Spangly's tough love slim and save bootcamp!

Right I messed around enough in 2013 after a successful weight loss from October 2012 to March 2013. I have put on far too much weight to mention, am disgusted and ashamed of myself but I am here reporting for 100% duty, I have done it 100% before and I am not going to fail. The discomfort I am feeling at this size and the shame of having to buy bigger clothes is awful. So Day 1 of 2014 is my new start, forget the fail of the last half of 2013 and concentrate on new beginnings. Anyone with me?

Here with you!

Good luck

M x
Thank you, good luck with your weight loss too, let's support each other x
I'll be with you next week, skinnygirl. I'm starting Cambridge next week. Will be great to all support each other xx
Thanks, clinquant. I met my Cambridge consultant yesterday, who is lovely, and got weighed. Oh dear! I'd kind of guessed my weight and I was pretty much spot on. At least I'm not quite back at my heaviest, though it's no wonder I'm breathless and feel tired all the time. Crikey!

I start Thursday as I have a work meal on Weds. I'm not worrying about the training course meal on the 24th. I'll take a bar or a ready-made shake or something.

Well done for facing the scales. That's the worst bit IMO. I just restarted after Xmas break of 10 days and 8lb gain is almost gone. I'd created a whole drama about the restart but it's been quite straightforward. As you know I'd regained everything in September and felt awful but the shock really galvanised me.

Good luck on Thursday - a good day to start so day 3 hits at the weekend - we have your back.
Thanks, clinquant. I met my Cambridge consultant yesterday, who is lovely, and got weighed. Oh dear! I'd kind of guessed my weight and I was pretty much spot on. At least I'm not quite back at my heaviest, though it's no wonder I'm breathless and feel tired all the time. Crikey!

I start Thursday as I have a work meal on Weds. I'm not worrying about the training course meal on the 24th. I'll take a bar or a ready-made shake or something.


Good luck, well done for facing the scales that really is hard to do. I think I might look into Cambridge diet I know nothing about it? I have started a job and it involves a fair amount of lifting and I really need to get this weight off and fit again. Are you SW of London? Wondering if you are near me?
Are you London-based too? I'm a bit south of London itself. Will PM you my location. Cambridge is a vlcd. It's one of the first ones in fact and has been around for years. They were a bit dated but have rebranded ;-) I haven't started yet properly (tomorrow!) But I like the variety of packs available and the face to face weighing (helps keep me accountable) and the fact there are a range of steps so you feel you're in control. Worth looking into I think. (No I'm not on commission!) Sent from my HTC One using mobile app
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Struggling emotionally today. It's my sister's birthday today and she would have been 49. This year it will be 30 years since she died. Instead of putting on a brave face or trying to squash my emotions I've just been to the work loos and had a proper cry. Red-faced now but feel better. This is progress for me - actually feeling stuff!!! It's so sad. I still miss her. Been doing a lot of psychological work on myself since doing LL - have never stopped really, despite starting to comfort eat again - and have realised so clearly that for me, she was the mum I never had. My biological mother has narcissistic personality disorder (I've only just discovered what that is and it's a relief to know her weirdness has a name) and has never been warm or caring towards me and probably never will be.

Some examples? (I have HUNDREDS of these)

I stood on a rusty tent peg in the garden when I was about eight and slashed my foot open. She slapped me for being so stupid and told me I'd probably get lockjaw, but didn't get me any medical help.

After the very traumatic birth of my first child I was readmitted to hospital with haemorrhaging and double incontinence, and once the doctor arrived, after waiting hours in A&E, the first thing she did was demand of him whether she would be able to claim on her insurance for the holiday she was missing because of me.

She spilled a cup of hot tea in a cafe and it accidentally splashed all up my younger daughter's leg (when she was an infant). She sat there as if nothing had happened while I begged her to ask someone for cold water and tried to strip my daughter's tights off her scalded leg. She ignored me, so I had to carry my screaming daughter to the kitchen, where a kind lady found me ice.


My sister was so kind and supportive and emotionally available. When she died, I lost my mum, kind-of.

This is so sad. But also healing in a way. No wonder I'm a bundle of neuroses and insecurities as well as being a perfectionist and overachiever lol.

Feel rubbish about myself today though - am huge. Ugh. Anyway... tomorrow is the big day I start Cambridge, so hopefully this is the last time I will be feeling so big and heavy and clumsy and ponderous.
Sorry if that was massively oversharing, but it really helps me to write it down.
Hi Spangly. Reading this makes me so sad. It must have been so hard. My heart goes out to you. And yes such horrific events will have an impact on you but you are dealing with it.
What happened to me a year and a half ago made me completely shut myself off from anyone and anything. It took me a long time to be able to talk about it and process it.
Be kind to yourself. Keep the positive memories of your sister in your heart and try to celebrate her birthday by keeping her kindness and love close to your heart. I don't know if you're religious but if you are I'm sure she's still with you looking out for you and cheering you on.
You're amazing.

M x
As M says, honour those really positive memories today. Well done on the proper cry - that's hard to do if you are not used to it - so give yourself credit. Those are terrible things to have happened - if we haven't been looked after properly it makes it so much harder to look after and be kind to ourselves. I'm sure your family and friends wouldn't use those negative words to describe you so tomorrow take a moment to think of all the positive things that you are and use that as a springboard to make the changes you want to make with your fresh start with Cambridge.

And apparently it's only oversharing if it's with people who haven't earned and don't deserve your trust. I hope in some way that those of us on here have done that.

Huge good luck for tomorrow and kind thoughts for getting through the difficult day today.
Thanks for your kind words, both of you. Means a lot to me to feel able to start processing and sharing these things x

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Thanks, Hun! I've just finished day two and so far feeling pretty good. How are you getting on?
How are you doing?
First weigh in on Cambridge last night: I lost 12lb!!!!

How are you doing?
Brilliant that is brilliant well done. I am trying a new plan in my life and not doing weekly weigh ins we will see at the end of the month. I have never done it this way before but I get far to fixated on the scales and I needed to try a new approach. I am struggling to stay focussed but I must at least try it this way for January.