Sunday Weighers... or is it only me?

I do hope so SS :D and I have a new friend called Davina to help me, all I have to do is take her out of the cellophane packaging .......

Mmmmmmmm I might do a 30 day review of Davina's dvd to try and keep me motivated
Sausage and smartie - you make me laugh every time !!!

Sausage - well done for staying on track so far with what you said is a difficult week for you. I continue to be impressed by your focus.

Smartie - sorry to hear about your gain but inevitably very large gains like that will come off quite quickly if you work hard. As I said to sparky earlier if you're finding it hard to get back on track just agree that you will stick to plan for one day only to start with. And as I said to sparky, you DO NOT want to let this slide from now on. 6lbs will come off quickly but if you don't get back on, 4 stone wouldn't take that long to put on. I know you can do this so try to remember how brilliant you feel having lost all that weight and use that as your motivation. Well done for coming here.

And please let me know how you get on with Davina - a full review please !! I don't have any of them but have been thinking about it for a while so if you think it's good (or not) please report back. Thanks

Big hugs smartie and looking forward to hearing about how you've got on next week.

Gail x
Awww - thanks Gail. I know I shall be fine, I'm still hoping that it's water rentention because I haven't over eaten that much - honest :D But it still shocked me at how easy it was to put weight on :sigh: and like you say it can be a slipperly slope particulary if you carry it on with 2/3 weeks of excess.

I have started a thread in the team section, you are quite welcome to kick me up the derrière if you dont see me posting on it :D
To put on 6lbs of genuine weight you would have to overeat by 21,000 calories.... I know we can put it away over Christmas, but even so - that's an awful lot of chocolate!

I am pleased to say that I have stuck to plan 100% today so feeling a bit more in control. Just one more day to go...
Yay, well done Sparky. Tomorrow is a new day !

And thanks for filling us in on what you would have to eat to put on 6lbs of weight. I'm not sure that even I could eat that much chocolate so I'm sure Smartie didn't.............?!

Good luck Smartie - I'll be thinking of you and Davina.

Gail x
Hey guys! Well, am back to work for a couple of days, and although I don't want to go, it's a bit of a relief to have 'normal' eating days. You know what? I miss my routine! I'm feeling definitely thinner this week, even if I've put on weight, if you know what I mean.

Hope everyone's having a nice week - I am so excited about next year, and continuing on this journey. I am also really pleased about the fact that even though I might match Smartie and put on about 6lbs on Sunday (I think it's a definite possibility), it's only holiday weight and it should come off within a week or so - so I am already with you in spirit, BlueSmartie, and am ready to lose holiday weight next week! I am also really pleased that I'm not starting from scratch on Sunday 2 January 2011 - it was so much easier starting in the summer when there was loads of fresh fruit around to help.

I've been thinking about resolutions, and I have come up with a few - I am going to walk 2 million steps in 2011. I have ordered a nice pedomoter online that is supposed to be very accurate even if you put it in your bag. I don't *like* walking especially, but it's an easy form of exercise, and I remember years ago having a pedometer and being very motivated to get the little counter up to a certain number each day. It's actually a lot harder than you think to get it to around 5,000 steps. Maybe that's me though - on a good day with lots of walking to work etc, I would get it to around 8,000 steps. And I did lose a lot of weight through walking a lot, so I think that after five months with Slimming World, my increased walking goal is due.

Other resolutions: I'm also going to drink a lot more water - if you look at my signature, I consistently had big losses when I was drinking 2 litres of water a day; that was all I changed, so that's definitely a no-brainer.

I'm also doing to be more precise about tracking my food - I think I've got a little too relaxed about thinking I know what things are worth, and it's definitely a good idea for me to keep a closer eye on my food intake.

I have loads more ideas, I am so sad, lol. I am just determined that in 2011 I want to see slow, sustained, steady weight loss. Incidentally, I've been reading a weight loss blog online of this guy who is aggressively promoting very low calorie fast weigh loss. He's lost about 160 pounds in eight months, and has been going on about how speedy weight loss is the most important thing. I think he's going to realise that slower weight loss helps with your skin adjusting, and also changing your mental landscape. Good for him, but I am definitely aiming to increase my exercise significantly and tone up and lose weight steadily in 2011.

Ah well, enough rambling - better go to work I guess...:)
I agree, Honey. Slowly, slowly, catchy monkey. Otherwise your brain and skin get left behind!

The Christmas tree is down and the cross trainer is back in place! Yaay!

Santa brought me Argos gift vouchers so I am now the proud owner of a gym ball thingy and a mat. I have always been put off by the idea of a gym ball as it takes up loads of space, but since watching "best butt workout" :eek: on Youtube this morning, I did a quick u-turn!

I am off to blow the thing up. Wish me luck! :D
Day 2 of being back on plan :D

Good luck with the blowing SS :D I hope you havent got an iron lung now :p I remember blowing up my son's paddling pool - I went bright red in the face and nearly fainted by the third ring :eek:

Let us know how you get on with the ball, I need all the help I can get in lifting my bum, as I am currently using industrial scaffolding...... :cool:
Another day on plan for me too - just tomorrow to get through again(again)...

I think I have been struggling because of the lack of routine - when we are both off work the time certainly goes differently.

I did manage my first run in about 2 weeks (I don't run in slippy conditions but the snow had finally gone) and felt great afterwards. Those endorphins definately kicked in! And according to my sat nav I did just over 3 miles in half an hour, which is my best so far. All that biking in front of the xmas telly must have paid off!
Oh, every day you all make me smile (and chuckle to myself) :) . I am so impressed with you all with your exercise. Now that the snow has gone, I must get out running but it just seems so unappealing at the moment.......

Must take a leaf out of your books :eek:

Gail x
My abs are sore today. Guess that means the big ball is working! :clap:

I have managed to stay on plan one day this week. One day! Tonight my neighbour is having a party so no success expected there unless someone invents syn free cava and pringles before 10pm :party0051:

Any Sunday weighers up for a 100% January mini challenge on this thread? We stay on plan 100% every day for a month and if we don't we get a good old fashioned bum kicking?? I'm in!
Oiii Gail! Get your smelling salts handy! :faint2:

I have just bought an item of clothing! :thankyouthankyou:

Oh how I hate hate hate clothes shopping, but I wanted something new for the party tonight. I took my daughter who is a complete fashionista and looks like a supermodel :rolleyes: She tutted a lot but was a good help.

I saw a stripey top I liked. They only had it in a 24 and an 18 so I picked up the 24, but my girl insisted on the 18 and she was right! I am top heavy but have decent legs so am going for this top with black leggings. I also got a new bracelet and I think the new outfit really suits me as it makes me look loads slimmer.

M&Co. Plus Dippy hem top
Hi there,

Am definitely in for the January challenge - desperate for a month of healthy eating to be honest...:)

HAPPY NEW YEAR my lovely Sunday weighters! You've been fabulously supportive and wonderful, and really inspirational to me. I am so looking forward to us all continuing to lose weight throughout 2011 and getting to goal ((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))) xx

PS not even had a drink yet!!
Really nice top there SS, it looks like a really flattering shape :D

I'm up for a 100% challenge - anything to keep me focused.

I went to Weston-Super-Mud today to see the new pier, and when everyone else had fish and chips I had a jacket potato with beans and a side salad :angel09:but I did succomb to tempatation and had a chip sandwich (5 chips) on a slice of white bread, but not too bad overall.

Have a happy new year everyone and let 2011 be the year that we achieve some big weight loss targets
just a quick Happy New Year all! see you Sunday (i've put on loads this week!!)