneeze...... kids eh? Anyway, glad to see you're still hanging on in there :) I've had a major fall off the wagon today but it'll be ok tomorrow:sigh::sigh::sigh: Looking forward to the pics xx
Indulge us in some food porn then jubbles....tell us about those scrummy cakes........xx
Indulge us in some food porn then jubbles....tell us about those scrummy cakes........xx

Right-o. You asked for it!!!! We had friends round at our BBQ and two of them - men no less - are expert cup cake makers (one of them is gay and hasn't realised it yet. He bought his friend Sara a gorgeous pair of £80 shoes for her birthday - say no more). One of them bought his failsafe raspberry and white chocolate muffins which I always rave about. The other bought strawberry muffins with jam in the middle and strawberry icing, and a strawberry on top just for good measure. And they both bought tonnes of the things but then Sara was on a diet and not eating them (foolish girl), Boo is not a cake fiend, Kev had fallen asleep and everyone else was still eating sausages, too polite or concentrating too much on drinking to have any. So I ate a couple and then they left us with a whole load of them. Or rather I said could I take a couple and then they left us 8!! Two went back to Boo's dad's yesterday - the rest went in my tummy on Monday. And on Saturday the cake I had sat on top of a pile of meat (sausages, burgers, pork, chicken), bread rolls (whoops), BBQ jacket potato (WHOOPS), bottle of wine (oh dear) and a couple of fags (gaahh). I can't even describe how ill I felt later. It wasn't while I was eating it - I seemed to manage to stuff it all in over the course of a few hours - but gave it a while and felt like I was 8 months pregnant with a BBQ baby :p. This was slightly positive as it prevented me drinking more alcohol. I really thought I was going to be sick again (though this didn't stop me shoving more cake in my mouth the next day). I wasn't sick but I had to slope off from the party earlier than I would have liked, nagging the boys about making too much noise as I went up (rock 'n' roll).

So now the weekly dilemma - do I WI tomorrow or not? I've been lucky so far over the last 2 weeks - an STS and a random 4lb loss. My luck must have run out now and I can visibly see my revolting bloaty stomach (have TOTM as well) and feel bleurgh about it. Also a bit emotionally fragile at the moment, feeling a bit anxious and a bit worried about everything. Thinking too much. Got my meds again yesterday, phew. Perhaps I'll give the WI a miss tomorrow. I'm planning to be good until next Thursday so if I leave it then I should have a loss next week...?

Oh I don't know :sigh:
Hmm, I see what you're saying and thanks for the support (I love you guys :D:D:D) but I just KNOW I have put on (yes I know I said this before but this time I mean it!!). Since last WI (where exactly has this week gone?????) I ate more than I should have on pretty much every day, with the possible exception of Saturday, yesterday and today (although have had 3 chicken thighs this afternoon AND two strawberries :eek:). It's like I'm not really sure what I'm doing anymore - I have turned this into the cold chicken/Exante shake/Tesco bar diet. I only have very few shakes left now and I'm not buying more with the expense of the puppy and everything so I'm going to have to sit down and do some planning and, worst case scenario, buy some Tesco diet shakes or even just use their bars instead as meal replacement. Ooooh, the ASDA bars are yummy but not quite yummy enough to make me want to drive over there when Tescos is only over the road!! Anyhoo, I know that this is the difficult time and I need to really be serious about refeeding when those last few pesky lbs are off. I've been glancing through my CD diet plans book but need to do this with much more enthusiasm!! xx
Well if you think about it Jubbly, if you're not buying the diet you'll only be buying food for the same price (or more in some cases!) so price shouldn't be a concern here. The question I suppose is, are you happy with your body the way it is now? You only have 3 lbs to go so visually I don't think your body will change drastically. So I guess you should have a good, LONG look in the mirror and decide to accept what you have or still wish for further improvements. If it's the latter, you need to be strict with yourself again as it seems the reigns of control have slipped away from you for far too long! Being a healthy BMI is great, but if you are still not happy with your body shape then it should not be used as an excuse to slack and instead be treated the same as if you were an unhealthy BMI. I know and you know from reading my diary, that I'm definitely not a prime example here when it comes to not pigging out! But at the end of the day there is one thing I never want to go back to and that is being fat. Because I can remember all too clearly how unhappy and low I felt about it.

So there's your tough love/pep talk Jubbly! Throw away the food porn!
Hey you're right Lozza - maybe I need some shake porn instead!! And in answer to your question NO I'm definitely not happy with how I look so I suppose that's my answer. I remember how when I first went on the diet in 2006 I only ever started being happy with my body at about 8 stone 10lb!!! However that's just simply not realistic for me to maintain whilst I can enjoy my food so a bit of compromise is key. I want to get to 9 stone 4lb and then re-assess but I reckon I may want to lose those last 4lbs, just to be awkward. Funnily enough I'm sure last time I got to 9 stone 4lbs I was way thinner than I am now?? I know I looked hot at that weight in a couple of photies... I think exercise may sadly be the answer I'm looking for. But yes (I digress) - you're absolutely right. I don't have any plans for this weekend other than the puppy and therefore no good reason to cheat. I probably won't WI tomorrow (chickening out!!) and instead will be dead good until next Thursday. And by being good I mean I can start introducing salads, have my chicken, maybe avocado and mackerel possibly but NO alcohol and NO carbs and defo NO CAKES. And damn it, I have the whole week off!!!

Oh and also, you speak about control and that really is my issue here - I don't seem to have got this all under control at all because if I did then why would I be stuffing my face with such a ridiculously huge amount of food when I've given myself a "planned" cheat??

