slowly giving up...

Sorry to hear you're struggling.

You have done so well up to now, don't lose hope! Another 6 or 7 weeks you could be 4 stones down. That is a huge amount towards your goal.

From your pic, is that a young child of yours I see? Just think about them, how you need to be fit and active for them and doing this diet you will be. It is so much quicker on this than SW or WW and that puts me off doing them straight away.

I hope you get your motivation back, if you're running low come back on here anytime and somebody will give you a share of theirs to keep you going. Good luck, you can do this!
hey evryone thanks so much 4 ur msgs ur all great on here! i'm going to really try to get right back in2 it. its true wot u have all said, it will of been a waste of 7 weeks, think bk 2 the reasons y i did it in the first place and of course my little boy, dont get me wrong we have loads of fun together but im knackered straight away! he's nrly 2 now and growin so fast i want to be able to keep up with him!! x x