Susie's 2022 campaign

I'm doing well ...... Except I regained EVERYTHING.

Oh hun sadly it is way too easily done, eh? I gained back the 5.5 stone I lost three years ago in no time at all. Inhaling pizzas whole and drinking a lake of wine will do that to a person. Are you going to go back on a plan? I hope you start posting back here regardless, always loved reading your diary :).

Food was pretty good today - despite a carb overload to start with!

B - B choice wholemeal wrap with l/o chips and A choice cheese - so indulgent!
L - grilled chicken with lettuce and light pesto dressing (1)
D - pork with wilted spinacvh and more dressing (1) - it's lovely, the Asda pesto mayo which I water down - but they've stopped making it :(
S - Daim caramel ice cream (12 - oops), 2 rows chocolate (12) - oh gosh one whole syn to spare LOLOL

What a blooming gorgeous day! I kept all the doors and windows shut so the cottage is nice and cool - and a luxury mattress topper arrived today and it's so thick and fabulous, I want to go to bed now! :D. Enjoying the new job, they are really nice people, so the next 6-8 weeks will be great.
Lovely food day! I love the sound of the Daim ice cream! I love daim bars!

I'm so happy that the job is going well so far. Working with lovely people makes all the difference.
I wish I had a Daim bar right now but the cupboard (or in this case, freezer) is bare!

Been great on food today but B.A.D. on snacks.
B - l/o pork pieces with eggs and spinach - actually made me feel quite ill - might avoid pork in future
L - SW sausage pasta with A choice cheese - very nice!
D - still quite full so might see how I feel later - thinking cheese and Marmite or toast ❤
S - welcome to the confessional part of the show - I demolished a whole box of HiFis :eek: - oops just doesn't cover it. Was trying to get rid of the taste of the pork - and just kept going....:classic_roll_eyes:
I don't blame you for wanting to get rid of the taste of the pork! I think a box of hifis isn't totally terrible. At least it wasn't a huge tub of ice cream!

Hope you have a better day today. Forget about yesterday, and focus on today being a good one :)
An even worse day today, had no B and was starving by 11 so made an omelette with spinach - and felt really sick again!

So I guess it's the eggs - really hope it was just that box, they smelled fine but I really thought I was going to lose the lot in the middle of a onference call! Felt queasy and with cramping all afternoon. Really wanted carbs but got no bread in so then of course I got pizza, because I'm an idiot.

Might go to bed early and just stop eating!!!
I'm with you on eating a whole box of bars. I can do that with Eat Natural ones. It's like there is something in me once I get the taste I can't stop. I went without sweet things for a couple of years then once I had some that was it. If I lived on my own I wouldn't have them in the house.

Today is a new day. :)
Yes I agree Mary, I'm not going to buy any more once the lot I have are gone.

Still feeling a bit ick, so more carbs went down the hatch sigh, but will try and get back on track tomorrow.
Hi all - sorry for the radio silence, I'm sure you've been weeping into your tea at the lack of fresh posts :D.

Couldn't lift my head off the pillow Sunday and Monday, and still feeling a bit uncomfortable now - but have had to eat something because I was ravenous and couldn't face more dry toast!

Not even going to think about WI until I'm properly better.
Oh hunny, you take it easy and just do what’s best till you feel better. Take care lovely x
Thanks Carlotta! :)

It's been over a week now and I'm still having some ...ermmm...discomfort...Had to go to the shops today and get a loaf of white bread, because I can't cope with brown right now. Can't eat toms (too acidic), eggs (just no), red meat, veg, not doing well on the speed front at all (definitely no beans!) so am having to pause SW until I get on top of whatever this bug is.

However, apart from my unexciting tummy woes. all is good and work is going really well - would love to stay there longer but they don't have the budget for me as well as the new permanent person, but at least I'll get some good references and possibly useful contacts.

Oh and I got a mattress topper and it's like sleeping on a soft, fluffy cloud of bliss! Everyone needs one ❤ .
That’s a long time! What a time you’re having with it. Bread is definitely the best and safe option for now. Brilliant that works going so well and I second the mattress topper! Mines almost like another mattress, it’s about 3-4 inches thick 😆 x
Oh gosh yes I just love my topper, it really is superb.

Foodwise, yep just keeping things simple for now. I did however go mad all over tinternet last night and rejoined Weight Loss Resources (free trial), encouraged by some of the big losses people had on CCing - over a long period of time, mind you, which i think i need to be honest to myself about and realise it's not going to happen quickly. So, for now, I'm going to do clean eating calorie counting but still do the SW groups (and keep quiet about how I get losses) - I really like the motivation of the group and the weekly WI, but have had doubts for ages about the long term sustainability of things re low fat, etc. No more sugar/fake sugar bars either!

