starting today


Full Member
Well here goes, I'm bloody determined to lose this weight once and for all. I'm so sick of feeling short of breath and sweating constantly with very little exertion. I've joined a gym too, my membership starts in two weeks so I plan to get fit too. Basically I'm going for a totally body transformation between now and Christmas, and I have my husband's 40th birthday party just after christmas and I'd love to be wearing a nice dress by then. I'm planning to do a combination of TS & WS but mostly TS. Wish me luck :)
Hello! Similar stats to me - I have lost a few pounds this week, cutting down a bit but am just starting exante today... My goal weight is written as 10st 7lb but eventually I would like to get to under 10st... Goooooood Luck! :) x x x x
Hiya, ideally I'd like to get to under 10, but I'm happy getting to 10 and a half with exante, I can always lose the rest by running (I'll be so fit ha ha). I'm impatient though, I can't believe I let myself get this big, but every few pounds down will help I guess.
I feel the same - just added my picture - that was a shock photo - looking in mirrors you can always change the angle a bit and think... I actually look ok - and then you see a photo and think... am i really that big? when did that happen? I thought id put that photo up rather than one I feel ok in as it will be a good reminder of why I need to stay on track! xxx