SSing til goal??


Full Member
Hi everyone,

Hope you are having a good Friday.

I've just been reading through my CD book and was wondering whether you will do Sole Source until you reach goal or begin the other steps earlier on to build up to maintenance??

I am 9 lbs from goal and started the 1000 plan yesterday. I have gone up the plans when my body has told me to, simply because of the amount of exercise I do. I need the energy the small amount of carbs give me to weight train, run and do spin classes without feeling ill which I began to feel on SS then 790.

I also miss my personal training sessions and will resume them in a couple of weeks. I love the buzz they give me and miss my hunky trainer. :D
Hi, I'm waiting till goal so another ten pounds. I did initially think maybe bmi 25 plus one stone but then I think that I'll be at goal in time for my next aamw and progress just like that.
ricepop, i was going to ss until goal (a long wat away) but my cdc said she gonna let me do aam week because she thinks i should be losing more and thinks this might help me :)

I've got a stone to go (lost 3 stone in 8 weeks on SS) and I'm going to start back up the plans.
I want to begin excersising but on SS I go dizzy just getting out of the bath !!

Hi i was just thinking about this myself today, i think i'm going to ss till goal with aam every 5th week.