Sunday Weighers... or is it only me?

I lost 3lb :talk017: this week, so I am unveiling my new shiny :D

Yay, wow, that's amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! I so hope that I'm joining you at the weekend, it's a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge milestone - well done you, that's fantastic!

I am just reporting in. Kept to my laws :) ate g fruit, no crisps, under ten syns and didn't weigh myself! Must admit the weigh one is the hardest!
Did my 20 min run on c to 5k and I am amazed I did! Feels soo good.
Realised the famous star week starts Monday so I might not get a loss this week... But it will go eventually.
Hope you are all well

Yay, you are having a fabulous week, sounds like you're right on plan and have your mojo back big style :)

I lost 2lbs today :bunnydance::bunnydance: Which means i have a total loss of 1 1/2 stone now and am in a new Stone brakcet! Soo happy at the moment (for you too smartie :D)

Ooohh and my BMI is now under 30 too!

Fantastic! Well done to the Tuesday twins, you're on fire at the moment, that's absolutely brilliant, am very pleased for you guys!

I haven't had a good day - boo. :( Not stuck to plan due to poor planning and laziness. But I've stocked up on lunch items and I might be off to Asda tomorrow for the big shop - sorry Tesco, you take away my meat free fillets and I take away your customer.

I always find that planning makes a huge difference to my week - I'm rubbish if I don't do a proper shop, so I know exactly what you mean.

My OH looks at me in despair when I do my gourmet version.... it's toast and vegemite (used to be marmite!) with mushrooms and cheese and then beans all over it with a dash of HP sauce. My ultimate happy food! That is indeed how sad I am :rotflmao:

Smartie as I know you are on a bit of a budget phase, have you tried 3 tin soup? I wouldn't say its delicious but it's not bad, is very cheap and cheerful. I tend to have it with some leftover pasta or rice to bulk it out a bit, or as I am having right now as I type... (shocking behaviour, eating whilst typing at the pc tsk tsk) over leftover mash and veggies, that is the way I like it best! Anyway, it's a tin of chopped tomatoes, a tin of baked beans, a tin of carrots, drain the carrots, blitz them together add half a pint or so of stock depending on how thick you like it and a good dollop of worcestershire sauce. The original thread on here used a pickled onion but I couldn't be bothered with that. I just keep a big bowl in the fridge with some in and ladle it and zap in the microwave as required. It usually does me three or four days for one meal or another!

Man, I'm wittering! Slap me someone! :D

I'm going to try your three tin soup for definite - sounds like a great and cheap and fast idea, how smart are you?!
I'm going to try your three tin soup for definite - sounds like a great and cheap and fast idea, how smart are you?!

Not very :rotflmao: It was in the recipe section here months ago, so I claim no credit! Hope you like it, it's cheap and cheerful like me :D

We had some good news! They are probably going to let m-i-l go home on Friday. She'll have to have the palliative care nurses in each day to recharge her pain medication and empty her bags but at least she'll be home! It was a real boost for her when she was told. She possibly will only be for a short while, it depends on how things go and that is, as they say, in the lap of the gods! It's great though as she lives just a couple of minutes by car from us, so I can whizz round any time she needs help and I've promised her I'll still be round each morning for a cuppa and a chat as we've sort of got used to it over the last few weeks! :D She had another lovely surprise today as one of her brothers, whom she hasn't seen since she was diagnosed, flew up from Brisbane this morning to visit for a few days! Her face was a study as she had no idea he was coming!

Anyway, I wittered before and now I'm wibbling .... someone slap me! :p
Well done Blue Smartie on your fabulous loss - 5 stone!!!!! - what an amazing achievement - keep up the good work :D

Well done Sum on your loss you must be really pleased!!

I went out last night for my Mums birthday - Dad took the family out for a meal. I know that I've gone over my syns but I had no syns on Monday so I'm hoping I haven't stalled myself too much - no doubt the scales will tell on Sunday!!!
Wow lots of action going off on this thread.

Massive well done to the Tuesday team!

Smartie 5 stone is a major achievement you must feel so elated! and Sum fantastic news on your 1.5 stone and getting under the 30 mark on your BMI - a major stepping stone!

Lovely news for you and your mil Moz!

Oh and Elaine the yoghurt in cereal is really yummy! My favs on top of my bran flakes are usually some Onken Fat Free Vanilla or Strawberry or a Vanilla Mullerlight and like to chuck some berries or a little bit of fruit in to the mix. I was a bit dubious before trying but never switched back to milk.

