Sunday Weighers... or is it only me?

Well done Lucy, Sum and Smartie on your losses!!

Wow Smartie 25% total loss and in to the 12 stone bracket is an amazing achievement big congrats! I really hope that we do play twinnies this week would be so chuffed to get in to the 12 stone range. Am not sure it will happen this week though - whilst I have been good again I have consistently lost for 3 weeks now and usually around this point my body decides to have a maintain to catch up.

mmm Chicken Korma Sum can you send me the recipe? I am assuming with you taking it to class for tasting that it is SW friendly would love to give it a go always after new recipe ideas.

Hope everyone is having a good week x x
Well done Lucy, Sum and Smartie on your losses!!

Wow Smartie 25% total loss and in to the 12 stone bracket is an amazing achievement big congrats! I really hope that we do play twinnies this week would be so chuffed to get in to the 12 stone range. Am not sure it will happen this week though - whilst I have been good again I have consistently lost for 3 weeks now and usually around this point my body decides to have a maintain to catch up.

mmm Chicken Korma Sum can you send me the recipe? I am assuming with you taking it to class for tasting that it is SW friendly would love to give it a go always after new recipe ideas.

Hope everyone is having a good week x x

Thanks everyone :)

Hi SarahJohnson, Yeah the Chicken Korma is 6 syns for the entire curry but it is worth it as it tastes so nice! :D

I don't have enough privileges to PM you the recipe so i'll post it up here.

[FONT=&quot]Creamy Chicken Korma[/FONT]​
[FONT=&quot]Serves: [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]4 People[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]6 Syns on Red[/FONT] (1.5 syns per portion)

[FONT=&quot]1 large onion, chopped[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]5 garlic cloves, crushed [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]½ tsp mild curry powder[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]¼ tsp Ground Turmeric[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]½ tbsp Salt[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]½ tbsp Chilli Powder [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]½ tbsp Ground Coriander [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]250ml chicken stock (Made from 1 chicken stock cube)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]4 x 125g skinless chicken breast, cut into chunks[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]2 tsp Cornflour [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]2 tbsp Sweet Mango Chutney [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]100g low fat Greek-style yogurt [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Methods: [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]1.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Heat a pan over a medium heat then add the onion and 4 tbsp cold water. Cover and cook, stirring often for 5 minutes until onions have softened. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]2.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Stir in the garlic, curry powder, ground tumeric, salt, chilli powder and ground coriander [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]3.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Add the stock and chicken and bring to boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 30 minutes stirring occasionally until chicken is cooked through. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]4.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Mix the cornflour with 2 tsp cold water until smooth, then combine this with the chutney and yogurt.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]5.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Remove the curry from the heat and leave to cool for 5 minutes. Stir in the yogurt mixture one spoonful at a time. Return this to a very low heat and stir for about 5 minutes, without allowing the curry to boil. This should thicken up the mixture.[/FONT]
Another recipe that the SW group like is my Lentils recipe (Its suitable for Veggies :D):
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Fabulous thanks Sum. Will definitely be giving that one a go - once I've picked up a few bits next time I go shopping.

Will let you know how it turns out x x
Our firm is having a rebrand and we've been told today we are having a professional photographer in next week for full length shots for the website. Can I lose 3 stone by next Thursday...?

I did suggest one of my skinny colleagues acts as my body double, and they can just Photoshop my head on, but apparently that's not allowed!

To make matters worse, there is a dress code and we have to wear a suit... I am "between" suits at the moment - I have one that's far too big, and one that's too tight... I was hoping to hang on and just get in the smaller one but now I'm going to need something. Only thing is, if I keep losing it's only going to fit for a short while...

Oh Sparky, I really feel for you. I'm sure it will be better than you think. Wish I could help out with the suits. I have suits at home that I never wear - before they were too small and now they fit but I don't wear suits at work anymore (and I don't show my legs any more !). I hope the photographer is great and makes you feel good.

Thanks for the recipe Sum. I would also like to try this. I'll let you know and Sarah, please let us know how you get on too !

Gail x
I'm the same with my clothes at the moment - I have got lots of tops courtesy of my sister, but she is a bit of a smurf :eek: so Sum (another smurfette :D) got all the jeans. I am down to only one pair of bottoms that actually that fit me properly. I really must buy some clothes - but as everyone else has said it seems such a waste when you dont get the wear out of them.

What about some wobble control underwear Sparky? Would that help to make the smaller size bit better?
hey all! I never got back after last Sunday to say huge well done to all my lovely Sunday weighers - what an amazing weekend, everyone did so well!!! Woo hoo us. I definitely think that Sundays are *the* best weigh in day - it keeps me mindful over the weekend of not pigging out, and good or bad result, we have a lovely fresh start the very next morning on Monday.

