slim & save 4 packs a day - it is total food replacement


Full Member
O.k am going to alternate with cambridge SS+ which i have 3 products + small protein meal

was going to do the 4 packs of S&S every other day, now getting confused here one minute it is saying completely food free and then further down it says "Simply have 4 items per day along with a small selection of salad or veg"

it it necessary to have the small selection of fruit or veg , can i just have the 4 packs as i will be getting 100% of my nutrients surely?
its not fruit, its just veg, but no its optional
I am on 4 a day and although I don't often use my milk allowance I do use my vegetable allowance each day... I'm currently on week 3 and I have lost a total of 24 pounds! I think having the vegetables helps fill me and makes it easier to stick to the diet without effecting my weight loss :)