SugarPlum (24st) to TinkerBell (12st)

Bron said:
Hi, welcome back, missed your posts. The photos are really great, you are stunning, and the photos of you together are beautiful. London looked cold. Even though you were off plan, would it have been a bigger gain in the "old" days? I'm sure you will do the stone before Christmas.

Hi Bron,

London was very Sunny but cold, it was lovely weather for walking round in!

Your so true, previously I would have prob put a lot more on! Feels food to be back on plan though xx
chelle86 said:

just wanted to say how lovely you look on those pictures, glad you had a good time xx

Awww Thank You Chelle :) xxx
Mmmm.... Chicken Jambalya simmering away!!

Feels good being back on plan!!

Here's to a good week and a good loss! :) xxx
Just ironed my work uniform for the first time in 18 days!! Soooo depressing!! :-(

So to cheer myself up I am making a HUGE pan of Hot & Sour Soup!! YUM!!

I am wanting a bit of a detox week, so I intend having the soup for my lunch! I have also stocked back up on my Green Tea!! :)

I am looking forward to having a good week... It's not easy though... My Junkie Demons have been used to enjoying Pepsi Max & sweeties!! I can do it though!! Xxx
looks like you had a lovely time and the pictures are lovely too.

you can definetly lose that stone by christmas xx
Boooo Hooo, first day back to work for me & I feel very down! :-(

I have such an amazing 2 weeks off with Hubby, I just wish I would turn back time!

Yesterday I slipped a little and had a couple of Choccy Hob Nobs :-( I had no other sins, so I am sure I am within my allowance. All demon foods have now been removed from the house! Lol

EE Day

Breakfast - 2 weetabix (hexb) with muller light and banana

Lunch - Hot & Sour Soup (2 sins)

Afternoon Snack - Apple

Dinner - home made Spag Bol, made with a ton of vegetables.

6 days till Weigh In!!
Morning, lovely lady...:wow: stunning pics you look so fabulous and boy you are so pretty, you're hubby's not too shabby either :giggle:
Aww hate the first day back at anything, hope you settle back in quickly, but it's awful after such a lovely time away :hug99:
Well done for only gaining such a small amount in the 2 weeks especially after seeing some of the pics of the food :eek:, I reckon I gained more just looking at your pics :giggle:
Have a fab day hunni, catch you later and :welcome: back we missed you xxxxxxxxxxxx
JackieN said:
Good morning Cinta. Glad you had such a fabby holiday :D photos are fab. :wow: you look stunning. :D

First day backs are always the worst :bighug: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thank You Jackie,

1st day over with... 4 more to go! :-(

Not long to Christmas!! :) xxx
Lily42uk said:
Morning, lovely lady...:wow: stunning pics you look so fabulous and boy you are so pretty, you're hubby's not too shabby either :giggle:
Aww hate the first day back at anything, hope you settle back in quickly, but it's awful after such a lovely time away :hug99:
Well done for only gaining such a small amount in the 2 weeks especially after seeing some of the pics of the food :eek:, I reckon I gained more just looking at your pics :giggle:
Have a fab day hunni, catch you later and :welcome: back we missed you xxxxxxxxxxxx

Thank You for such a lovely compliment Lily.

Like you, I struggle with compliments or nice compliments, as I still feel like such a huge blob!

I am just desperate to get my weight into the teens.. Then I might start feeling a bit more comfortable with compliments.

Still very nice to hear though, so Thank You. If anyone compliments me in 'real life' I just go bright red and shrug it off! :-(

I do like hearing compliments on Hubby though, he has done so well in also loosing 3 stone! I am a lucky lady, as he is a bit of a hunk! (well I think so any way!) ;-) LOL

Hope you have had a good afternoon Hunny! Xxxxx
lsf666 said:
Have I missed naughty (but nice) food pics? :(

Hi Lisa,

The food pics are from my face book, this site limits me to adding 5 pics at a time and takes ages to load!

If your on FB, your more than welcome to add me. Xxxx
*SugarPlum* said:
Hi Lisa,

The food pics are from my face book, this site limits me to adding 5 pics at a time and takes ages to load!

If your on FB, your more than welcome to add me. Xxxx

Yes! Pm me the link x

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A Scary Green Day for me today!!

I don't often have Green days but I am craving Jacket Pot with cheese and beans!! :)

Breakfast - 2 weetabix (hexb), banana & muller light.

Lunch - 4 ryvita (hexb) with Philly light (hexa)

Dinner - Jacket potatoes with Cheese (hexa) and beans!

Will be having 3 Green teas and snacking on fruit through the day!

Quite scared about today's meals, as I am using 2 b's & 2 a's... It's very rare that I use all my Healthy Choices!! Xx
Morning :)

Lovely pictures - haven't had time to see them all but will have a proper look later x

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I am really struggling today, all I keep thinking of is really Naughty things!! I really want a HUGE bar of Galaxy!! :-(

Not broke off plan but my Angel & Devil are really having a squabble!!!
*SugarPlum* said:

I am really struggling today, all I keep thinking of is really Naughty things!! I really want a HUGE bar of Galaxy!! :-(

Not broke off plan but my Angel & Devil are really having a squabble!!!

Who won???

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