Take 2! My New IF Journey

It's tough when trying to decide which diet or changing diets it. What's worked best for you before?

The last time i had really good success on a diet it was on Slim Fast. About three years ago. Didn't really want to go down that route again... A also want to be sure i incorporate some fasting for the health benefits? Perhaps Eat, Stop, Eat might be appropriate for me at the moment?

How are you getting on Love?
Still doing 5.2 well more like 6.1 - weightloss stalled, then I ate pizza, curry and drank you much and put on 4. I've now re-lost that 4 by dropping my carbs and haven't had a drink for over a week. Need to see the scales shift or I'm taking them back to the shops too see if they're faulty!!!!!!
Well done :) Can#t wait to try my size 10s. I'm still a way off at the moment!

It's been a long slog - 4 years to lose the baby weight and break the target I got to before being pregnant. Lots of stop starts and mini targets.. These last few pounds might take another 3 months!!
It's been a long slog - 4 years to lose the baby weight and break the target I got to before being pregnant. Lots of stop starts and mini targets.. These last few pounds might take another 3 months!!

The last few pounds are always the worst. Fingers crossed they come off fairly quickly for you.
Bought a new top and work trousers today - size 8 top and 10 bottoms - lowest weight in 13 years. So worth the effort - last few pounds will be brill but need to shift my thinking to exercise too! Did 100 stomach crunches today as kids didn't think it was possible!!!
100 stomach crunches! Wow. I did 20 the other day and it felt like i'd pulled a muscle in my stomach so from now on i'm telling people that the reason my stomach is so bad is because its full of muscle!

Well so far i've had a rotten week. My stomach is bloated and swollen and i've had a lot of trouble with heart burn and massive cravings! I look pregnant and my trousers are so tight. If i'm still bloated next week i may have to nip down to the doctors and make sure nothing is wrong. Think i'll give weigh in a miss this week. Just need to get my arse into gear, even if i have to mix meal replacement shakes with something like 16/8... So 1 or 2 replacements and a healthy meal in the evening.... before i put back on all the weight i've lost. Well the other 5 i haven't already gained.
I've had problems with excess stomach acid in the past but the bloating is new. Will keep an eye on it and see how it goes. If its not gone by Monday i'll bug the doctor about it. My stomach looks awful though.
I've had problems with excess stomach acid in the past but the bloating is new. Will keep an eye on it and see how it goes. If its not gone by Monday i'll bug the doctor about it. My stomach looks awful though.

You could try Holland and Barratt they may have something to help settle it or buscapan I think you can get over the counter. Maybe meal replacement would be a good idea whilst you are struggling to get on track.
I went to Holland and Barrett and they said they couldn't really recommend anything because of the different medications so i would need to ask my doctors advice. I think i am going to go down the meal replacement route for now. I was looking at the usual shakes, slim fast and the supermarket own brands and i'm stunned by the amount of carbs in them. I've got a couple of the Atkins ones and i'm going to see what they are like. If they're nice i'll buy some more if not i might have to buy some from Slim & Save, or exante or something like that and just use them to replace a couple of meals a day. Need to do something as i've gained another pound. Not bad considering i feared it would be much more!
Thanks for the link Mis-bahave, its really interesting stuff. Can i ask which make of digestive enzyme you take?

Trying to make a commitment to doing something positive this week. Thinking i will stick to an eating window and eat in a window no more than 8hours and no less than 5hours. I will also do at least 20mins hill walking on treadmill, start the 30 day beginners crunch challenge and add some Kettlebell moves. Feeling positive at the moment..... Lets see how i feel tomorrow morning!
I did this test 1st for low stomach acid.

To perform the test do the following:

Buy some Betaine HCL with pepsin (I like these)
Eat a high protein meal of at least 6 ounces of meat
In the middle of meal take 1 Betaine HCL pill
Finish your meal as normal and pay attention to your body
There's really only 2 outcomes from this test.

The first is that you won't notice anything, as you go about your normal life after the meal nothing will change. This means it is very likely you have low stomach acid levels.
If as you go about your normal life and start to feel stomach distress characterized as heaviness, burning, or hotness - then these are signs that you don't have low acid levels.
This test isn't completely fool proof either and should be repeated at least one more time on a different day to confirm the first test. One of the biggest causes of false test results is the amount of protein eaten at the meal, so make sure to eat a chunk of meat with the test. If you do get some burning, don't worry it will pass in about an hour. You can also mix up a ½ teaspoon of baking soda and drink it to help stop the discomfort.

After getting 2 positive tests, it is time to start supplementing with Betaine HCL to get your stomach acid levels where they need to be for good digestion.

I have low stomach acid now what?

If you do find out you have low stomach acid, the prescription is pretty simple. In the short term, you need to supplement your acid levels to allow the rest of the digestive process to work properly.

Natural supplements options include apple cider vinegar and digestive bitters. But usually most people will need to supplement with Betaine HCL as a replacement for the low acid. It is thought that Betaine HCL will retrain your stomach to get to the correct pH levels overtime. What is known is it will allow your digestion to work correctly in the interim.

Long-term you need to work on finding the root cause problem and taper off the supplements.

But until then, Betaine HCL supplementation is a safe way to have great digestion and make sure your getting the nutrients you need from you foods.
