SugarPlum (24st) to TinkerBell (12st)

lsf666 said:
I'll be on my way to the airport this time next week!!!!!!

Looked up muffins but can't see cherry sorry

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Awww thanks for that Lisa!!

They vary soooo much!! The average is 15 sins!! Ouch!!!
Maybe have 1/2????

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lsf666 said:
Maybe have 1/2????

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Lisa, I wish my will power was that strong! Lol

I think I will give it a miss and stick to my Fruit! :-( lol xxx
Heyos Sugar, trying to catch up but it's very chatty here lol

I'm not sure if I have the same problem with pepsi max = craving sweet things. This week excluded I found it helped me to go 'mad' and dare to have 2 cans of pepsi max instead of going overboard on syns... guess it depends on the person?

I do try and avoid aspartame where I can though since it's reputation is pretty bad.

*shrugs* regarding the muffin, you can have up to 15 syns a day so if you average your syns out over the week I'm sure it wouldn't hurt. But I guess since you're not used to having high syn weeks it could seem a bit of a gamble. Don't start fearing the muffins, they're only cake :p

Friday and the day of pink will be here soon, hope you get a fab loss on saturday :D
LoChan1984 said:
Heyos Sugar, trying to catch up but it's very chatty here lol

I'm not sure if I have the same problem with pepsi max = craving sweet things. This week excluded I found it helped me to go 'mad' and dare to have 2 cans of pepsi max instead of going overboard on syns... guess it depends on the person?

I do try and avoid aspartame where I can though since it's reputation is pretty bad.

*shrugs* regarding the muffin, you can have up to 15 syns a day so if you average your syns out over the week I'm sure it wouldn't hurt. But I guess since you're not used to having high syn weeks it could seem a bit of a gamble. Don't start fearing the muffins, they're only cake :p

Friday and the day of pink will be here soon, hope you get a fab loss on saturday :D

I gave into the Cry of the Cherry Muffin! :-(

But it's the only sins I had all day...

I think I am on wind down for my hols & I need to shake myself out of it, as I really wanted to hit my 3 stone before I go away!!

As I am on hols for 2 week, I am planning on weighing after my first week off (just a reality check!) then I will miss the 2nd week! That will give me a full week to be ultra good and try and come out with a STS or just a ickle gain!!

I think it would be too dangerous to go the whole 2 weeks without being weighed!! I might just go too Crazy and end up putting a stone on!! Lol x
*SugarPlum* said:
I gave into the Cry of the Cherry Muffin! :-(

But it's the only sins I had all day...

I think I am on wind down for my hols & I need to shake myself out of it, as I really wanted to hit my 3 stone before I go away!!

As I am on hols for 2 week, I am planning on weighing after my first week off (just a reality check!) then I will miss the 2nd week! That will give me a full week to be ultra good and try and come out with a STS or just a ickle gain!!

I think it would be too dangerous to go the whole 2 weeks without being weighed!! I might just go too Crazy and end up putting a stone on!! Lol x

Are you weighing while away?

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JackieN said:
not long until you go away is it? :D

Well the cherry muffin was only your syns and afterall you are allowed them :D xxxxx

Hi Jackie,

My two weeks off work start on the 5th Nov! We are off to the lakes for a few nights on week one. Week 2, we are off to London for 3 nights!

Mumma K said:
Oooh lovely time off work and a trip to London to look forward too

I can't wait for a 2 week break from work!! :)

Not sure what effect it will have on the scales though!! :-(
Da Daaaaaaaaaa

3lb off!!! :party0049::party0049::party0049:

I am really pleased, as I felt I really struggled early in the week! (Which I have now put down to the Demon Juice that is Pepsi Max!)

I was CRAVING Chocolate Sooooo Bad!!! :17729:

I also think that the the extra sins have helped.

When I look at my Slimming World Graph, I can really see a differtence in my losses from when I cut out bread! My losses have really increased, so maybe bread does'nt really agree with me.

At the same time as cutting out Bread, I started drinking Green Tea, so maybe its a mixture of the two?

My friends came round last night, who I have not seen for about 2 months and she could'nt get over how much weight I had lost! But I was really dismisive and did'nt like talking about it! I still feel in myself, Like I am nearly 25stone - Not nearly in the 20's!!! :needhug:

She wanted to talk about it and ask what I had been doing but I was really embarrased. When I told her how much I had lost, she said I should be shouting it from the roof tops, not going all dismisive!

I do wonder, when I will feel like I have really lost weight???!! In my head, I think its the 4 stone mark!!
Fantastic, well done
Enjoy your day
*SugarPlum* said:
Da Daaaaaaaaaa

3lb off!!! :party0049::party0049::party0049:

I am really pleased, as I felt I really struggled early in the week! (Which I have now put down to the Demon Juice that is Pepsi Max!)

I was CRAVING Chocolate Sooooo Bad!!! :17729:

I also think that the the extra sins have helped.

When I look at my Slimming World Graph, I can really see a differtence in my losses from when I cut out bread! My losses have really increased, so maybe bread does'nt really agree with me.

At the same time as cutting out Bread, I started drinking Green Tea, so maybe its a mixture of the two?

My friends came round last night, who I have not seen for about 2 months and she could'nt get over how much weight I had lost! But I was really dismisive and did'nt like talking about it! I still feel in myself, Like I am nearly 25stone - Not nearly in the 20's!!! :needhug:

She wanted to talk about it and ask what I had been doing but I was really embarrased. When I told her how much I had lost, she said I should be shouting it from the roof tops, not going all dismisive!

I do wonder, when I will feel like I have really lost weight???!! In my head, I think its the 4 stone mark!!

Well done hunny :) SO pleased for you x

As for when you'll feel like it that's really personal. For me it was a combination of people noticing, clothes getting big and passing the 2 stone mark - so really recently :)

You're doing so well :)

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I think it will be lots of little NSVs sweetie. I look in the mirror and still feel huge yet clothes I wore last winter clearly say different and hang properly etc etc.

I do think getting your photos out that you've taken help too. Look closely and you will notice things like the face being thinner, curves appearing ie a waist again etc etc.

You have done brilliantly sweetie be proud of yourself very very proud. I think some of us struggle with the compliments. Funnily enough a lovely person on here pointed that out to me last night and it was another lightbulb moment thats me. I don't cope with them well at all.

anyway on a happy note :wee: :wee: :wee: another fantastic loss, well done you ! fan bleddy tastic!

also bread bloats me..... I love it but it doesn't seem to love me!