Starting at 28 stone n 2lbs on sw....

Hi Deb

I'm not on SW, I'm doing a meal replacement diet - Exante. But I saw your thread and wanted to follow your progress as I too have over 11 stone to lose. My start weight was 23st 10lb and have lost 22lb so far. My OHs brother used to be 30 stones and lost 16 stones with SW! I tried it but found I lost a couple of stones but then ground to a halt. Meal replacement diet is out of desperation - but I am finding it easy so far.

Can you update your profile and signature so I can follow your progress as find it really motivating when someone with a similar amount to lose is doing so well.

Good luck with your journey xx

Hi!! Welcome :) yeah I think its great to link up with people in a similar position :) I will update my stats not sure how to do it on my phone app but I will do it on the comp.
Look forward to getting to know u xx
ahh I know this feeling. I made chocolate orange, triple chocolate flake and caramel chocolate rolo cupcakes for my daughters teachers last week. It almost killed me lol x

Hiya :) cup cakes are a killer lol but they were delish lol!! I do have a diary but I keep forgetting to write in it. Look forward to getting to know u better xx
Hi Deb - I'm not on SW anymore but when I was i loved it. I stopped due to the girl who ran the class left and the lady who took over I just couldn't get a long with she was about 9stone and I always got the feeling she was looking down her nose at some of us in the group. Good luck on your journey Hun x x x
Hi Deb - I'm not on SW anymore but when I was i loved it. I stopped due to the girl who ran the class left and the lady who took over I just couldn't get a long with she was about 9stone and I always got the feeling she was looking down her nose at some of us in the group. Good luck on your journey Hun x x x

Hi Dizzie, just wanted to say WOW! what an amazing weight loss... incredible. Well done to you.

I am doing Exante and have lost 25lb in 28 days (start weight 23st 10lb), so it could work well for you. I haven't been hungry at all, it's been a lot easier than I imagined it would be.

Good luck with the next part of your journey Dizzie.

Aha found ya diary lol, we seem to cross post on many diaries and wondered if you had one, your doing amazingly well I started off quite close to your starting weight and am now challenging to break through out of the twenties by september first soooo it works whoohoo lol xx
Well done. Omg you are doing so well. I cant wait to break 20 stone :) will be a while!! But I will get there I think 24 stone is my first goal :D xx
Very bad day. Having problems in my relationship not sure if I will be single by the end of the week or not!!! I am not going to eat my way through it which is exactly what I would have done in the past :( I have been called some horrible names, I didnt tell him I started smoking again as I got a very bad reaction when I told him I had 1 cigarette. This constitutes me being a malicious lying cow, disgusting and lots of other horrible things. I am so angry just now but I am not going to turn to chocolate x
No dont grab the rubbish lovely come n shout on here instead one of us is always around, sorry to hear things arent going well at home theres nothing like a crappy relationship to bring you down .. Would you want to be single at the end of the week? at the end of the day you smoking really is your option whether your fella is thinking of your health etc is no reason to call you names and abuse you, your both adults after all, shout if you need to natter xx
I am so angry!! I have not reached for the junk but havent eaten much today at all. Xx
Hope tomorrow is a little more smiley for you Debs x
It doesnt look like it will be tbh! But hey ho! Xz
Hey all thought I would explain gurther whats going on. When my partner met mw we were both smokers. He chose to stop in October last year. He pushed and pushed me until I stopped in Dec. I have gained almost 5 stone since then, I had a cigarette one day a few months ago and he was livid and said horrible things. He went out for a drink one night and got very drunk ending up getting arrrsted foe being so drunk. I didnt go mental!!!!

So I started smoking again as I put on so much weigh I didnt tell him do to the agro it had caused last time (im 31 btw) he found out and has decided im a decitful malicious cow and has said I only talk putrid lies etc wtc and he has added up in his head I am cheating on him. I would never do that to anyone I know how it feels to be on the recieveing end he has been horrible to me to the point he doesnt know if he wants to be with me. Is not talking which is fine by me I cant be arsed with it and no one is allowed to speak to me like that!!! Im not going to allow him to ruin me my cheating ex's almost did. I wont go there again and I will not reach for the junk food. Xx
I wonder if he felt more secure with you being bigger and perhaps hes not liking the fact your in control of your life and changing for the better without his input, I know this happened to me over and over again with my eldest 2's dad I was with him from 15 a size 14 at age 15 and left there 27 stone at the age of 30 everytime I tried to diet and lost a few stone he caused a row weekly just before w/w so I wouldnt go then pack it in but you do tend to grow immune to being massively overweight in the end when life at home becomes easier because its stagnant non changing, Plus theres nothing worse than a newly non smoker to give grief to smokers!!!

Be strong lovely he may calm down throwing strops is easy forgetting words hes said isnt, his insecurities seem to be underlying thinking your cheating etc so I guess its a case of riding it out if you really want to or go the "right pack it in and grow up im 31 and can do exactly as I please route" I know your in a fab frame of mind at the moment so will make the right choice for you xx
Be strong Hun x x I gave up smoking once and gained weight so I started smoking again. I'm going though some stuff with my partner where he is worried that when I lose weight other men will look at me. And that upset me a little has I felt like my partner " who I love deeply " was saying no guy looked at me while I was big. I'm glad your strong and I'm glad your in control of everything. I do hope things work out hun x x
Hope everythings ok Debs xxx
Hey Debs sounds like you're going through a really tough time. Hope you're ok, stay strong xxxx
Hiya thanks everyone. Diet wise had a good week. Made the scotch eggs, diet coke chicken, chicken tikka masala. I have a quiche in the oven for the work over the weekend.

Things are slowly improving with my other half!! We are at least now civil.

I have been swimming twice this week as well :) xxx
Thank goodness for that must be a huge relief and food sounds fab too wish I was brave enough to go swimming ! I'm hoping to do a bit of toning on my bike so maybe brave enough to go in Sept when kids r back in school cos I love it x
I dont care what anyone thinks haha. Was very aware of a few comments mostly from kids however I learned a glare when I was doing teacher training lol. Also I stuck out my tounge lol.

Other half is still sulking but he its civil. Im still walking on egg shells but he will just have to get a grip tbh xx
I love the grown up approach ! Lol

Good I'm glad and your right its his problem he got to sort it out have a nice weekend x