Sunday Weighers... or is it only me?

Well done Sparky - that's brilliant. You must feel so proud !

Why_d - we all have weeks like that. Good luck for next week.

I lost another 2 lbs this week which takes me into the next stone. I'm very close to the 10% which will also make me proud !

Hope we all have another good week. Good luck to everyone.

Gail x
I had to weigh in on Friday (because I was away), but am entering it here because this is where I like to log my progress! I lost 2.5 lbs, which cheered me up a lot. That's 26.5 lbs in total so far, and I'm really hopeful that I will make the two stone mark next week.

This week I am going to really work on upping the amount of water I drink, which is definitely one of my weak spots.

Good luck to all my fellow Sunday weighers! Don't you just love the fact that we've got our amounts on Sunday, all ready to face a fresh new week and do really really well!!!
Well done Honey ! Brilliant work.

Thanks Silly Sausage. You are correct which makes me very happy !!! I started Body Optimise after I'd lost 2lbs but entered the weight I was on that date. So it's 2lbs behind me - I have actually reached my 10% today :)

Gail x
Hi..... new to all this but i'm a Sunday weigher. Just finished week 2 on slimming world. Have to say i'm finding this soo easy and even addictive! My h2b is loving all the tasty evening meals too! So happy I've finally found something that works for me! <3
Welcome Biddles! The Sunday weighers are a friendly bunch so you will be right at home here. Do you have a date for the wedding yet? Is it your target date?

Gail - that is a fabulous surprise for you. Congratulations!

Well done Honey and good luck for your 2 stone next week. You really are going for it!

I was worried about being off work and being tempted to graze all week. So far so good. Got a house full of fruit and am about to make a big pot of veg soup for lunches. Just done a cario box workout DVD and am buzzing.

Good luck everyone for the new week! x
my wedding is 8/8/11! Under 10 mths!
I want to lose 2.5 -3 stone but by march/April time, in time for the final dress fittings!
Also want to lose it at a steady pace so I don't just put it all back on afterwards!

Good luck this week everyone!! X
Well done Silly Sausage for all your planning. Hope it pays off and you have a fantastic week off work (lucky you.....!). And thanks for your support - it really does help :)

Biddles - great start. Glad you are finding it so easy. I am too (most of the time - I have occasional 'munchy' days where I just can't stop (but not like it was pre SW) but generally it's great). We will all keep our fingers crossed for you every week. Please keep us posted.

Gail x
Sorry for the major late post guys. Haven't been on the computer since weigh in on Sunday. Lost another 2lbs this week - very pleased as I thought I would sts or only loose half after the -4.5lbs the week before. Am nearing my 3 stone and still motivated. Am so happy this is the smallest I have been since a teenager!

Welcome Biddles and well done to everyone else this month some good losses and quite a few of you nearing your 200 mark and other milestones.

Good luck to all for this Sundays weigh in x x
Well done Sarah!
Bit gutted this morning. Wasn’t expecting much. But was expecting to have lost last week’s gain. No such luck. A STS for me :(
Hey Sarah congrats! You're leaving that 200lbs eating ur dust :)
WhyD - never knock STS too much, always better to maintain what you have already lost than to put it back on, maybe its time to mix things up a bit or try some exercise? Have a good look through ur food diary and see if you can spot anywhere that u have had a blip
I lost 2lbs this week which nudges me over the 3 stone! Desperate to get under that 200lb mark now...
How did everyone else do?
STS this better than a gain! Congrats on another 2lb Babysham, you are going great guns!

Another 2lbs for me too this week - 0.9kgs to be precise, which is there or thereabouts. That's a nice round 30 pounds now.
cheers sparky - every time i look at ur posts my eyes pop out my head when I see the 12 stone award then I remember u are doing it in kgs. My Sunday brain doesn't function too well lol
Congrats on your 2 lbs!
Well done Sarah, Babysham and Sparky on your losses!

Why D - I realise you must be disappointed this week. But you are still putting lots of delicious, healthy foods into your body and improving your diabetes so it is still a very worthwhile eating plan. Look at your non-scale victories this week and stay on track :)

I put on a pound this week! First gain in 9 weeks since I started. I was off work last week so had more eating opportunities (I don't eat much at work), but I also had lots of exercise opportunities. I may be heavier statistically, but I feel and look better this week. Definitely some skrinkage in the love handles department LOL

Looking forward to a better week ahead.
Hey my fellow Sunday weighers! I lost 2.5 lbs this week, taking me to 29 lbs lost. I'm trying really hard to make myself realise that slow and steady is the way to go, not being desperate to lose quickly. I've been reading a lot of weight-loss blogs, and some of the ones that I *love* are the ones where people lose huge amounts of weight and then keep it off for years. They are very inspirational, and I do recommend them as reading.

Congrats Sarah, Babysham and Sparky on your losses this week, that's fabulous! I'm so pleased for you guys.

Silly Sausage, this is just a tiny little blip, and to be honest, I think a small gain now and again is great for motivation as it reminds me that I do have to keep this as a real priority and not just 'coast'. I just know you're going to report a big loss next Sunday!! Same for Why D, it's going to be a big loss next Sunday. The really important thing is that we're all posting here no matter what, I honestly look forward to checking how everyone's done in our little team, and I take a great deal of encouragement from your journeys!

Anyway, go us - next week I'm definitely going to report that I've lost more than thirty pounds in total, and am zooming towards 2 1/2 stones lost. Ideally I would absolutely love to get below 300 lbs for Christmas, although I accept that's a bit of a reach. But I do love seeing the numbers getting lower.

Even more excitingly for me, I am fitting into smaller clothes, and I suddenly have a lot more clothes to wear (as well as my top size clothes starting to hang off me!).

Good luck all (((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))
Hey Sarah congrats! You're leaving that 200lbs eating ur dust :)
WhyD - never knock STS too much, always better to maintain what you have already lost than to put it back on, maybe its time to mix things up a bit or try some exercise? Have a good look through ur food diary and see if you can spot anywhere that u have had a blip
I lost 2lbs this week which nudges me over the 3 stone! Desperate to get under that 200lb mark now...
How did everyone else do?

Well done Babysham - you go girl! Fantastic progress and 1lb away from being under the 200lb mark you have done amazing. Am so happy for you! Looking forward to seeing your progress next week :D
OK, my first weigh in and I've lost 2lb, not brill but I'm just getting to grips with SW and my hubby cooked at the weekend.:candledinner: