Someone noticed!

Well the trousers had their final outing and were just too big this am to wear to work but the good news is that some of the size down now fit (they didn't a week ago!).
It's fantastic when clothes suddenly fit isn't it? I had that once when I went away for the weekend. I tried a dress on before I went and it was far too tight around my tummy. When I got back I tried it on again and it fitted perfectly! How does that happen?!

Congrats on getting down to that next size. I think that's a huge NSV!
It's brilliant that people are noticing MiniM! A great motivator - just DON'T get complacent. I mean that in the nicest possible way. Keep on keeping on!! :)

Never complacent! I weighed myself this morning and am the same weight I was last weigh-in, nothing lost yet! So always on my toes, keeping an eye on it. Very jealous of those of you doing the same as me yet losing weight far quicker- I know I have a medical reason for slow weight loss (PCOS, pre-diabetes) but it can be disheartening. People noticing means I'm doing something right!
Well the trousers had their final outing and were just too big this am to wear to work but the good news is that some of the size down now fit (they didn't a week ago!).

Hurrah! And good you have some trousers in the next size down, I remember scuttling off to M+S trying to hold trousers up and pushing the buggy. Complete denial that I had gone down not one, but two sizes! Mind you that was after about 3-4 months so a far more gradual change.
He he, reminds me of a friend who had lost weight and started running somewhere and her trousers fell down (literally!) in public! :D. She is now forever known as Pantsdown :).

I did wear my first pairs of trousers too long and ended up walking to the station one evening trying to keep one hand on the waistband to hoist them up as they were in danger of falling down too! :)
Lovely MiniMoosh

I am NOT wearing a bikini! I will still be 18 stone, and I dont think it's the fashion in Feb in Battersea!! In fact, I expect that whilst my tummy will shrink with the Alizonne treatments, I will still be a bit wrinkly because of my age and fatness. So I suspect I'll still be in swim suits. I do love swimming! I can't wait to get into the sea next summer. Hope the weather will be better this year.

I hope we are all hot, too!

Funny thing is that looking at photos of me at 12-14 stone in my late teens and early 20s, I can now see that I was beautiful. I don't understand why no one ever told me how very lovely I was. I think I already thought of myself as fat (even at 12 stone), and never stopped, just bought a bigger size because I was already in what was called 'Evans Outsize'' in those days.

One of my targets is to get into a lovely silk dress I bought in a second hand stall on the market at University. It was probably from the 1950s and I've kept it all these years (30 years!) cos I loved it.

BordersGirl: you so right abt trousers....I got really excited today finding a pair of Ann Harveys that have belt loops. Yea!!! Now I just need to find where I packed away my some more boxes from the storage units tomorrow.

I'm loving this board - thank you for letting me hang out with you!

Take care, y'all.

Ha Ali, I had to buy a belt when I started as none of the ones I had in the wardrobe would actually go round me!!! :eek: I can see I've lost at least 8 inches since wearing that belt judging by the start holes and the current holes :)
"I can now see that I was beautiful. I don't understand why no one ever told me how very lovely I was. I think I already thought of myself as fat (even at 12 stone), and never stopped, just bought a bigger size because I was already in what was called 'Evans Outsize'' in those days."

Sad how much we need that extra reassurance when young, no matter what size we are. I know most of you have young kids and I work with them. I try to treat all kids equally, but just occasionally I give a little bit of extra attention to the chubbies. No matter how 'pc' the world has become (no more horrors like 'Evans OUTSIZE' for example) fat people are judged before we open our mouths. Not to be patronising but I think it's important to acknowledge people wearing their pain on the outside and some of these people are still kids - totally impressionable and in need of a little bit more tlc. Yes, I'm fattist but in a good way! :)
Up till I was about 19 (so not long ago) I weighed anywhere between 12st and 14st. Looking at the pictures now I looked really good even if I was a bit overweight. But I was only overweight, not obese. Through my whole childhood my mum would constantly get at me about my weight even though she was the one feeding me, I think it's because she felt bad about her own size, so I just ate more as a comfort.

So basically I totally get the whole people not saying you look good thing.
I'm so excited.....about how people are going to notice. If not this month then next. And definitely at my mum's 85th birthday in April.

Let's keep this post going by posting when people do notice!

Love you all new Minimins friends!

Through my whole childhood my mum would constantly get at me about my weight even though she was the one feeding me, I think it's because she felt bad about her own size, so I just ate more as a comfort

That's not nice Cherry. I grew up pretty slim (about size 8-10 at age 22, weighed between 8.5 and 9 stone). I used to be more careful about what I ate when I was single. Then when I met my OH cooking for 2 always meant over cooking and over eating and I cooked and ate whether I wanted it or not because he was there. Then when I was 29 I got a job away from London and drove to work, parked in the car park next door, sat on my a**e all day and then drove home. Put on even more weight then as my exercise decreased, at least in London I was commuting and walking, dealing with tubes etc.

