Slow and Steady.. winning the race

Its so tempting to weigh daily, I'm also guilty of it. I tried waiting a month before, lasted a week lol. I'm at a point (probably because of pregnancy) that I don't mind if the scales are the same or a little gain but still like to jump on them daily. it will be great when you get on them and see a 9 :) bet you cant wait, you're so close.
I really can't wait, think it'll be a few weeks as I tend to only lose a lb a week maybe 2lb when I'm 100% on plan (but I don't have any weeks where I'm likely to be 100% due to different plans) I'd be happy if I lost a lb a week now and only gained a couple after our holiday

Today has been another good day, snacked on pea's at work as someone had through them in. Thinking of having ryvita pizza's to use both my healthy extra's instead of having milk and cereal bars.
Hopefully, still dancing around 10 stone 3 at the moment.

Yes, I haven't had them in ages but really enjoyed it yesterday. I just put some tomato puree on them and then usually just top with some jalepeno's and cheese, but yesterday I had some beef that needed eating up so had thin slices of beef on it as well. They were gorgeous.

Another good day in the bag today, not had tea yet. We're having homemade turkey burgers. I won't have bread as I've completely cut it out this time around (I will have a small amount on a day I'm going slightly off plan, but don't have it as a healthy extra anymore as I prefer having my cereal bars or ryvita.) I find bread really bloats me as well and to be honest when we have burgers I don't even notice not having the bread bun (I'd rather have more veg or slimming world chips anyway) Husband is happy with that too as it means he can buy whatever rolls he fancies without worrying about it being wholemeal.

No exercise today, but considering I have worked out for the past 4 days in a row I don't think a rest day will do me too much harm. I will try and do my crunches at some point tonight though.
Thank you, I know I am lucky and I could be a lot bigger (would be if I hadn't discovered slimming world) and have been in the past. But I loved being 9 stone.

Today has been good, again just fruit and salad at work, had cheesy diet coke chicken pasta for tea and feeling full enough for now. (last nights starvation doesn't seem to have kicked in yet but I am prepared with lots of fruit and a slimming world egg custard if it does) Just so tired, I can't believe it's not Friday yet. This week has gone so slowly.

Tomorrow should be a good day too, running around quite a bit as we have to pick my son up from my mums, get him something to eat and possibly drop him off at scout camp (although my sister might be doing that bit) if we have time we're then going to the cinema. So should be easy to stay on track unless we decide to eat out but I doubt we will and we're not popcorn or cinema snack lovers. I just hope we have time to fit a good healthy tea in before we go out so we aren't tempted to grab a meal out. If we do I'll suggest coast to coast as they do a nice salmon dish with rice and fried veg. Not sure on the syns on it, as the veg will be done in oil and there will be oil on the fish and I think it comes with sour cream, but it surely must be a lot healthier than other options and when I've had it in the past it doesn't seem to cause me any issues weight wise.
I'm feeling really bloated, so not positive, but I used to always feel huge and bloated before I got weighed back when I was at group.

Not sure if we will go out, all depends on timings and how tired we are after a heavy week at work.

Good luck tomorrow for you as well then xx
Maintain... I know I shouldn't be but I'm absolutely gutted... I've been so good this week :(

Oh well, time to just move forward.

Tomorrow is the big BBQ... bought some diet ginger beers and still hoping to stick to the plan of salad and non-fatty meat with no sugary sauces. I'll be honest, I kind of don't really want to go. But it's for husbands work.
Then my mums partner has offered to buy pizza's from the take away for sons Birthday instead of buying them in, which at first I thought aghhh means I won't be able to be good at all, but actually I can order a shish kebab instead which I know isn't perfect but surely it's just the oil that is synned?
I might try and stay off the scales too, although it will be hard as I am addicted to them

good luck resisting the scales, I managed today without them :) why don't you challenge yourself to stay off them until Friday? we'll do it together? I usually wake up, have a wee and weigh myself straight away before I have a drink. today I woke up and had a big glass of water so I wouldn't weigh myself, going to try that every morning.

have a good weekend x x
Yes let's do it together :)

No weigh til' Friday!

Hopefully if nothing else it will just stop me worrying each day about my weight... I can just worry on Friday instead.

It's the day of the BBQ today... still planning on being as good as possible. Chicken with no skin has been marinating with a lime and syn free chilli sauce (Husband is calling it tequila chicken... just without the tequila) and he's on chicken duty to make sure as soon as it comes off the BBQ I get one or two pieces so I'm not stuck with all the fatty meat instead. There should be salad there, just hoping whoever brings it doesn't smother it in sauce... although even if they have I have saved some syns so salad with sauce has to be better then if I said stuff it and just ate whatever the hell I wanted surely. I will have a couple of treats but not go overboard, as again I have saved some syns.

We've had a big slimming world breakfast today and I will probably eat a bit of fruit before going as well, so hopefully I'm not going to be quite full and not want to eat much because of that anyway.

As we're not going until about 4 I'm also going to head upstairs in a minute and have a bit of a workout. Keeping focus :D
Popping by to subscribe :)
Hope you have a nice time at the BBQ.
Thank you :) workout went well. I'm going to snack on some fruit while watching a film then we're going to get ready to head to the BBQ

Watered my plants earlier and I'm starting to get a tomato on my tomato plant and my pepper is getting bigger. Can't wait until we can actually try one of them (although really hoping they don't die while we're away)

Also been looking at holidays for next year. Need to make sure I am at target for then so I can finally have a hot holiday at my lightest, happiest weight
So yesterday I was so good I can't even believe it.

I stuck with the chicken that my husband made up for me, so I had 5 pieces of that. But it was syn free, I had it with some cous cous salad.... which will have been a couple of syns as I'm sure there would have been oil in it. I then also had a slice of halloumi which was good, as other years I have had a number of slices of it, and I then had a small slice (and I mean small) of key lime pie. So not sure what syns I did have, but considering I have saved some during the week I really don't think I have gone over and it could have been so much worse. (oh I drank diet ginger beer as well) So when I got home I had a milky coffee and cereal bar as my healthy extra's.

Today should be good as well, it's my sons 9th Birthday (can't believe it, he'll be in double figures soon) but he's at cub camp so food will be completely normal until tea time. He want's a pizza party so I'm going to order a chicken shish kebab for me, so syns will be for oil, the pitta if I eat it and maybe the sauce, but I might ask for it without and put a bit of Tabasco on it at home. Then obviously I'll have a bit of Birthday cake. But I think compared to other weekends I've been having recently and compared to how bad my weekends have been in the past I'm counting this as being completely on plan (I'm sure I've saved enough syns for it. So fingers crossed for a big loss on Friday
Well done on sticking to your plan yesterday. Hope that your son has had a lovely birthday :)