Have the same funny feelings towards magic porridge (but have never tried it) let me know how it goes.

oh and before I sign back off - starting day 7 at 100%!!
Thank you everyone :D

Toastie: I find planning is the key to being 100% (most of the time anyways :p) Good luck with your big shop and hope you buy some yummy healthy food :D

Ela ine: Well done on your 100% so far - You're doing so well :D

sausage: That cheese beano sounds nice so i might give it a go

Moz: I'm glad for you - thats really good news about your MIL :eek: i love the tomato soup recipe you're talking about - dunno how you think its only ok :p. Ohh and i love your wittering and posts they always make me laugh loads :D

Susiepoos: you will be fine as you said you had no syns monday and we are suppose to fit SW around our lives as its not a 'diet' ;) Good luck with WI for sunday anyways

Sarah: I love the magic porridge but haven't tired the cereal with yogurt and berries on - I might give that a go aswell. Well done on being 100% for 7 days :)
Lovely Sunday weighers - are these free?

I have lots of other yogurt related questions - if there are any dairy fans out there :D


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Now I want cheesecake!
Another day of following my laws :) so so difficult not to weigh this morning, but I didn't! Even if the scales don't show a loss this Sunday I feel much thinner!
Stay on track everyone, weigh in in 4 days!!
Thank you beauties! Magic porridge was much nicer than anticipated! I'm not the biggest fan of mullers or even yogs in general,,, mat try it with onken - does anyone know if the strawberry onken is smooth or does it have fruity bits of strawberry?
blue*smartie said:
I lost 3lb :talk017: this week, so I am unveiling my new shiny :D

Sum said:
I lost 2lbs today :bunnydance::bunnydance: Which means i have a total loss of 1 1/2 stone now and am in a new Stone brakcet! Soo happy at the moment (for you too smartie :D)

Ooohh and my BMI is now under 30 too!

Well done blue-Tuesday-twins on your losses , you have both done fantastically well ;)


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lol Silly Sausage! My feet have also shrunk and definitely going to class it as a NSV especially since I was a 7 1/2 and usually ended up having to get an 8. Can now seem to manage to get my feet in to a 7. Can even wear narrower shoes and strappy heels without the over splurge - whoop whoop!

Elaine - the onken fat free strawberries have bits in.
Wowwwweeeeee Smartie. LUUUUUURVE the new shiny. Well done you. What an amazing achievement :)

Smurfy Sum - Yaaaaaaaaay. A new shiny too AND BMI under 30. Fantastic. Go the Tuesday twins :D

I absolutely love the cheesecake Muller lights. They are completely worth 1 syn. I'm another one not sure about the idea of cereal and yoghurt or magic porridge though - hmmmmmm.

I have had the same experiences as sausage and Sarah - my feet have shrunk too. Gone down so that either I don't need such wide fitting shoes or am half a size smaller. So not weird sausage (or at least not weird for that.........................:p)

I can't remember the rest of the posts but I know that I meant to say something to Tracy and Elaine - I think you were both doing well and I wanted to comment so well done. But if I've got it wrong, forgive me !!!

Ozzie - so pleased that things are improving (in one respect) for your m-i-l. I hope she gets home and is comfortable there. I am thinking of you. You are being a star at the moment and I am very impressed.

I'm having a good week. I had a bit of a blip on Monday and ate 4 x 6.5 syn biscuits - eeek ! but made up the syns yesterday so overall am 100% this week. Feels good. Had a lovely comment from another patient yesterday who hadn't seen me for ages - walked in and the first thing she said was 'Wow, you've lost a lot of weight'. How pleased was I ?!

Glad this thread is so busy :)

Gail x
Well done everyone on all your shrinkages! Lol
Well, today is clearly a hungry day! A few days before fab star week I get like this. Last time I tried denial and ended up making some poor food choices. Today I will fill up. Means I am not snacking purely on superfree but I need to eat! Had breaffast an hour ago and just about to eat home made veg soup. Think it has a little potato in so not all sf. Never mind I think it is wise! Lol

Have a great day everyone, oh and I can't find my book so let me know if you see it :)
Your book is under your chainsaw. Happy to help.

No news here. I am playing syns catch up this week after chowing a [STRIKE]bag[/STRIKE] sack of crisps on Monday. I didn't get lunch and by 4.30pm I was too hungry to peel a banana :eek: So I think you are being very wise, Woodland Girl, having your soup.
I looked under the saw and it is not there! Pants. I need it!

I followed up the soup with fried eggs, bacon, potato and tomato. That was yummy! Not as much superfree today as I should but I have also avoided binging on crap. Tonight is lasagne with salad.

S s make sure you have a decent meal soon or you will be unwell!

Scarily I feel like doing my run now! That's weird ....!!!