Oh, diet, bunch of arse.....x
Hey you're right Lozza - maybe I need some shake porn instead!! And in answer to your question NO I'm definitely not happy with how I look so I suppose that's my answer. I remember how when I first went on the diet in 2006 I only ever started being happy with my body at about 8 stone 10lb!!! However that's just simply not realistic for me to maintain whilst I can enjoy my food so a bit of compromise is key. I want to get to 9 stone 4lb and then re-assess but I reckon I may want to lose those last 4lbs, just to be awkward. Funnily enough I'm sure last time I got to 9 stone 4lbs I was way thinner than I am now?? I know I looked hot at that weight in a couple of photies... I think exercise may sadly be the answer I'm looking for. But yes (I digress) - you're absolutely right. I don't have any plans for this weekend other than the puppy and therefore no good reason to cheat. I probably won't WI tomorrow (chickening out!!) and instead will be dead good until next Thursday. And by being good I mean I can start introducing salads, have my chicken, maybe avocado and mackerel possibly but NO alcohol and NO carbs and defo NO CAKES. And damn it, I have the whole week off!!!

Oh and also, you speak about control and that really is my issue here - I don't seem to have got this all under control at all because if I did then why would I be stuffing my face with such a ridiculously huge amount of food when I've given myself a "planned" cheat??

Oh, diet, bunch of arse.....x

Yeah I think exercise is the way forward as well. I remember looking at pictures of myself now and pictures of myself back in Dec when I exercised 3-4 times a week but was almost a stone heavier and I had to say the pictures from Dec looked that bit better because I was so toned! Not that I noticed at the time but when I compare them with current pics where I don't exercise at all, the difference is so obvious it smacks you in the face! On friday I'm planning to start going to the gym again and make exercising 3-4 times a week a regime for the summer. I should do even more considering I have nothing to do during the break! I shall use this period to take care of the body and be healthy in diet and work out. :)

I think once you get off the wagon in a big way its very hard to get back on. Much more so than when first starting out the diet. For me, remembering how miserable I was when I was fat is enough to put me back on the straight and narrow. :) Oh, and the fact I have a beach holiday in sept! :D

Nothing is impossible by the way! If you felt your best at 8 stone 10 lbs then go for it! Whether you finish there or at 9st 4lbs you can't go back to the way you ate before and expect not to gain weight anyway. And yes, as much as I would like to deny it, I think the G.Y.M is unavoidable once we hit target so might as well get used to it now!

I'm making thurs my new WI day now so let's begin a fresh new start together beginning tomorrow morning! We can do it! :D
Chickened out. Didn't WI. Thought nobody would notice but Geri asked how much I had lost this week :eek:.

Grr, had argument with Boo last night and tired now. Frustrated as not sure what we were actually arguing about. Just feel so pissed off at the mo and not sure why. Sometimes he just annoys me. I'm such a terrible girlfriend :(.

Bar for brekkie. Have been good for 2 days now so pretty sure I can undo the damage from the weekend. Starving hungry though....xx
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Jubbly said:
Chickened out. Didn't WI. Though nobody would notice but Geri asked how much I had lost this week :eek:.

Grr, had argument with Boo last night and tired now. Frustrated as not sure what we were actually arguing about. Just feel so pissed off at the mo and not sure why. Sometimes he just annoys me. I'm such a terrible girlfriend :(.

Bar for brekkie. Have been good for 2 days now so pretty sure I can undo the damage from the weekend. Starving hungry though....xx

Awww yeah mine has been getting it in the neck too thanks to the world's longest period :S poor thing :)

So when you weighing in then missy? Next week? X
Hmmm, I'm feeling quite positive about how I have managed to get back on it so I might WI on Monday - week 7 and a half!! - if I have kept this up. If I weigh in at 9 stone 7lbs then I'd be happy so we'll see. Otherwise it will be next Thursday and, fingers crossed, a loss.

Oh I don't know why I'm so pissed off with Boo. He did loads of garden stuff yesterday and hit his shoulder hard with a big fence stake. He said it really hurt but I just couldn't bring myself to feel that sympathetic so was a bit of a b*tch. He came home at 11.30pm on Tuesday after saying he would be back in the afternoon and I was still annoyed about that and before that I think there was also some residual annoyance about him not really speaking to me or helping with anything at the BBQ. And no doubt residual annoyance lingering from something else that he probably did weeks/months/years ago. He says he can't do anything right. Poor guy. I don't think the lack of money/mounting bills (that he ignores so I have to nag about it) help. :(
Jubbly said:
Hmmm, I'm feeling quite positive about how I have managed to get back on it so I might WI on Monday - week 7 and a half!! - if I have kept this up. If I weigh in at 9 stone 7lbs then I'd be happy so we'll see. Otherwise it will be next Thursday and, fingers crossed, a loss.

Oh I don't know why I'm so pissed off with Boo. He did loads of garden stuff yesterday and hit his shoulder hard with a big fence stake. He said it really hurt but I just couldn't bring myself to feel that sympathetic so was a bit of a b*tch. He came home at 11.30pm on Tuesday after saying he would be back in the afternoon and I was still annoyed about that and before that I think there was also some residual annoyance about him not really speaking to me or helping with anything at the BBQ. And no doubt residual annoyance lingering from something else that he probably did weeks/months/years ago. He says he can't do anything right. Poor guy. I don't think the lack of money/mounting bills (that he ignores so I have to nag about it) help. :(

Ahhh yes residual grumpiness men don't understand that at all do they? Yes we are broke too :S eeeeekkk
I get in a right huff if ignored etc just shows you care x