SugarPlum (24st) to TinkerBell (12st)

JackieN said:
now this is really really interesting.

I read up of this a while ago and found in some it made people eat more/crave sweet things so I stopped buying it... then....

yesterday as Gary off I had coke and again today, a couple of glasses of diet both days. What happened both days?

I ate choccie :eek:

Now the weird thing was that the slimpods seemed to be making me fight it :giggle: it was like I was arguing with myself in my head, no I don't want it, yes you do :giggle: I gave in and had two mini packets of choccie buttons.

Tonight I was worse :cry: I've munched a few of the mini bags :cry: okay could have been worse could have been big bags but I was like a woman possessed :eek:

It is very very very odd I've had diet drink both days....

I would definately like to know what other think too Jackie...

I was just like you! I literally have had to bite my nails to stop binging on Chocolate or anything Bad I could get my hands on!

I found Sunday & Monday to be Hell, I could have ate my own body weight on Chocolate!!

Not had any fizzy stuff since Sunday and I am not craving bad things today.

Strange isn't it?!!

Hope your ok Hun? Xxx
I did alot of research a fewmonths ago into artificial sweetners. I didn't like what I read. Part of it was that it made people eat more or crave sweet stuff. So I now only buy ribena, or high juice for the kids. I have the odd glass of high juice (some contain sweetner by the way so I check ingredients each time) with fizzy water but I just have two coffees plus water rest of day now.

So as much as is possible sweetner is no longer in our diet other than the odd muller light or 0% activia which I believe contain it but not in such large quantities

Well in a way I had an overload of it, in comparison to normal :eek: ie snack a jacks caramel and diet drink. So I am now wondering if there is a connection?

So I am back to avoiding to see if it helps. I wanted to fight it and failed miserably because it was sooooooooooooo awful. I was so fighting it in my head and think the slimpods were doing this too. ie making me know it was a no no, but I was still fighting it. Like a woman possessed :eek: there has to be something in this.... I then came on here to catch up, clicked on your diary read through etc and got to the last post and was gobsmacked, as it was all about this....
JackieN said:
I did alot of research a fewmonths ago into artificial sweetners. I didn't like what I read. Part of it was that it made people eat more or crave sweet stuff. So I now only buy ribena, or high juice for the kids. I have the odd glass of high juice (some contain sweetner by the way so I check ingredients each time) with fizzy water but I just have two coffees plus water rest of day now.

So as much as is possible sweetner is no longer in our diet other than the odd muller light or 0% activia which I believe contain it but not in such large quantities

Well in a way I had an overload of it, in comparison to normal :eek: ie snack a jacks caramel and diet drink. So I am now wondering if there is a connection?

So I am back to avoiding to see if it helps. I wanted to fight it and failed miserably because it was sooooooooooooo awful. I was so fighting it in my head and think the slimpods were doing this too. ie making me know it was a no no, but I was still fighting it. Like a woman possessed :eek: there has to be something in this.... I then came on here to catch up, clicked on your diary read through etc and got to the last post and was gobsmacked, as it was all about this....

I think you could be right.. I certainly won't be drinking fizzy / Diet pop for a while!

I will stick to my water and Green Tea... With the occasional coffee :) xx
I think you could be right.. I certainly won't be drinking fizzy / Diet pop for a while!

I will stick to my water and Green Tea... With the occasional coffee :) xx

snap - I am wondering if because I go out of my way not to have it I am now oversensitive to it? Also as I say the snack ajacks have it in them too :( Its been a horrid feeling. x
Just catching up, before I drag my self out of bed. I have had no problem wanting chocolate since I started back in August, other than this week. I drink two big bottles of diet coke over the weekend, in an attempt to stop me drinking too much wine. Monday I was practically hallucinating about crunchies, I could taste the honeycomb , oh no am off again, need a lemon to suck !
Bron said:
Just catching up, before I drag my self out of bed. I have had no problem wanting chocolate since I started back in August, other than this week. I drink two big bottles of diet coke over the weekend, in an attempt to stop me drinking too much wine. Monday I was practically hallucinating about crunchies, I could taste the honeycomb , oh no am off again, need a lemon to suck !

It must be the diet Fizzy stuff that triggers something in your brain! I was exactly the same... I was dreaming about chocolate!! Lol
2 more get ups till weekend!!! :)

Red Day for me today...

Breakfast - banana & Muller Light

Snack - piece of fruit

Lunch - 6 ryvita (hexB) & 3 sins, Makeral & cucumber

Snack - Fruit

Dinner - chicken breast stuffed with Philly (HexA), wrapped in bacon. Celeriac mash, carrots and peas (HexB)

Loads of water and Green Tea.

Only 3 sins used but if I have been hungry when get home, I have been having 2 ryvita with a bit of jam on! (5 sins)
Morning sweetie,
:argh: don't even mention those fizzy drinks and all that aspartame, I avoid it like the plague, it makes me want to eat my cupboards, fridge and freezer bare :giggle:...I have 1 -2 cups of coffee a day and the rest of the time drink water.
Hope you're having a great day hunni, xxx
Lily42uk said:
Morning sweetie,
:argh: don't even mention those fizzy drinks and all that aspartame, I avoid it like the plague, it makes me want to eat my cupboards, fridge and freezer bare :giggle:...I have 1 -2 cups of coffee a day and the rest of the time drink water.
Hope you're having a great day hunni, xxx

The more I hear about this Fizzy Pop, the more I honestly blame it for my Chocolate cravings!!

I am really going to limit my intake. I do drink sugar free squash and green tea during the week. I just really enjoy a glass of Fizz at weekend.

Not worth the cravings I had though!! :-(
Mmmmm.... Can't wait for my tea!!

I decided to wrap my Philly stuffed chicken in Parma Ham... Use some of my sins up!! :)

For the Asda extra special Parma Ham, it's only 2 sins per pack!!! (so I used a WHOLE SIN!!) lol

I think it's much nicer wrapped in karma ham than bacon!!!

It's smelling Y.U.M.M.Y!!!!
Had no fizzy today as yesterday overdid it on the biccies and today I don't fancy them!

Thanks for the tip x

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I have had a little bit of a mis-hap this morning!!

Dressed and ready for work and I realised I was wearing PINK!!!!

So depressing to realise it's not Friday, I had to go and put my uniform back on!

Just in case your wondering, we are wearing Pink for Breast Cancer awareness day. I would have never heard the end of it if I turned up at work!! Lol

Sometimes I scare myself with how Ditzy I can be!!

EE Day for me today

Breakfast - banana, muller light

Snack - fruit

Lunch - Philly (HexA) on ryvita (hexB)

Snack - Fruit

Dinner - tea at my mums but is always... Meat, potatoes & veg of some description.

Does anyone know how many sins are in your average Muffin (cherry)??

There are some muffins left at work and I really fancy one.. Plus I promised I would use sins this week! ;-)
lsf666 said:
Morning Cinta x

Have a great day :)

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Morning Lisa,

How many days till your hols??? :) xxx
*SugarPlum* said:
Morning Lisa,

How many days till your hols??? :) xxx

I'll be on my way to the airport this time next week!!!!!!

Looked up muffins but can't see cherry sorry

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