Size 10 screaming to get out!!

After a while the crate will be a place he can relax in. My dogs did not like crates at all at first, and now the one will go in there quite happily when she wants solitude (she is getting old and cranky)!

You may want to play some radio talk show or music for him while you are away, I've found it has kept my dogs calm, and once my mom came home to find them both sound asleep--they hadn't even heard the door open! :p

He is precious though! :heartpump:

Cool - thanks for the advice. He wasn't so bad this afternoon when I put him in it (only for about 40 minutes). I have to confess I went upstairs to the bedroom so I couldn't hear him yelp but Boo said that after a bit he settled down anyway. The neighbour said a clock in the crate tonight might help as well so I'm gonna give that a go.

His favourite thing to do is attack shoes at the moment!! xx
He is uber uber cute Jubbly- congratulations xx
:sign0144: hi, i've been on exante for 3 wks and have struggled a few's good to know other peoples stories xx that is the cutest dog ever, what a sweetie :) hope you have a good day x
:sign0144: hi, i've been on exante for 3 wks and have struggled a few's good to know other peoples stories xx that is the cutest dog ever, what a sweetie :) hope you have a good day x

Thank Custardtart. The diet isn't always easy I know but so long as you get there in the end. I know I'm not 100% strict with it but I've done it twice before and this is the way I'm currently rolling!!

I'm trying some structured "ignoring the puppy" time. He's not too happy as he wants me to play but annoyingly he keeps wandering in and out of his crate - it's only when I shut the door he goes ballistic!! Oh oh, the cutest thing - he's growling at his rubber bone now. The vet said to shut him in tonight and keep him downstairs so we can sleep. Tough love - it's the only way!!

Oh, he's in the stupid crate again...

The good thing about the puppy is I've only had a TESCO bar today and been too busy to even think about anything else! Might have a bit of chicken in a mo. I recommend everyone get a puppy if they're struggling. Plus I've been running around the garden.

Hope everyone's on track today. What crappy weather..:(
I didn't see any pics on FB Jubbs? I saw that it was the profile pic of Boo though haha so had a peek there :D tres tres cute!!

Mmmm rice, I live for the day I can eat white carbs hahahaa.

Hope you're having less trouble with him now, I have no experience of dogs lol so can give you no advice, only long distance sympathy :p

Well done on STS ;) xx

I have no experience either so it's all based on one book, vastly disparate advice from the internet and instinct!! There should be some pics on there now including one of my work mate attempting to stuff him in his mouth!!!

White rice - I can live with brown pasta, I can live with granary bread but one thing I will never eat is brown rice :yuk: xx
Oh dear. I was doing so well and feeling thin, thin, thin and confident for Thursday's WI. Then my friend came round for dinner and I somehow deluded myself I was going to cook a whole dinner and not eat it all??? I made a yummo moussaka (no pasta like lasagne so therefore justified as a low carb option if flour based white sauce ignored!). That was with salad and we had ladylike small portions. Then another ladylike small portion each :eek:. I bought a garlic/herb bread telling myself I didn't have to have any - ate about half of that. Erm, then followed by homemade lemon and strawberry cheesecake. And washed it down with most of, ahem, a bottle of red (and had bought some Coke Zero in preparation and everything). Ho hum. I have to say I do make a spectacular moussaka :D. Mmmmm (no rice though!!).

In other news, Taco doesn't screw anymore when I put him in the car. He has also been in the crate twice today and been relatively quiet, hurrah!! I must have burnt some calories off earlier when I took him to the park! xx
Well at least you didn't eat total junk, again, if you're going to take a night off you should have something delicious and savorable. ;)

And you probably did burn calories taking Taco to the park! (I would like a taco now... :eek: )

As you have heard so many times, "draw a line" !
Oh dear. I was doing so well and feeling thin, thin, thin and confident for Thursday's WI. Then my friend came round for dinner and I somehow deluded myself I was going to cook a whole dinner and not eat it all??? I made a yummo moussaka (no pasta like lasagne so therefore justified as a low carb option if flour based white sauce ignored!). That was with salad and we had ladylike small portions. Then another ladylike small portion each :eek:. I bought a garlic/herb bread telling myself I didn't have to have any - ate about half of that. Erm, then followed by homemade lemon and strawberry cheesecake. And washed it down with most of, ahem, a bottle of red (and had bought some Coke Zero in preparation and everything). Ho hum. I have to say I do make a spectacular moussaka :D. Mmmmm (no rice though!!).

In other news, Taco doesn't screw anymore when I put him in the car. He has also been in the crate twice today and been relatively quiet, hurrah!! I must have burnt some calories off earlier when I took him to the park! xx

LOL oppps well at least it tasted good ;)
Yuuuum, not sure I should be salivating over your food porn.... so we'll just keep it a little secret............
Taco is sooooooooooo cute..... bet you get stopped no end of times when you're taking him for a walk x
Taco is sooooooooooo cute..... bet you get stopped no end of times when you're taking him for a walk x

Yeah, I have spoken to more people in the last 5 days than I have in about a year!! I feel like a second rate Paris Hilton carrying him around in his black jumper (size 14 - an old one - hopefully won't need that anymore!!). Today the charity guy in the street cunningly used him as a chance to come and speak to me then ask me to contribute to the Deaf Children's Society. He was flirting outrageously and me, being flattered despite knowing full well that they do that to everyone, ended up signing up. Ah well, tis a good cause and it's only eight quid a month. He did seem most impressed with me though and kept asking if I was married and why not and calling me "beautiful lady" . Also took Taco to Lush and he got a free sample of shower gel you can use on doggies so hopefully he will smell beautiful as I love all things Lush and it's mint scented.

Today I have been more restrained but been slacking majorly on the water front. Fingers crossed for a loss tomoz despite moussaka/cheesecake incident. Been good apart from that so think my body will be harsh to STS again...

Had my last milkshake today so not sure what to do from tomorrow. I'm thinking one meal replacement bar as usual, one protein based small meal (or just bits of chicken like I normally have!) and either another small meal, trying to incorporate veggies OR as a final solution to get those last pesky lbs off, some Tesco meal replacement shake as I'm not fussed about ketosis or anything now to be honest. Hmmm, if only Exante didn't do a minimum order amount. xx