Sunday Weighers... or is it only me?

Awwww sausage. I am like a proud mother hen !!! I am sooooo chuffed for you. The top looks fantastic :) Hope you feel amazing in it.

Happy new year everyone. I can't believe sausage is just putting her war paint on at this hour. I'm pretty much ready for bed !

Re: january challenge - I was a bit hesitant about it - it's a big ask but then I was put to shame by smartie and honey so I'm up for it too !

Happy new year everyone. Hope you've all had fantastic nights.

See you sunday.

Gail xxx
a new day and a new year.. i'm not a sneaky peeker, but i did this morning. there has been some damage. just hope a lot of what i've seen today is just fluid from last night.. lol
I was doing OK this week, but went to a posh do last night with a fixed menu... no matter how much I tell myself not to eat the roll with the soup etc when it's just sitting there the temptation is too much... 6 courses including cheese & biscuits... oh dear! Didn't drink though and stuck to water all night, so could have been worse...

Firmly back on the wagon again today (so far!) and I've even been for a run this morning.

I am in the Jan challenge - I take it it's not a weight loss challenge, just sticking to plan every day? I think I can manage that!

Completely lost track of my days, but think it's weigh day tomorrow!?

Happy New Year!
I'm going to weigh in tomorrow, figure out the damage, and start the challenge on Monday. I'm getting with my resolutions on Monday, even though we two more days off.

I can never resist the soup roll either!!!

Also - the story of the inflatable gym ball making ms laugh...;-)
Happy New Year lovely folk! :talk017:

I am sooo up for the January challenge after all the buffet and booze I had last night. Will post my gain tomorrow. It is going to be a cricket score :(

Yes Sparky, it is not a weight loss challenge (there is one of those on the main board) but just a stay-on-track challenge to help re-focus after the holidays. Just for fun like if you fancy.

Gail - you are a rascal! LOL I ain't going to get a six pack just using a foot pump! :character00116:
I was doing OK this week, but went to a posh do last night with a fixed menu... no matter how much I tell myself not to eat the roll with the soup etc when it's just sitting there the temptation is too much... 6 courses including cheese & biscuits... oh dear! Didn't drink though and stuck to water all night, so could have been worse...

Completely lost track of my days, but think it's weigh day tomorrow!?

Yes, is definitely weigh day tomorrow :) ! See you there.......

Actually, I think you have done pretty well this week and wouldn't beat yourself up. Having had a good week straight after christmas and now being back on track - one lovely meal with no alcohol sounds pretty good to me. Whether that will show on the scales this week is a different matter (it may still do but it may not) but if you stick to it, it will definitely show next week. I know you can do it Sparky. You have been brilliant so far !

And bread rolls at meals out are one of my downfalls too - I either have to refuse it or give it away. Otherwise down the hole it goes ......!

Gail - you are a rascal! LOL I ain't going to get a six pack just using a foot pump! :character00116:

ohhhhhhhhh a foot pump ! I thought you were blowing it up yourself.............................:p

Hope it's going well.

By the way, anyone seen Smartie or is she locked in a room with Davina........???!

Gail x
I've been nursing a hangover :D I actually went out last night for the first NYE in years and had a great time. But I completely lost track of the amount I was drinking - I couldn't count properly after the first 50 syns :eek: But I was straight back on the plan this afternoon when I finally woke up .....
Yay. So glad you had a good time !!! How is Davina going ?

Gail x
Davina who? :eek: :D

I havent done any exercise for a few days now (oops) but will have another go tomorrow because I should have recovered by then, as I am still feeling a bit delicate lol
Good luck for tomorrow everyone!
Glad to hear people had a good new years, we spent it with a few friends, my syns unfortunately weren't spent on alcohol, but on the box of cadbury chocolate fingers OH fished out of the cupboard :eek:
None of us really drank too much, we were distracted by the few hours of playing "who am i?" How mature are we?! Haha!
I'm not very hopeful for tomorrow, having had a sneaky peak at the beginning of this week after being ill I have a feeling I'll have put that all back on again, but it made me feel good being able to report a big loss for once :rolleyes:
So we shall have to wait and see what the scales say in the morning.

