Slimming Down

Remembered yesterday I had 3 syns in lunch. So had 4, not 1. Still not good.

1 syn and hea in lunch. Chorizo is 12 syns for 100g, so I will weigh and calculate that at tea time. I think I might have some chocolate after lunch if I fancy it. I should get some HEB cereal bars in.

I had a banana and satsuma at work. All good so far 😊 when my head is in the game I always do well on SW. I cook from scratch anyway, it's just I eat a lot of bread and butter and cheese if I am not measuring it and I am terrible for regularly binging on things...
I love chorizo - brings a yummy flavour to everything & syns are too bad either.

I have a bingeing problem - esp on my WI days - then I'm playing catch up all week till WI - then start all over again :(
Aw upndown I'm sorry 🙁 I know a lot of people "cheat" after WI. I find if I stay consistent it's much easier. It's more when I'm down or angry I'm more likely to fall in a vat of sugar.

Had a yogurt and jelly 0.5 syn after lunch. 1.5 total so far for today.

I was going to cut the grass but the neighbour is borrowing my mower, strimmer and extension cord. Mine isn't too bad really. So I've sorted the lounge which was a mess and made myself sit down and chill for a bit. I've a load of washing up to do in a while and I'd like to get some sewing done. I've been pretty tired in the evenings so not done much.
It's my main dieting goal to stop having a WI day binge - then playing catch up all week - so stupid & I get annoyed with myself - I really need to ditch that habit!

Your syns are nice and low - so you can have some nice things later on. Try not to do too much if you're tired - know that's easy to say but harder to do when there's jobs to do!
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Yeah, I am more careful these days in recognising if I'm tired, quite simply, I don't want to relapse (CFS).

I started laying out next week in my bullet journal earlier so I can plan Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday meals and buy what I need tomorrow after swimming. I'm thinking roast beef might be a bit much on Sunday so planning gammon steaks instead.

I've really enjoyed the breakfast burritos these past two mornings. Going to have to find something else new and interesting for breakfast for next week!
Re WI binge, I find it helpful to recognise in myself that it's not normal. So many people do it that it gets normalised, but if I see it as abnormal, then I don't feel like I am missing out by not doing it. I think it all depends on your personal reasons. Why do YOU think you binge post WI?
You're right - it isn't normal - in fact the NHS website describes it as a mental health problem.

Over the years I have thought... and over-thought about the reason for it - all I've come up with so far is that I do it as a reward for dieting all week and want to have a day of no restrictions.

Of course I immediately then give myself a problem for the following week as I have probably used up all my week's syns on WI day (and maybe more on a bad day altho I never count them - too busy eating!)

So then for the next 6 days - I either don't have syns or keep them very low ....... so I feel deprived - then you can guess what happens on the following WI day!

The last 3 weeks I've tried again and failed to control myself on WI day but oddly because I was ill on this Tuesday's WI day I didn't go to class and I didn't binge - so I was pleased with that - so it'll be my challenge this week to distribute my syns evenly thro the week.

Bet you're sorry you asked now!
Not sorry at all. It sounds so much like so many people describe, which is why it's important to get out of the "diet" mindset. Can't say I don't reward with food still though 😄 my lack of syn usage is just laziness 😂 bloody ironic! Don't worry, it's not normal for me. Have fun using your daily syns. It'll be interesting to see how you feel post weigh in next week.
Yes I'll try to make more of an effort this week .... let's see I hope I don't go overboard.
I think that's a concern of mine. If I have a little I'll end up having a lot.

Dinner was delicious. Mmm. Seafood risotto with chorizo (6 syn), leeks, stock, rice, broccoli, mushrooms, courgette, lemon juice. I drained off the oil from cooking the chorizo too 😇 7.5 syns so far today. 17.5 left. I 'could' go over as I've been used so few syns this week so far
Hmmm 42 used so far this week... Yeah I'm not using 133 before Monday 😂 will try to balance next week better

Had 17.5 syns on chocolate (twirl and wispa from multipacks) giving me 25 for today. I haven't used my HEB, I don't really want anything. I know I've had plenty of fibre from my fruit and veg and I'm not going to stress about it.

Saturday's plan
Breakfast: "banana split": banana, cherries, raspberries, yogurt, HEB granola
Fossil festival (will shop on Sunday)
Lunch: I haven't actually planned anything yet. This will be a downfall! I'll try to think wise, it really depends how long we spend at the festival. Or should I syn some bread and bring a sandwich? (I don't mind using syns on bread)
Tea: skillet taco hea - should be good. The only part of a taco my son doesn't like is the shell 😂

I've been looking at new breakfast ideas for next week and I have a couple of good ones short listed. Instead of planning next week or my weekend lunches I've been playing with fabric - whoops.

