Smelly Elle's fantastic diary: Weight Loss? What Weight Loss?

How long are you on the tabs for? Taz had some probs with pain or anti-inflamatory tabs and weight gain - Hope it all sorts out x
Yes elle, a lot of pain relief meds cause weight gain love, though I do believe it's mainly water retention
Is it Jim? I hope so as I'm feeling dreadful and yukky and very very very fat. And upset. And I'm thinking about how awful im going to look in my wedding dress. Having a bit of a down time at the moment I'm afraid. :(

i dont know how long i'm on them for Gem but I have lots left to go. And every time I try to exercise in one way or another I have the most horrific pain afterwards. i thought swimming might be ok but apparently not. Grrr.

No, I'm going to Croatia!
Not Cyprus then :( I'd have opted for the golden isle myself.

For many years I had to take diclofenic for my hip and it always bloated me dreadfully elle.
Elle - that's pants. Is there anything else they can do? x
Heya, aw hun, it must be so disheartening for the tablets to be undoing all of your hard work. However, you do have almost a year until your wedding right? How long will you be on the tablets for?
Best wishes. x
Hi elle, how's it going love, I was thinking of you on Saturday, I went for a Guiness at the station and though of your friend who works there.
Elle, the woman in the bridal shop shouldn't have said that! All brides are still real people and whilst some crash diet for the big day others decide to still live in the real world!!!

Yes my tablets have weight gain listed as a side effect so I am putting in the effort JUST to maintain! It does suck big style but you have to consider your health and wellbeing first. How long do you have to take them for?
oh hon i'm sorry to hear that. and that woman in the bridal shop is wrong. i gained a stone between my final fitting and my wedding... good job my dress was lace up...

i had to take diclofenac and 30/500 cocodamol for mine. cocodamol is notorious for water retention. that's why so many people end up constipated.

what else is happening with your back honey? what are they doing with it?

abz xx
I remember that Abz - and Taz was the same with her medication and is still having problems with what she is on at the moment x
Hi folks - nice to hear from you all!

We Jim, thing is, I've not really seen much of the world apart from Cyprus see, so I thought I'd start now. It's so stunning here in Hvar, I recommend it to all of you. Last full day here though, boohoo :(

I'm not sure how long I'm on these silly tablets but I fear I may need stronger ones. To be honest, I haven't suffered much while I've been here but I've been extra tired and this morning I had dreadful spasms down my spine. Taz-looks like were doing this together!

I'm just a bit screwed in the head at the mo. Getting upset for no reason, having really bad self esteem episodes. It's getting me down a bit.

Awww hun thats probably the meds messing with your emotions. How long are you on them for?
Hang on in there Elle and if you wanna moan we're here for you x
Hi elle, how are you today love?
Heya, hope things are looking up a wee bit.
Hvar looks amazing!
Best wishes.
Hey folks. Here I am, back in the office. We're going to buy me a new chair, one that means I can hopefully sit quite comfy:D

I'm not feeling quite so dreadful as I was - I suppose all the stunning women in Hvar didn't help, all prancing round the pool in their diddy bikinis, boobs perky and up to their chins, flat washboard stomachs, not a mark or roll anywhere on their body. I am particularly bad when I spot lots of people like that. I think Chris was getting particularly annoyed that I was taking myself on a downwards spiral of destruction. He's desperate for me to love myself for who I am but I'm seriously struggling at the moment. I mean, really, do these women have ANYTHING wrong with them? Anything AT ALL?! Grrr.

So sorry for being horrid and boring folks. You're all blady awesome xxx
Hi elle, sigh He loves you for what you are elle. We all do.
Elle, if you knew these women you would probably find that they have LOTS wrong with them. People I used to think were 'lucky' or even 'perfect' turned out to have either serious personality flaws (which you most definately do NOT) or health issues or other things that make them 'human'. They wouldn't be perfect and more importantly, they aren't you!!!