SlinkySons new Juddd diary


Gold Member
Hi All :sign0144:

Well Im fairly new to JUDDD but not thsi forum, ive been on here for a while. Ive tried slim and save and had fantastic results but found it too hard to stick to long term. Then recently i joined slimmingworld which i enjoyed but i over ate because of the amount you can eat, so i just felt bloated all the time.

A few months ago i looked into JUDDD but felt i wasnt ready for another nw plan to get my head round, after much research here i am. I actually started last friday so tomorrow is my first wi, which im super excited about. So since starting i have completed ddd due to work commitments etc ddds are going to work better for me than alternating each day! I know the book says alternate each day but the thing i love about this plan is that you can personalise it to youself and see what works for you. I love the fact that if i want food tomorrow i can have it or i can do a second dd. its fab! :cool:

From tomorrow i intend to start using this diary to record everything from food im eating to weight loss. And from time to time i will stick photos on just for motivation.

So heres to success with JUDDD
Its nice to be onboard Juddders :) look forward to chatting to you all :wavey:
Megga eek! I'm bloody starving but I think it's mind over matter! Just ordered some reservation off eBay do hopefully they will be here by Monday :)
Wooooohooooooo 5lbs down in my first JUDDD week and the best thing is I don't feel like I've dieted because I've had treats on my uds woop woop 10stone here I come :)
Great result, well done you:D xx
Today's dd has turned into an ud! Well I did a dd yesterday so it's not all bad just means I'll need to do a dd over the weekend! Not tomorrow though, I have my bonfire toffee all sorted yumy
Well weekend is here! Yesterday was supposed to be a dd but turned into a up so I need to structure carefully a dd over the weekend which I may do today start at 5pm and fin at 5 tomorrow similar to like what Hannah does then going to get back to my ddds from Monday!
It's my birthday weekend next week id live be to under 12 stone currently 12.3 4lbs is a lot to ask fit though! May need to exercise too
How's it going?
Ok now that I'm back on track! Had a blip at the weekend! Too many sweets and over things so DDD then one up day secs and DDD again then birthday weekend :) I would love to see a loss even 1pound will be nice as I've been very naughty tut tut! I am mad at myself but need to get over it I'm only human and bound to fall off occasionally
No it's was more like 3 up days in a row! I did a 12hour fast on Friday which I had planned to try and do 24 hours but i was so hungry I went crazy, sat was a planned up then Sunday I was going to do an inbetween day which started off well but finished badly!
However yesterday was a successful dd and today is my second so I'm on a roll fingers crossed I find the DD''s really easy it's controlling myself on an up that's the problem
I haven't in the past, last weekend was a one off and it was only because we had the kids all weekend, we bought extra treats etc which I ended up eating! However today is my second dd and it has home brilliantly! Controlled up day tomorrow then DDD however, next week going to try proper alternating like you do! Just to mix things up abit I've ordered some resveratrol! Should be here tomorrow :)
Oooooh weigh in tomorrow and I feel bloated and hungry! I started reservatrol today, I haven't noticed any differences apart from this hunger but totm is due so perhaps it's that! It's my birthday Sunday so having the weekend off as to planned up days :) i was hoping to get into the 11s by Saturday but I don't think I will I'll weigh myself on the morning but I really don't feel like one lost much if anything! :(
Hello mrs!!! How r u? How u finding juddd? Well done on your loss! Be patient with it juddd takes a while to find the right consistency what suites you :) xxx

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Hi Hun my weights been up and down over the past few months its just so difficult with my new job! Anyhoo I'm loving JUDDD the freedom of it is perfect for me! It was my birthday last Sunday and two friends today plus a party Saturday so I've decided not to weigh this week as I know a gain will send me over the edge feeling very emotional lol!

Hope all is well with you :) xx