Total Solution South Pacific

I’m disappointed with the snow. It’s snowed alllll day yet there’s still only a couple of cm. looks like it will continue overnight too, only to be destroyed by rain Sunday lunchtim.
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I’m disappointed with the snow. It’s snowed alllll day yet three still on a couple of cm. looks like it will continue overnight too, only to be destroyed by rain Sunday lunchtim.
It's 5.30 am and I'm up looking at the garden that is covered in snow. Got one of my twin grandsons here guess we will get the sleigh out and there's more to come.


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Morning. Was a winter wonderland when I went to bed, but in its way out now. Shame. Stomping around in good snow is fun, but trudging in slush not so appealing!
Well done Darcy. Sunday is a great day to feel content with your hard work - you deserve it.

Had the granola pack for breakfast and planning shakes for the rest of today. Weigh-in tomorrow, and I’m expecting 3lbs loss, no more and no less. In fact I’m demanding 3lbs a week every week for the next six weeks too :) I don’t think I can lose more than that now, following the earlier bursts, and 3lbs regular (or 2lbs then 4lbs say) seems backed up by the other 100% diaries I’ve read. Of course most of the day I actually weigh more and feel like a big balloon of liquid, thanks to the four litres of water..!
Snowed more overnight so don’t think I’ll be going far today I need to get going on the exercise bike again :classic_smile:

I’m going to stay with friends in a few weeks time, and must admit I’m worried about gaining weight. They are both good cooks, and everything is home made.......and as they are both normal weights I should be fine if I just follow their lead, but I’m still worried about eating and so determined not to undo the work I’ve done.

I’ve got a cruise booked for next January, to South America........and I’m just desperate to be at goal weight by then :classic_err_what:
Why don't you have a food week at your friends' place? Would allow you to continue losing while still being sociable over the evening meal.

You're all much, much nicer than me. I'm staying with some family for a few days soon, and have no intention of changing my plan whatsoever! Didn't even consider it, hahahaha.
Why don't you have a food week at your friends' place? Would allow you to continue losing while still being sociable over the evening meal.

You're all much, much nicer than me. I'm staying with some family for a few days soon, and have no intention of changing my plan whatsoever! Didn't even consider it, hahahaha.

Think that’s what I’ll do.....make it a food week 😊

If it was family I would just take packs......but I think that would feel really awkward at my friends, and just not be practical

So many social events involve food, so I need to learn to incorporate that into a normal life post VLCD........hopefully the week away will be a good experience of that 😊
Yes I am a v. bad example. I have definitely become somewhat of a hermit since I started dieting on New Year's Day, deciding to just 'get it done'. I am working longer hours than usual too, because, well why not. Although this has meant rapid progress towards my goal, I would be the first to admit that it's very, very dull. I'm basically just consuming time rather than carbs and calories, until I get to a happier place in May. I've realised this of late though, and have planned some outdoor type activities - walking, hiking, camping, gardening etc... - with others; largely just to keep some contact without it being at the pub!
Looks like I’ve been lucky with the weather Les........snow has all gone and it’s sunny today 😀

........pretty chilly though!!

Glad I’ve finished the spring clean, as my younger brother and his wife are coming to see me on Friday. Will be nice to see them and catch up ☺️

If I’m brave enough I’ll try and tidy up the garden’s all patio and some pots, so it’s just a matter of some weed pulling and cleaning up the garden furniture rather than serious gardening

.......might be too cold though, so I’ll see how I feel

Diet wise there is nothing much to say as things are thankfully routine now, with my only decisions being what 3 packs to have each evening. After doing a big sort out of the packs I have now used up all the seriously out of date ones, and have the rest nicely sorted out in one box........albeit a large box, as I have enough packs for several more months yet!
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I admire u for managing to stay on three packets. I can just about manage 4. I did weigh in thismorning and I was 2lb lighter so I was happy with that.
The sun has been shinning and a little of our snowmen have disappeared but I've made them back up again as the snow is still in places around the garden.

Have a good day x
To be honest Les, I don't suppose what you are doing is any easier at all, so you should admire yourself too. I had a fourth pack one day after a day walking in the snow because I was light-headed and felt like I needed it and quickly. I'd do it again too. But all it did was bring me back to normal, it didn't make the day easier than usual. Although four packs will be psychologically nicer, and I guess you get another 200KCals or so, I reckon you are feeling the diet every bit as much as I am on three packs.