Struggling near target...join us for encouragment

Well done sleepybird :) Andju thats a great idea. I will report back tomorrow on my weight loss but this morning I was in the 10s:clap: Hope everyone has a good day x
Arghh, my CDC is late and I am starving... and impatient to to know if I have lost anything. (My scales are useless so I can't trust them). Trip, you are a STAR and an inspiration!!! The 10s.... WOOOOO!!!!

Thanks Crazy!!! My CDC wasn't late, I had got the time wrong. She came dead on time and I have lost FIVE POUNDS!!! I am soooo happy I have been dancing around the room. OMG!!!! I am so excited, for the first time EVER it feels like I will be able to get to target. Only 4lbs to go! I can do that!!!! This thread has been so brilliant and pulled me back on track, big hugs to every one of you, for helping me to stay on that wagon.
Will update list with my new target for next week, 2lbs this time, don't think 5lbs can happen every week!!!


Triple Trouble - 2.5lbs (37 lost, 11 to go)
Barnsie - 2lbs (91 lost, 20 to go)
Katycakes - 2lbs (49 lost, 4 to go)
wannadrop - 3lbs (38 lost, 17 to go)
Minz - 2lbs (48 lost, 7 to go)
Sleepy - 2lbs (26 lost, 2 to go)
Trisha - 2lbs (42 lost, 10 to go)
ZoBo - 2lbs (28.2lbs lost, 4 to go)
Night-owl - 2lbs (64 lost, 14 to go)
Andju - 2lbs (72lb lost, 11 to go)
Sizzlingjo - 2lbs (68 lost, 10 to go)
Gemma- 2lbs ( ?? lost, 16 to go)
Well done katycakes that is amazing did you say you are on the 810? On average what are your losses on the 810? I had my weigh in today i stuck 100% ss all week and lost 3lbs im pleased with that just a little worried cos i am doing ss+ this week and my losses have been a consistant 3lb a week lately on ss i dont want to start loosing a lb a week not that there is anything wrong with that its just money is tight right now and i really need to get this last stone off as quickly as possible. Good idea about getting rid of all the old clothes i really must do that im gonna keep one pair of trousers though i just love to get into them every once in a while to give me a little boost and remind me i can never go back to that!!
Fantastic Katycakes 5lb is great, glad you are on here as we can all follow (or hope to.)The cake must have restarted you metabolism;) x
Barnsie, hard to say what my losses have been like on 810... lets just say 5lb is not average! I have been doing 810 since the start of Feb, after two and a half months of SS. In that time I have lost a stone, so am averaging maybe 5 or 6lb a month? But the way it goes for me is that I sts some weeks, then drop maybe 1lb, then suddenly drop more - twice I have had weeks of 5lb loss after ages staying more of less static.

I think it is partly my body adjusting and re-setting metabolism, and partly that some weeks I have not been 100% 810 although I do try to stick as closely as I can. I suspect that my cals have been nearer to 1000 cals some days/weeks. I have found it hard to stay focused, it has felt like a long slog, but now the end is in sight... I hope!!!

For me I chose to stay on 810 as I wanted to work with food in the picture, as food is a big challenge for me. So these 2+ months on 810 have been a great learning curve and have helped hugely in that way, re-setting patterns etc.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do Barnsie... you can do it!

Meant to say Barnsie, well done on the 3lb!!! Yay!!!

Trip, thanks... lol to the cake kick starting my metabolism! Must do that more often!!!

Thanks katycakes info very helpful im looking forward to introducing food but scared at the same time if you know what i mean i am finally at a place where i accept my body i actually dont mind it :p i got into the bath this evening nd i thought to myself my goodness i used to not fit properly in this bath my legs used to touch the sides and it was rather uncomfortable and when i got out the towel now fits i dont have a huge gap at the side where the material doesnt meet! All little things but they are the things that keep us going good luck to all those not yet weighed in x
I know, I felt that too. Little things but god, how they chipped away at the confidence! And now that they have changed it's like a weight has lifted - sorry, not trying to be cheesy there, but it's not just the physical body weight for me but the weight on your shoulders of shame (in my case, anyway, for binge-eating) low self-esteem, guilt, sense of failure, etc. That's the BEST bit to have shed!!!!

You are a real inspiration Barnsie and have come so far... please don't be scared of food. It's a slightly different journey on 810, harder for me in some ways, but more useful in that it has so much to teach me. You can do it honey. Big hugs.

It's great to hear how well you all seem to be doing this almost afraid to show my face as I've had such a tough week in work (late nights/early mornings) and it's messed up my routine so I know I've STS and not lost the 2lbs I was hoping to this week:break_diet:

I just can't seem to focus on it with all the other stuff going on.....feeling quite down in general at the mo. Will keep trying though.....down (bar 'weight' :() but not out.

Keep up the great work! ;)
Minz, don't be scared, you KNOW we are here for you. Always, good weeks or bad. I have had sooo many weeks like that one, & last week knew I had sts so opted not to WI... I did get myself back on track and got a big (for me) loss this week. It's like that for me, weeks & weeks of sts or one or half-pound losses, then a bigger loss. But the sts weeks do grind you down a bit.

And when life isn't going according to plan, I too find it very hard to stay 100% at 810... I sneak all kinds of extras in and kid myself they won't make a difference. But the way I see it is, that is all a learning process, a re-education about food. So try and see it as a learning curve rather than a 'bad' week. This thread came at exactly the right time for me, as I was trying hard to pull back into 'proper' 810, and it has kept me (mostly) on track. But it could have gone the other way (it has done for the last few weeks definitely) and then I think I'd have needed this thread even MORE. It's when I feel alone that I feel most vulnerable. With minis and this thread of others who know how great/infuriating it can be to be getting close to goal but not-quite-there, I don't feel so isolated.

Long winded this morning honey, but you are NOT alone, we do understand. If you ever need to talk, just ping me a PM. And big hugs.

Thanks Katycakes - I'm just going through a bit of a rough patch.....recent split with ex (after 3.5 years), work redundancies and the big impact it's having on those of us lucky to have survived, family health issues etc.......and hate making excuses......but this thread is helping, maybe a bit slower than others LOL, but I'll get my mojo back. Ta x
You will honey. Think you're doing really well to keep hold of things with all of that going on, no, it's not excuses, just that so much of your time/energy/thought has to be directed to those areas, leaving less for CD. I think you need to be kind to yourself and give yourself credit for how well you are doing and for hanging on now when some would jump off the wagon and run for the hills.

Not you. If you've slipped, so what, we'll give you a hand back up onto that wagon and a seat beside us... and if you try to jump off again we'll pull you back. Hugs. You can do it.

sorry to hear you've had a tough week Minz, but hang on in there.

I don't think I'll do that well at wi, you know about the jelly babies etc, plus it will be totm, but I'm going to hang on, and try to stay on track.
Good luck honey... you might be pleasantly surprised!

(((hugs))) Minz, look how far you have come your loss is amazing and we all have off weeks x
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Just updated the stats as Ive lost 3lb yay!:D I know this sounds really strange but I am having trouble coming out of Ketosis!! After a hospital appointment I thought right I'm not far off target so will come out of Keto and work up the plans. For 2 days I've been eating more and still in it! Yesterday I had 3 1/2 diets (1 1/2 of them bars) my 200 calorie meal, bowl of shredded wheat, 3 baby bels a chunk of cheese and 3 mini chocolate eggs. I tested this morning and was dark pink.:confused: I must have had 1000 calories at least. I don't want to start eating bread incase my weight goes the other way so have brought some crackers to introduce tonight. Its typical I come out of keto when I don't want to and can't get out when I do LOL.
Anyway hoping for 2lbs again next week so thats my pledge x

Triple Trouble - 2lbs (41 lost, 7 to go)
Barnsie - 2lbs (91 lost, 20 to go)
Katycakes - 2lbs (49 lost, 4 to go)
wannadrop - 3lbs (38 lost, 17 to go)
Minz - 2lbs (48 lost, 7 to go)
Sleepy - 2lbs (26 lost, 2 to go)
Trisha - 2lbs (42 lost, 10 to go)
ZoBo - 2lbs (28.2lbs lost, 4 to go)
Night-owl - 2lbs (64 lost, 14 to go)
Andju - 2lbs (72lb lost, 11 to go)
Sizzlingjo - 2lbs (68 lost, 10 to go)
Gemma- 2lbs ( ?? lost, 16 to go)