Sybersadie's Diary

I think I need to lose a bit more before I give really serious exercise a go. I just feel so heavy!
@Beccubug do you eat fish? I could quite easily ditch meat (although I do eat it) and live off eggs and fish!

@SarahDr I did the couch to 5k when I took up running a few years back. I used to enjoy doing about 5k, never pushed my self further than 6k max. One of my skinny friends is a runner, she is always nagging me to get out and get running again. I haven't run for well over a year so when I get back to it I will use it again.
I think I need to lose a bit more before I give really serious exercise a go. I just feel so heavy!

I started exercising with walking, although I was lighter than I am now :rolleyes: (And thought I was at my fattest :eek:)

I started with a short five minute walk and worked up to walking 5k everyday. I got fitter remarkably quickly.
So you think size effects exercise?

I've only been fat less than 2 years, and I've noticed I can still do all the things I could do when I was thin. I can still run/ cycle go to a Zumba class, Pilates class. Sometimes at a class I feel fitter than some of the smaller girls. But I think people assume being overweight/obese automatically makes a person unfit.

I kind of hate running you know and the thought of couch 2 5k wasn't my cup of tea always made me feel good to get outside and do it.
I've had the app on my phone for such a long time and never done anything with it. I really struggle with running.
I don't think size is an issue, I think it is more to do with fitness than size. But, if you haven't done any exercise for a long while, if ever, then feeling heavy can affect how you think and feel about your ability to exercise. And, your fitness level may not be all that great. Starting with something that is achievable and that also helps improve fitness is a positive step that can bring results and encourage more activity.

If you've continued to exercise as you get heavier you can still do all you would be able to to. I'm sort of the same. I started exercising when I was thinner (although I thought I was fat then) and continued reasonably regularly so I feel I am generally fit. If I have a break in exercising I will start back more slowly to as not to injure myself and get my fitness level up - which is what I am doing at the moment.

Related to my size, I liked running but gave it up when I got bigger as I found it uncomfortable to run with a large chest - and I used serious lockdown two high impact sports bras one of which was a shock absorber run bra. I moved over to cycling then.
Running is not for everyone :) Find what suits!
@Beccubug do you eat fish? I could quite easily ditch meat (although I do eat it) and live off eggs and fish!

No fish for me. Even before I went veggie about 15 years ago I never ate fish, apart from fish fingers and battered cod.

Related to my size, I liked running but gave it up when I got bigger as I found it uncomfortable to run with a large chest - and I used serious lockdown two high impact sports bras one of which was a shock absorber run bra. I moved over to cycling then.

A big chest has always been my problem with running. I have never managed to find a sports bra that actually does what I need it to.
No fish for me. Even before I went veggie about 15 years ago I never ate fish, apart from fish fingers and battered cod.

A big chest has always been my problem with running. I have never managed to find a sports bra that actually does what I need it to.
Enell bras for the runners or women with bigger chests who want to feel nothing move or jiggle :p
It actually feels magical!
Enell bras for the runners or women with bigger chests who want to feel nothing move or jiggle :p
It actually feels magical!

I will have to have a look, I even find when I do Yoga it is uncomfortable, downward dog is just staring at your own cleavage.
Body weight exercises (e.g. lunges, squats, planking, sit ups etc) can be a good transition to fitness, as can gentle pilates. My PT specialises in working with overweight individuals and she swears by these methods. They can be especially useful if you have 'problem areas' (although my problem area seems to be 'all over'!!) as you can target specific muscle groups and notice a difference in your shape relatively quickly. When I reintroduced myself to cardio last year, we started with some shadow boxing and I found that great too - it's low impact but definitely gets the heart rate up. These are all things you can do in your own home too, without a PT. I'm sure there are lots of apps or you tube videos that can give you a routine to follow?

My personal thoughts are that the earliest you introduce exercise as part of your daily routine, the easier that maintenance should be once you're at goal, because you'll already be doing a big chunk of the hard work needed to keep the weight off.
Enell bras for the runners or women with bigger chests who want to feel nothing move or jiggle :p
It actually feels magical!

I've only ever used a Shock Absorber Run bra. Maybe give Enell a try. Won't buy right away, however. Right now I am not running and the shock absorber is fine for going on the eliptical, plus I might shrink a bit more in that department.

@womble35 my toning work is generally split between body weight exercises and hand weight work. I am adding that back into my routine next week :)
Ok, now I know why I've never tried the Enell sports bra - they are front fastening and I've never been keen on that type of fastening in bras.
Personally I've never found back fastening ones that could hold as tight as these... plus the back is built in a way to prevent you from slumping. I only wear it for exercise not an all day thing. but to not feel my bosom during exercise is a pretty amazing feeling
So I now see, having just spent the last 40 minutes looking at Enell reviews on YouTube :oops:

Maybe when I get back from holiday I will get one and give it a go.
I started Pilates last year, it begins again after Easter: you don't really break a sweat but it's great for a good ache the next day. You kind of push yourself as hard as you want. A beginner and someone advanced could both get a fab workout and just change the moves depending on ability.

I thought I'd hate it but I loved it. I like the last 5 mins when you lay on the floor and relax. I could sleep.

How much is an enell? Sounds like I need one.
I hate how hard sports bras are to remove when your sweaty. All the ones I've had have been over the head to get off.
I saw them for around £46. Dearer than Shock Absorbers but if they are as good as the reviews worth it.
Thanks Darcy :) Another working one for me. Housework and shopping today, with a bit of work later. A full workday tomorrow - deadline approaching o_O
Thanks Darcy :) Another working one for me. Housework and shopping today, with a bit of work later. A full workday tomorrow - deadline approaching o_O

You going to work on Sunday?!? You are being courageous!
Tomorrow I'm hauling out possibly "wearable" clothes for cocktails, dinners and meetings... And trying them on *cry* - I HAVE to do this you guys and I hate it, I really do!
I'd rather clean a toilet I kid you not! :oops: