Slim ans save, advise pls

Weasey thats great. I did the full version lighter life as I had so much to loose, so 4 packs a day and no food. How do you find the different meals, are you loosing as much on the weeks you substitute the meals into lighter life?
I've lost just over 2 stone in 6 weeks (the 6th week was not 100%) I have 4 packs plus veg xxx
I know it seems counter intuitive but the meals are nutitionally the same as any other pack. You could have 4 meals a day if you wanted to! I was on LL total for over 6 months before I moved to lite and for the last few of those months I had 2 SnS meals a day with no bad affect. I now only have 1 a day because I have my protein meal instead of the 4th pack. The meals are small in portion but very yummy! You can also have 200g of certain vegetables a day - even on the 4 pack a day version. This can really bulk up the meals and help you feel that you are eating more normally. I needed time on total to think about why I ate and it was a very useful time for me. But now I am loving the veggies and it does help some people to stick to the diet.