Good luck!
I really really didn't want to weigh in today, but I knew it was important. The damage? I've gained 2 lbs. On the plus side, it's not as bad as I thought it might have been. On the down side, I am disappointed to have lost some lovely milestones (under 300 lbs, lost 3 1/2 stones etc).

Oh well, I do feel relieved to have weighed in today, onwards and downwards - especially with the January challenge.

My real problem at this time of year is that it's my birthday next Sunday (9 January), and it's always so tempting to just wait until after that to start properly - stretch out the celebrations. But that's idiotic, and I am going to have a very healthy first week in January.

Good luck me darlings!
never worry Honey you'll get your mile stones back quick enough! my mantra is one meal at a time. enjoy your birthday! i know i def enjoyed mine, but my breakfast and lunch were syn free and rich in superfree, just the main birthday meal and cake were heavy on the flexisyns! lol

i too was dreading today. i did a sneaky peak yesterday and if i'd have been going with that weight i would have gained 4lbs!!!! but wait for it..... drum roll please.... i've actually LOST 1lb!!!! not sure how, but i'm taking it and holding on for dear life!!!
Yay well done Why_d ! Fingers crossed you don't pay for that next week but sooo glad you enjoyed your birthday and are back on plan.

Honey - well done for weighing. These little blips are inevitable on this journey. The important thing is what you do afterwards. On my little blips I always worry and worry about how I will get back on track and how easy it would be to just keep going but I haven't yet. Partly because of some of the people here - I have seen people who've had days off plan and found it difficult and then got back on and stuck to it (why_d being one of them) so take your inspiration from them and get back on it. And whatever you decide to do (and how to celebrate it), have a GREAT birthday and then back on plan. I KNOW you can do it.

Today has a few new milestones for me. I lost 2lb. Gets me my 3 and a half stone shiny (which I haven't added yet !), a round 50lb loss AND over 20% loss. How chuffed am I ! I am going to try on my new size 16 trousers (bought this week) again, even though I know they won't quite fit yet (they will do up but can't be worn in public just yet - probably another 3 or 4 lbs to go !). But the most important thing to me is that I feel back in control. I was so worried about how easily I 'lost it' over xmas but it turns out that I have got the strength to get back on (this time at least). So I am delighted.

Thanks for reading everyone and being there !

Gail x
well done gail!
Congratulations Gail on your fab new stats. You will have no problem staying on track with all those stickies to keep you motivated.

Honey - well done for weighing. Two pounds is small when you looks at the big picture and you have done amazingly well so far.

Why_D - Wow! Nice one! I have you to thank for my result this week. I too thought yesterday that I was looking at a big gain, but read your post,
there has been some damage. just hope a lot of what i've seen today is just fluid from last night.. lol

A little light bulb went on in my head and I drank 5 pints of water, ate an over-ripe melon and was 100%. I have now only gained a pound so am dead chuffed! :happy036:

So the lesson is, if anyone has gained a lot in a short time, it is probably fluid and will go quickly! Yaay!

Looking forward to a healthy week ahead.
Well done sausage - delighted that you have only put on 1lb. Looking forward to hearing about next week for you.

Gail x
I am so looking forward to being back on plan. I know that I did not do badly over the holidays (half off and one on), but I have been feeling out of control foodwise. I need the discipline of the 100% mini challenge to keep me focussed.
Well done Why_D, that's fabulous!! You must be so proud.

Yay Gail!!!!!!!!! Woo hoo on reaching 50 lbs and 3 1/2 stones lost - that's absolutely fabulous - you are doing absolutely brilliantly!!

Well done too Silly Sausage - great to only have put on a pound over the holidays.

And you know what? Well done all of us for weighing in the day after New Year. I don't know about you guys, but I was so so so tempted to leave it until next week and not have to face a gain, but we weighed in every Sunday throughout the holidays - we are so cool, lol xx