I'm also a brand new convert to James Wong, who writes about the science of food in a really clear way, eg leave toms out of the fridge and the cancer fighting amounts of lycopene in them increase dramatically - who knew! :D. I already have the book Clean Eating Alice and the Doctor's Kitchen, so will try this approach for a bit and see how I get on.

Really fancied a glass of red tonight - but it's too cold and rainy, so my laziness has saved me! :D.
@GaGirl be good to hear what you think of James, I did as you mentioned a while back and got a sample sent to my Kindle app. He actually says there's little benefit to buying organic, from a science/nutrition point of view. I would like to get his book on growing food for health too - if i can actually get anything to grow LOL.

I get you on sw as must admit there are some things I question about the diet. more so when it clashes with science behind certain foods. I did read somewhere that sw and ww make their most money from returning customers as “they lost weight” before using the plan so return when all the weight goes back on.

Didn't know that about returnees but I have to say that it doesn't surprise me in the least - so many people put all the weight back on, and I just don't think it's sustainable long term for me, as I mentioned. It's a shame really because I 'get it' as a plan, but I don't like the way they advocate pasta dishes everywhere, when they have no nutritional value and loads of calories. you just have to wave one piece of dry spirali under my nose and I put weight on!

In my heart I think I'm almost headed for low carb/veggie type eating - can do without red meat happily, but I love chicken, so maybe I'll just limit it and make veg the focus of most meals. Marked up a few recipes from the Alice book last night - things like warm roasted butternut squash with Puy lentils and feta, and a lemony tahini dressing, which does sound lovely. It just requires effort! Amyone know what are Puy lentils like? I don't think I've ever had them.

So I'm going to try and keep things simple -
- get rid of all the fake sugar products like HiFi and Skinny bars (can sell them on eBay)
- got one small bag of pasta left, and won't buy any more
- going to stop online grocery shopping and do a weekly fruit and veg shop at Aldi using a list from a weekly menu - and stick to it!
- over the next week I'll use up all the SW meals I've got in the freezer
- got a few things like tinned custard - they can go to the neighbour for her grandkids
- smoothies in the morning (must look at some of @tipperary 's menus again

I'm not going to go mad either with buying new stuff - will just ease it in slowly and see how I get on. And stop seeing pizza as part of my 5 a day!

B - eggs on bread with cheese
L - fasolakia and chicken soup
D - SW meal

Stay safe everyone, especially if you go to the pub! xx
Been a mad day today, foodwise just grabbed some SW patties and other bits - just trying to empty the fridge out before the end of next week because a friend and I are going to do a juice challenge - not for long, not 30 days like Joe Cross - although I rewatched his Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead last night and it was very inspirational, don't know how he did it TBH. He is changing his plan to include smoothies, soups and salads, so will do 3 or 7 days (not sure yet) and then move onto the clean eating section of life :).
Good luck on the juice challenge. Will you be making your own or buying them? X
Making my own, been meaning to buy a masticating juicer for ages and got a good deal on one.

Orrrr it's an excuse to buy another gadget...

You decide :D.

Just saw my neighbour, she's always busy at her allotment and has promised lots of surplus veg, which is great.
Well you do love a gadget susie🤣 Great news about the free veg! I think with juicing the trick is to use much more veg than fruit so that’s ideal x
Right, we've got a plan! Start Friday, with three days of Jason Vale's juice plan - and I'm quite pleased with it. I'm worried about getting hungry and going rogue, but you have juice 6-7 times a day - plus loads of water and herbal tea, etc. I am still going to allow myself one cup of normal tea, and possibly one of coffee, seeing how I feel (and I don't normally drink either of them to excess anyway) - but at least I'm at home and not working for 2 of the 3 days, so if I feel yuck (which people do apparently, as the toxins come out) then I can rest or whatever.

Then onto a week of celery juice, smoothies, soups and salads, eg -
- Joe Cross's cauli and spinach soup;
- Alice Liveing's butternut squash salad with feta and lemony tahini dressing;
- Joe's spiced cauli salad (lucky I don't have to go out anywhere! lol);
- roasted veg with pesto;
- and of course, fasolakia! :D

I am really looking forward to it. I need a good detox, especially as I had eggs this morning and felt quite icky, and I've been tooting for England for the last three hours! So they are obviously part of the digestive problem.
Good luck with the cleanse. I am sure it will help loads, although I will be honest and say it doesn't look like much fun.