Suzyflo's food diary....back on the wagon, target reached, now I need to stay there!!

Green Day

Hexa: milk & cheese
Hexb: weetabix & w/m bread

Breakfast: 2 x weetabix

Lunch: baked beans on w/m toast, muller light

Dinner: cheese topped quorn shepherds pie with carrots, green beans cauliflower & gravy (1 syn). muller light.
in the pan.
just out of the oven.
ready to eat..mmm.

Snacks: pear, apple, chocolate (3.5), whisky & diet coke (4 syns)

Total Syns = 8.5
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Hexa: milk, cheese
Hexb: crunchy bran, 2 x aldi less than 70 cal orange and choc bars

Breakfast: crunchy bran with sliced banana

Lunch: jacket potato, cous cous, tomatoes, celery, cucumber, boiled egg.

Dinner: the rest of yesterday's cheese topped quorn shepherds pie with green beans, carrots and cauliflower. muller light

Snacks: orange & choc bars, small piece sponge cake (5 syns?), light hot choc drink (2 syns), plum.

Total syns = 7
Quins said:
You sure you are not at target?

I was going to suggest the same. It may just be that this is the weight you're meant to be which is why your maintaining? X
Hi guys, if I hadn't already been less then I too would have agreed with you but when I was going to class I reached target at 10st 3lb - that meant I could be between 10st & 10st 6lb to remain a target member, I did fluctuate between those weights and even got down the the lower 10st mark for a while, I remained at target for 18 months. Even when I went over it was only by 1/2lb which I'm sure I could have rectified but the problem I then had was I was on the wrong shift to attend class for a further 3 weeks, then I went on holiday, when I eventually could go back I checked on my scales (which tally with the s/w ones) and I had gone way beyond what I should have been - I didn't want to go back and pay so I decided to go it alone to get back to where I was - hence me being on here. I'm currently weighing in at 10st 7lbs so that still makes me 1lb over my upper range. I know it's not much and I know I'm really ok as I am but I just want to get back to that 10st 3lb target again. :)
I completely understand your frustrations - especially because you've been at target before. My suggestion is to keep with it. Expect it to be slow but don't lose faith. I'm positive you'll get there but don't start depriving yourself and definitely don't let it get you down :)
Thanks Quins and Vintage Pockets, your comments help me to stay focused, I appreciate your support :thankyou:
I will stick at it, no point in going off the rails at this stage, that elusive target is almost in reach! I'll get there......eventually:D
Red day

Hexa: milk
Hexb: fruit & fibre, w/m bread

Breakfast: fruit & fibre with sliced banana

Lunch: pilchards in tomato sauce on w/m toast. pear.

Dinner: s/w bacon & mushroom quiche with lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber and beetroot. meringue, strawberries & blueberries with strawberry flavour activia 0% snackpot with a little blob of chocolate philadelphia on top. (3 syns)

Snacks: crisps (5 syns) scan bran carrot cake (1.5 syns)

Total Syns: 9.5
Red day

Hexa: milk, baby bel light
Hexb: crunchy bran, aldi light apple & sultana bars

Breakfast: crunchy bran with sliced banana, strawberries and blueberries.

Lunch: ham salad,lighter than light mayo (1 syn) scan bran carrot cake with quark & lemon. (1.5syns)

Dinner: roast pork with carrots, green beans and cauliflower. activia 0% snackpot.

Snacks: pear, apple, plum, baby bel light, crisps (5 syns)

Syns: 7.5
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Your food always looks so pretty!
Red Day

Hexa: milk, baby bel light
Hexb: all bran, w/m bread

Breakfast: all bran with sliced banana, strawberries and blueberries.

Lunch: roast pork salad, lighter than light mayonnaise (1 syn). activia 0% yogurt.

Dinner: bacon, eggs, eat smart sausages (1 syn) mushrooms and w/m toast. scanbran carrot cake (1.5 syns) with quark & lemon.

Snacks: apple, pear, plum, melon, baby bel light.

Syns: 3.5
I didn't get round to posting my meals yesterday after having just done 3 x 6-6 shifts then going out straight from work for a girly get together, by the time I got home I just couldn't be bothered!

Anyway, here is yesterday's food:

Red Day

Hexa: milk
Hexb: crunchy bran, jacket potato

Breakfast: crunchy bran with blueberries and sliced banana.

Lunch: tuna salad, lighter than light mayo (1 Syn). activia 0% snackpot.

Dinner: this was in the form of a few nibbles at a friends house, no alcohol consumed as was driving, food wise I had lettuce, tomatoes, carrot sticks, cucumber sticks, tiny piece of pizza, 1 chicken dipper, mini jacket potato, 1 x ryvita thin and a cup cake, not sure of the syns but I'll just say that I've used the remaining 14 syns.

Snacks: 2x plums, apple, pear.

Syns: 15
Red day

Hexa: milk
Hexb: porridge, w/m bread

Breakfast: porridge with blueberries

Lunch: 2 x eat smart sausages (1 syn) with scrambled egg, tomato sauce (1 syn)

Dinner: chicken breast with carrots, cauliflower and green beans, gravy (1 syn). meringue with blueberries, strawberries, yogurt & small blob of chocolate philadelphia (3 syns)

Snacks: apple, crisps (5 syns)

Syns: 10
What a gorgeous day it's been today, it's hard to believe that it was snowing last Sunday!

I've been out walking today and clocked up 6.5 miles, more than half way through my 100 mile walk now, slowly but surely. I also started the 30 day shred yesterday, did it again today so I'm on Level 1 day 2, it's my intention to do the shred every day, however, I'm back at work on Tuesday and I have an idea that I won't be feeling quite so motivated after a 12 hour shift!
Red day

Hexa: milk
Hexb: porridge, w/m bread

Breakfast: porridge with mixed summer berries. slice w/m toast with marmalade (1 syn)

Lunch: egg on toast.

Dinner: basa fillet with carrots, green beans and cauliflower. meringue with blueberries, strawberries, f/f yogurt & blob of choc philly (again!) (3 syns)

Snacks: apple, pear, choclate (3.5 syns)

Syns: 7.5