Then I broke my ankle badly and was immobilised pretty much for about 3 months and my weight still increased. I finally cracked and did my first VLCD in 2005 and lost stacks of weight and felt fantastic. Of course I wish I'd kept it off but I didn't, but I hope to have a better plan this time. At least I've had a practice :)
"I can now see that I was beautiful. I don't understand why no one ever told me how very lovely I was. I think I already thought of myself as fat (even at 12 stone), and never stopped, just bought a bigger size because I was already in what was called 'Evans Outsize'' in those days."

Sad how much we need that extra reassurance when young, no matter what size we are. I know most of you have young kids and I work with them. I try to treat all kids equally, but just occasionally I give a little bit of extra attention to the chubbies. No matter how 'pc' the world has become (no more horrors like 'Evans OUTSIZE' for example) fat people are judged before we open our mouths. Not to be patronising but I think it's important to acknowledge people wearing their pain on the outside and some of these people are still kids - totally impressionable and in need of a little bit more tlc. Yes, I'm fattist but in a good way! :)

I work with teens so I know exactly what you are saying Giza. I was a fat baby - my parents thought feeding me was the only way to keep me alive after my older brother's cot death. My family never made me conscious of my weight - I thought I was gorgeous; it was the other kids in school who knocked that! So I work at building the confidence of fragile teens.

And aren't they THIN in this part of the world!!! How do they do it with their huge focus on food feasts though?
Yeah, you always notice what you weigh when you go somewhere where culturally they seem to be thin. I didn't notice it in the US for obvious reasons but when I went to France at about my heaviest pre the first VLCD diet I did I really stood out and when I saw someone the same size they were generally a UK tourist! I like people who know me to notice my weight loss but mostly I just want to blend into the crowd and look normal, not the overweight one.
I hear what you say Maka, and I think Oman might be ok, but Kuwait has one of the most obese populations in the ME. In fact, BBC did a prog here on just that subject. There are some HUGELY, seriously morbidly obese people here with the werewithal to send themselves, or more scarily their young teens for surgery at local state-of-the art medical facilities. The main occupations here, after work are shopping and eating, usually both.

My problem with the subject of Alig's brilliant thread here (and I do hope we can keep it going, it is inspirational) BUT, for me personally this is when I go off-track, when people say nice things and I can see the positive changes starting to happen. Let's just say I'm now on 'high-alert' because every fibre of my being is now saying, "relax, chill, you can have that, you've done so well". I really am at my most vulnerable point now, not because I'm hungry or disillusioned but precisely because I feel brilliant, on a high and that's when it usually I'm really, really concentrating on my goal, which is Waaay off yet. I know you'll all understand - not trying to rain on anyone's parade!!! xx

PS On a more positive note, I hit 198 lbs this morning so out of the 200s for the first time, well for the first time in a long time. Had a little blubber...stay strong kiddo, stay strong!
MiniMoosh said:
Never complacent! I weighed myself this morning and am the same weight I was last weigh-in, nothing lost yet! So always on my toes, keeping an eye on it. Very jealous of those of you doing the same as me yet losing weight far quicker- I know I have a medical reason for slow weight loss (PCOS, pre-diabetes) but it can be disheartening. People noticing means I'm doing something right!

I have pcos too and now you say that I realise now why my losses the last 2 weeks are slow. Slowly but consistently is the key for us :) we can do it
Giza said:
I hear what you say Maka, and I think Oman might be ok, but Kuwait has one of the most obese populations in the ME. In fact, BBC did a prog here on just that subject. There are some HUGELY, seriously morbidly obese people here with the werewithal to send themselves, or more scarily their young teens for surgery at local state-of-the art medical facilities. The main occupations here, after work are shopping and eating, usually both.

My problem with the subject of Alig's brilliant thread here (and I do hope we can keep it going, it is inspirational) BUT, for me personally this is when I go off-track, when people say nice things and I can see the positive changes starting to happen. Let's just say I'm now on 'high-alert' because every fibre of my being is now saying, "relax, chill, you can have that, you've done so well". I really am at my most vulnerable point now, not because I'm hungry or disillusioned but precisely because I feel brilliant, on a high and that's when it usually I'm really, really concentrating on my goal, which is Waaay off yet. I know you'll all understand - not trying to rain on anyone's parade!!! xx

PS On a more positive note, I hit 198 lbs this morning so out of the 200s for the first time, well for the first time in a long time. Had a little blubber...stay strong kiddo, stay strong!

Oh Giza , I know exactly what u feel!i am d exaaaaact same.this week I have been overloaded with compliments and nice comments,I've been on such a high!abd that's where i've failed the last time!i still have 4 st to go and for some reason,even tho I was 100% all week I haven't lost anything for the past 5 days!!!
I am not going too crazy as i know it'll go down eventually.

We'll all get the in the end!!!:)
I'm sure you will be mega hot - I bet you already are! Well done on being noticed. I hope my dad notices when I see him at the end of Feb as he told me the other day on Skype I looked huge - nice lol! :-D
Oh no I hate that, my dad does the same well he says things like 'people like you can't go in shops with your sisters' stuff that hurts but is true, no way I could buy anything in topshop!
But moosh, you will be in Top Shop before you know it and wearing it by the time you go and visit your family!