Happily our hellish neighbours should be moving within the next month (I am overjoyed!) If I had champagne in I would be toasting the good news!!!
Look at this sexy breakfast. Oh yeah! "Banana split"! Son wanted one too. (HEB)


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Went swimming and ended up staying for an hour because my son got to stay for an extra lesson as it was so quiet.

We went to the fossil festival afterwards. I had some prawns (and tried fish sticks - Ew, son likes them though), and 2 satsumas. Came home and had some grapes just now.

Bad period was just lulling me into a false sense of security... Lil bastard.

I'm so pleased I didn't scarf anything in town. It's a seaside town, so awash with ice creams and fish and chips (and in the south west so pasties too!)

Going to relax and have some quiet time before making tea.
Had 30g of mango and chilli poppadoms for 7.5 syns and 1 syn of milk.

Dinner was salad, SW chips, chilli (onion, spices, 5% mince, peppers, butternut squash, courgette) and 30g of cheese hea.
Looked at my "syn box" and thought "hmm... I might go over syns a little bit today." Then thought, "no, you don't need to." 😀 Rather pleased with myself.

16 syns on chocolate planned giving me 24.5 for today and I've used both my healthy extras 😊

New sewing magazine arrived today. So I'll read that and plan some meals for next week and try to catch up on some TV recorded or maybe watch a film (I'll probably fall asleep if I do.)
The organisers of the fossil festival want to know if I'm taking my son again tomorrow because they need photos for promotional material next year. (My son is annoyingly handsome the little git!)
Sounds like you've had a good time - your food and syns are looking good esp your sexy b'fast - I think SW is a great diet and never understand why I fall off the wagon at time :( Hee Hee will you be taking your son to the festival again to do those photos?
Thankfully they have enough photos now, she took one of mine from yesterday. I say thankfully because my son wants to stay home and build Lego with me. Whenever we're places where everyone doesn't know him we get approached about modelling. At a friend's wedding one of the guests is a child chaperone and she was insistent. 🙄 Everyone thinks I'm odd for not taking it up, but my boy used to be very shy, he didn't like people looking at him and I want him to be a child and not judge himself based on what other people think. I don't mind my friends taking some pictures for promoting their work or for their uni course work as long as my son wants to do it. I keep waiting for him to grow out of being delicious but we still get endless comments - tall, tan, blond hair, blue eyes 😍

I fall off the SW wagon because it does take effort to do everything. I mean toast at breakfast or a big bowl of cereal is easier than following SW, as is a sandwich and pack of crisps at lunch. Plus, do we really want to know how many syns/cals a binge is?!? 🤔😔

I'm on a go slow this morning which is rare for me, it's the only day I don't have to be up and out.

I'll make breakfast soon... SW french toast 🤤 with yogurt and cherries..... Or do I want a bacon sandwich.... Hmm!

I have some laundry to do today and we're having the dog from 3pm for just under 2 weeks (which boosts my body magic 😄) and we need to pop to the supermarket for the next few days' supplies. I think we'll go to one a bit further away as ours have some bloody awful traffic lights on the 4 way round about right outside the supermarket.

I had a look at the scales today....and after them not moving for the past few days they dipped down again. If they stay the same tomorrow I'll have lost 13.5lbs in two weeks (4.5lb this week).
Ah lovely to hear about your son - you must be very proud of him but I can imagine it could
be annoying having to pose for photos esp for strangers.

V pleased about your fabulous loss - that's amazing in such a short time!

Wonder if any of these appeal for b'fast?

I live on soup for lunch in the colder months - I make big pans of the stuff but with the change in the weather I need to think of some new ideas! Enjoy your day.
Thankfully we live in a small village and small town so everyone is used to him here, it's only when we got elsewhere there's a fuss made. I keep waiting for it to stop, but at 7 years old I've accepted it probably won't. It's things like special treatment and people giving him stuff that he thinks is normal. Village show, big tractor, big sign on the tractor saying to not touch it, and the owner picks my son up and sits him in the tractor that no one else is allowed to touch 😂🙄

Sadly there is a boy two doors down who is incredibly jealous of my son and is a royal pain in the arse. Happily I have found out that they have handed in their one month's notice and are leaving!!!! 😁😁😁😁 The whole family is a big bag of dysfunction and I'll be so relieved when they have gone.

Breakfast was a bacon, egg and tomato sandwich (HEB+0.5 syn) and an apple
Lunch was a salad: prawns, mixed leaves, peppers, cherry tomatoes, grapes, cucumber, spring onion and prawns. Followed by a satsuma.