Started two weeks ago, and fed up - help!


Hiya people, I just joined. I feel totally down. I weight 17 stone and am 5ft 5. I was 18 stone once, and got down to 16 on Atkins, and managed easily to regain the stone once I started eating carbs.

I've flirted with Atkins on and off, mainly for maintenance of the 17 :(

I started two weeks ago today with an app on my phone to count calories. I've been really good, and only eaten 1200 per day. I had one Saturday when I hit the wine big time ( wine was probably my greatest problem - two bottles per night and more at weekends).

Anyways, in the last two weeks I've cut from two bottles a night, to one glass a night - mostly. Some none, and once 2, other than last Saturday.

Guess what I have lost?

Not a single llb :cry::cry::cry:

I don't want to go back to Atkins, as it is so limiting, but am wondering if my body has got so used to no carbs, I will find it hard to diet normally?

Also, I was riding my bike 8 miles twice a week, but have an injury which needs surgery, so can't do that, or anything strenuous for now :cry::cry::cry:

Please tell me that sometimes you don't lose in three weeks and then lose loads?!?!
Are you counting all your calories accurately and counting everything you eat and drink? It's easy to lose track of a biscuit here and there.

If you are perhaps you're actually eating too few calories? What does the app ( is it mfp?) suggest you should be eating? I'm only asking because I'm lighter than you, only by a stone, and to lose 2lbs a week i should be eating 1360 cals a day.
mousey, are you able to exercise at all without aggravating your injury? Swimming or Walking, something like that? I reckon that might make a difference if you can.
Try upping your cals to 1300 and reducing your carb intake? Steer well clear of bread and pasta for a few days and just have porridge brown rice and new pots. I find bread and pasta really bloat me :( and i can gain several pounds over night if i eat too much, also make sure your drinking PLENTY of water and try if you can to have a few nights each week that are wine free. maybe just drink at weekends and WI on a fri before you have any? That way you have a good few days for any water retention from the wine to clear off before you face the scales.
I'm surprised your only on 1200 as I'm the same height as you and when I was at the same weight was allowed at least 200 more cals.

Maybe check the settings on mfp, make sure you've got all your info in correctly. Not sure what else to suggest, sorry.
thanks again for your reply. I checked my settings, and have my activity level as sedentary. I work in an office, so that might be it?!
I can totally understand your frustration with sticking to the diet 100% and not losing. Hopefully things will work out better this week, make sure you drink plenty water- its true the more you drink the more you shrink! At least 2ltrs a day.

Let us know how you get on.
I just read about BMR so checked that. I would only need 1700 if I lay in bed all day. So thinking about it the Sat night wine spree probably took me off the lose 2lb by cutting 500 cals, and may'be I will lose 1lb this week. I hope so!
MFP puts a lot of people on 1200 and for many it's too low (just read the forums there).

You need to multiply your BMR by a factor based on your activity level (1.2 for sedentary) to get your daily calorie need and then subtract your 500 from that number which gives you a daily goal of around 1500 if your BMR is 1700.

And make sure you track the wine so you can see the effect on your calories for the week.

Good luck! :)
you haven't said - but you must calorie count the wine, and that means checking the size of your wineglasses too. seriously, booze contains a depressing amount of calories.
thank you all for the replies. I did a bmr check online, and they also get me to needing 1200, from 1700-500. I have logged all wine, I buy the one glass bottles and scan the labels. Ive not been watching what I eat other than it is under the daily amount, so today have kicked off making sure most of my cals come from lean meat and veggies. No bread, and I pretty much never eat potatoes, rice or pasta anyway. I was having 2 toast breaky, 2 bread sarnie for lunch though, so that may well be it. Thanks again everyone, its encouraging :)
Hope you are feeling more positive now!! Im the same height and starting weight and I dont think I could cope on 1200 cals!!LOL
Carbs are fine if you stick to the good stuff (wholewheat pasta, brown rice, etc) and make sure you measure out a correct portion size. Exercise is good too!! I have bad joint and cant do alot at this weight so am walking my dogs twice a day which is keeping my metabolism nicely revved up! (and the more I do the further and faster I want to go!!).