Susie's 2022 campaign

Had a nap and feel a bit more like conquering the world, or at least the kitchen, so will do spicy beef with peppers and mangetout for dinner.

Will also get a chicken and apricot tagine going in the slow cooker for tomorrow.

Nearly emptied the freezer but Mr Asda comes tomorrow with lots of fresh veg yaye!
Well done on SOTW! That's amazing! Sorry to hear you had a rubbish night's sleep, food sounds good though!
Morning all

Not much in the sleep bank last night but strangely woke up feeling very refreshed today :).

So happy because my podiatrist is coming by this afternoon - she's now able to start doing home visits again, although she'll be PPI'd up to the eyeballs and I'll be wearing a mask too.

Also happy because Mr Asda is due tonight, with lots of fresh veg - thge cupboard is bare!

B - omelette with l/o mince and veg, maybe an A choice cheese
L - chicken, apricot and almond tagine - might use my B choice for the nuts (25g), so only 3 syns for 4 apricot halves - and will add sugar snap peas for the speed
D - more of the same, I think - if it comes out ok! With cauli rice.

I've got loads of potatoes and sweet potatoes to use up, so might make up chips and mash and freeze them.

Grotty old grey sky today again boo. Have a good one!
I need a hairdresser to call, and an eyebrow threader
I really like the sound of the chicken and apricot tagine - would love the recipe for that if you have time. I am in Guernsey in the Channel Islands and we are very lucky as we have managed to eradicate Covid and are in Phase 4 of exiting our Lockdown (Phase 5 Night Clubs, Contact Sports, Children's Indoor Playgrounds can open & Phase 6 Borders). Hairdressers and Beauty Salons were able to open on 30th May which was great as a lot of us, including me, had very bad lockdown hair. I found the lockdown harder at the beginning as we were stuck in more and it was more tempting to snack.
Here you go @Fiesta Lady -

Yes lockdown has been challenging in lots of different ways, hasn't it. My hair is an utter mess but I have nearly reconciled myself to embracing the greys. I think. :).

I'm going to do something slightly different, instead of this recipe - will coat the chicken first in a SW-free Southern coating, and cook down yellow and green peppers in a tomato, onion and garlic sauce, and have for lunch with steamed spinach.

B - the usual omelette with A choice cheese
L - the chicken
D - might just have soup I think - Mr Iceland is bringing some SW meals etc, including the chicken soup and the pea and mint one. Definitely soup weather! Will keep my B choice for a roll to have with it.

No syns planned at this stage, maybe some dark chocolate later. They used to tell you to use up all your syns to get good losses, but the view now seems to be to not have them if you don't feel like anything - which seems sensible to me. They are there to stop blowouts, in my mind.
Thank you so much for the recipe Lady F. I will definitely try it. Loving the ideas on here for healthy meals. I embraced the grey three years ago at the age of 57. Had all my hair cut really short and everyone said it looked brilliant. I found I had to wear make up though. This year during lockdown when it desperately needed a cut the grey looked so frumpy so I ordered some hair dye from Amazon and cut it myself with the help of hubby for the back (have to curl it under to hide the chunks!). The roots took about three weeks to start showing so not so bad and I'm keeping some dye back now to do those. Trouble is I now have to keep dying it or have it cut very short again which I don't want to do. Grey is very fashionable now and looks lovely with lowlights.
Ah that's so good to know Fiesta Lady, thanks. I've bought the Garnier grey hair neutralising cream to take the slight yellowish tinge out - people seem to love it, so it may help me adjust :).

I've been dyeing my hair for 30 years, so in one way it will be really great to stop worrying about it!
I went grey 10 years ago. I just had it cut short and haven't looked back. Not having to worry about roots showing takes some pressure off of life. I use Provoke touch of silver to keep it shiny.

That Chicken and apricot tagine sounds lovely. Will be trying that soon. :)
Morning all

Busy morning, been chatting to NZ friends since early doors - so it's B for brunch today :).

B - A choice cheese, spinach and herb omelette - delish!
D - an SW meal - not sure which one yet, will see what mood I'm in lol
S - the usual

And lots of water! I've not been great the last couple of days.

Just been laughing at my SW consultant, I'd told her about ACV so she and her husband both tried some this morning - straight in a shot glass!!! She sent through some very memes of people with their face screwed up :D :D. She really is a sweet lady, sent my SOTW and half pound awards in the post, along with a lovely card, telling me she knows i can do it, etc. Very thoughtful!
Haha at the ACV with your consultant 😂
I have some Honegar that my boss gave me - said he swears by it for arthritis - it says take a tablespoon with the same of hot water - twice a day - tried some and it was very sour/sharp and then went sweet🤷‍♀️😂
But I think it was too late for my left knee 😏 might try some again to help the other knee which seems to be slowly going the same way as the other one 😬 it might prolong the need for an op on that one too 🤞


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Oooh never heard of that, must google. Glucosamine, chondroitin and boswellia are supposed to help with arthritis, although i can't say i noticed much relief from them and took them for months - but might be worth looking into?

Nothing much doing here - busy earlier, bu then had a lovely snooze on the sofa. I try really hard not to, but the minute the clock hits 3pm my eyelids start drooping :).
Yes i love a nana nap but it means a terrible night's sleep - have woken up like a limp rag this morning. But this didn't stop me from having the breakfast of champions - bacon and eggs on a big bed of wilted spinach mmm.

Went over syns the last two days, so none today and SP plan to hopefully pull it back before Tuesday -

L - SW chicken soup - no bread!
D - Peppers and other veg, roasted, maybe with a bit of A choice feta
S - fruit!
Breakfast sounds good Susie!! I find high protein breakfasts like that really filling.

Hope you're having a good day :)
No sleep until 1.30am, thanks to yet another nap and some issues to think through, but eventually managed a few hours.

Missed B though, and now it's lunchtime and I'm pretty hungry, so will have a SW lunch pot and then pea and mint soup and salad for dinner - keep it light before WI tomorrow. Happy if I just get a 1lb loss TBH, went over syns for the last three days - I'll get that stone award eventually :).
Change of menu -

Late B - omelette with the usual
L - SW lunch pot - chorizo meatballs - ok
D - steamed fish and salad with Skinny BBQ sauce
S - already had 12 (chocolate)! Really really wanted cake about 2 hours ago - no idea what set that off. Luckily, nothing bad in the house phew!

Got one A choice and my B choice if I want Marmite and cheese on rye cakes later - but I'm conscious of the fact that it's WI tomorrow eek. Definitely won't get a 5lb loss, so the 1st stone award will have to wait :).
I agree. I dont like fish at all, its too fishy and feels too healthy to fill you