Total Solution Target = thin at thirty

Hi Gem - I also get the rash - on my belly and breasts - so far this time not had it! I thought it was washing powder or something but nothing had changed - doc said eczema and I just use e45 cream now to keep it under control - but I tell you what - when it itches it's a bloody nightmare and I've scratched so hard I've broken skin which is not good.

i think it must be something it the packs and were susceptible to it !
Thanks to both Vee and Lynne - puts my mind at rest a little bit at least, I'm not just a weirdo!

It really is so itchy, and I get it constantly. OH moans at me for itching but I can't help it, but then I break the skin and worry about scarring (a couple have). Think I care more about the weight loss than I do about the rash/itching/scarring though... will just keep an eye on it and buy some different creams until I find something that works!
I think I'll get some sudocream or some E45 cream tomorrow to try.
So after Lil's post on the other thread I've added a post to the Exante nutritionist's forum. I'll let you know if I get a response. Lynne. Let me know how sudocream/E45 works for you. I used Eurax yesterday (anti-itching cream) and it has helped.

Diet update:

Weighed in this morning another 1lb down. I know I said I wouldn't daily weigh but as this morning equals one full week of 100% TS I thought I should see. So that's 10lbs in my first week. If I look at the smaller numbers (I only count whole pounds) it's also only 1oz off 11lbs in my first week. Chuffed to bits. Now to put the scales away until Friday....

Went to the cinema last night with the OH to see Hunger Games: Catching Fire. It was the late showing (started at 9:10, didn't get back to the car til midnight) so I was a bit worried about food etc. But I'm pleased to say I was 100% :) I took a choc orange bar but didn't even manage to eat all of that. Did drink a lot of coke zero though. OH managed to munch though a sweet popcorn all on his own! Greedy sod!
Bacon is not allowed in this house. I would cave in at the smell of it grilling.
You can Vee. And you will. In future when you might be tempted, remember this movement, and how you didn't cave (when you oh-so-easily could have) and how positive it made you feel and the success that has resulted from not caving.
Oh my.... bacon butties! One of my favorites. I've just thought I think when I do the food shopping I''ll only buy in food I don't like so I won't be tempted. Problem is, I'm not too fussy and will eat most things which is why I find myself in this position!
Just caught up on your diary Gem. How was the film?-I am a bit of a film buff but have to take my OH kicking & screaming some of the time. What a brilliant weight loss, well done.
I think bacon must be one of the few foods that you can smell even by just talking about it.
Discussion of bacon butties are now banned from my diary!

Hope everyone is well. Day 9 is going well for me so far, but still taking each mealtime as it comes. So far I've just had a vanilla shake. May need to grab a coffee/coke zero in a bit to keep me awake for the rest of the working day!
Just went to the kitchen and made a good choice - a green tea with a peppermint teabag thrown in the mix too. :)
Hi BG. Sounds like you're well and truly in the zone. I took an antihystamine tablet this morning and must admit I haven't itched as badly today. Also bought some e45 cream which I'm going to put on after a soak in the bath.
Hi BG. Sounds like you're well and truly in the zone. I took an antihystamine tablet this morning and must admit I haven't itched as badly today. Also bought some e45 cream which I'm going to put on after a soak in the bath.

Eurax cream seems to really be helping me Lynne. Put it on every morning after a shower. Rash has spread onto back but is far less intense than it has been in the past. Will continue to monitor it though.

Have a great day BG you're doing great x

Thanks Minnie. And to you. Day 10 of 100% TS for me today, which is a success in itself :)
Sounds like your day is going well Gemma. Hope the afternoon is good to you too x
How's it going today Gemma x
Yesterday, day 11, was very busy indeed. I had an interview for an exciting new job in the morning and then had a very busy day at work. Exhausted. Was nervous the night before the interview so took a sleeping tablet (I'm a shocker for not sleeping when I'm nervous/worrying about something) and it properly zonked me out. I was like a zombie on the streets of London yesterday! Interview went well though and I'm through to the next stage :) Not getting my hopes up though as there are 3 more stages to go before any job offer.

Exhaustion made me feel hungry though. And I was SO tempted to eat last night. Thankfully I only had one shake all day so I had a chilli and a warm choc mint shake to make me feel a bit 'naughty' whilst remaining 100%. Can feel me starting to slip though, especially with the upcoming weekend when I'll be going home to Southampton to see my family and celebrate my nephew's 5th birthday. There are 3 family meals planned that I need to overcome. At the moment I'm wanting to remain 100% TS and not eat (I did that before when I was in my early days of Cambridge a couple of years ago and they are generally very supportive) but have a feeling that I may slip, especially when we go to one of my fave pubs on Sunday.....
Hi Gemma , good news on the interview front. Will keep my fingers crossed that you get it.:fingerscrossed:
If only we could shut ourselves away from any temptation eh. Its good that your family are supportive as 3 celebration meals is going to be tough. However if you manage to stay TS with one tell yourself you can do it again. The other option is to pick low carb & stick to it. Just ask your family to help you out on the day. Whatever you do enjoy yourself x

Well done on staying TS yesterday