I read something interesting, saying that dozens to hundreds of studies have been done to cure obesity, but four main steps stand out:

  1. Initial Assessment (how fat are you, what made you this way? what keeps you this way?)
  2. Behavior Shifts (baby steps, small changes in attitude, activity and food intake)
  3. Self Monitoring (weighing in, calorie or carb counting, activity logging, measuring on a regular basis)
  4. Support networks (Weight watchers, friends & family, blogosphere - the more the better)
Interesting, huh? So I know for sure that we're all doing some of these (the self monitoring and the support networks). I think I need to do a little more work on the first one, about WHY I have such a powerful tendency to overeat. The behaviour shifts though - yeah, that's definitely true. It's hard after almost six months to remember what I used to have for breakfast, for instance. I THINK that I would have picked at a muffin or some biscuits or something, or bought something on the way to work.

Hope everyone is having a good week! I had a sneaky peek, I need new scales, lol. But seriously, all the walking I am doing is having a massive impact after three weeks. And honestly, it's interesting how I am enjoying it for its own sake, if that makes sense. It's not just to lose weight, but to get fitter and stronger - so it feels like this really powerful tool.

Ramble ramble ramble...:D
Sparky if you don't me asking what size are you currently in? I have a lovely Next suit (hardly worn) that I was going to sell on ebay in a size 18-20. Do you want me to take a pic for you to have a look at?
Hey all, Will be intresting to find out how you all get on with the recipe :D

Wow Honey that is really intresting to know. And well done on all the walking you've been doing - I'm still trying to avoid doing proper exercise but i think i need to start doing some myself lol

P.s. I'm not that short since i'm the same height as Jenny- your just too tall Smartie :p
  1. Initial Assessment (how fat are you, what made you this way? what keeps you this way?)
Pure laziness :eek: I used to walk through the door and make myself a sandwich (usually cheese cut in great thick slices) with a little choccie bar (or two) and a packet of crisps (or two)

An over reliance on processed food - almost never cooked anything from scratch it was all grilled from frozen

Used to snack all the time, crisps and savories like sausage rolls and pork pies, and will still eat dinner even if I wasnt hungry.

Comfort eating because I was bored, lonely or upset (still do this :sigh:) but I am getting better and dont binge as often and not in the same quantities :D

My weight shot up massively when I stopped smoking (about 3 stone in 3 months :eek:) in panic I started smoking again but the weight didnt magically disappear

I honestly thought I had gone past the point of no return I used to look at the scales every month or so and see them not even creeping up, I was gaining about half a stone each time :eek:. And I used to think to myself you gotta do sommat about that, but I would only crash diet for a few days before I would slip back into my old ways.

The turning point came when I was straightening my hair and the towel slipped down and I just looked at my reflection with total and utter disgust :cry: I just sat there with tears streaming down my face at what I had done to myself - folds upon folds of fat - I looked like Jabba the Hut :( so I joined SW within a few days.

I keep going even when the going gets tough because I NEVER EVER want to feel like that again, and that is my main motivation

/emotional spill :D
I'm the same with my clothes at the moment - I have got lots of tops courtesy of my sister, but she is a bit of a smurf :eek:

Are all your family blue skinned?? :p

Poor Sparky having to wear a suit. I am lucky to be allowed to dress like a scruffy herbert at my work :D

Good news! I am just back from the doctors' surgery where I had been asked to see the nurse about my pill. I was scared she would take it off me as it is not meant for prolonged use by old fatties. She weighed me (in the middle of the day and wearing clothes! :eek:) and I was lighter than Sunday morning and tons lighter than the last time the nurse weighed me. She was so impressed! And I get to keep my pill for my lady problems yaay!
Oh god, i really think i'm gonna have a bad weight this week! boooo! Oh the upside had the confidence to go and buy a swimming costume today (with tummy control ;) ) so no stopping me now lol On the down side I have sciatica from tossing and turning in bed last night.. wish it was something more adventurous lol So have already blown syns for today cos i was a lazy beast!!

However, do have free cottage cheese and spinach cannelloni in the over with deffo more than a 1/3 super free veggies.. pft! Better be worth the pain!

How's everyone's week been? I have a pile of marking calling so better get that done.. !

see you all sunday! xx
Sorry to hear that you are in pain Lucy :(

Its the same old same old here, here's a quick update for you ... Done Smartie Stylee :D

Due to excessive wining and dining, Gail has been metaporphised into Egon Roney. Honey has taken walking to extreme lengths, and as she hasnt been seen since this morning I can only assume she is half way up Mount Everest. Sparky is to be the new face of the entire internet, and sausage continues to be bluest - but I am sorting that one with a very strongly worded email to the SBD (Smartie Discriminatory Board) - that'll show her :p

Can ya tell I am bored :confused:
Poor Lucy :( Don't sit down marking all night. Walk about and shake your tail feathers occasionally.

Has been an ok week playing catchup, but I am having a dinner-do tomorrow night. Curry with all the trimmings, so I may blow the week yet lol

*pulls Smartie's pigtails* I am bored too. I would challenge you to isketch, but I can't remember my log in details. Got a ban and was given a speshul user name when I appealed, but I have forgotten it :cry: