Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Morning Jim! Not much to report today, been out to visit friends but couldn't stay long as the snow was heavy and we had to get home before we got snowed out! It has stopped snowing here for now but the sky still looks full of it. Just have to wait and see I guess!
Hi Taz, well we weren't supposed to get any snow, but it's starting here.
I'm not taking any notice of the forecasts, they are all wrong at the moment!

Went out to see my gran earlier, she is 91 and has some mobility problems so I wanted to check that she was ok in this cold weather. When we got there her evening carer was there making her dinner so it was good to see that they are still getting there. I have told my gran to call me if her carers can't get there any time, I can't have her left on her own. The old ones are a worry in this weather!
Morning Taz, I hope they are wrong today, they're promising us bucketloads. I'm pleased your Gran was OK love.
One carriage in the rush hour? how did that happen Taz. :)
It wasn't so bad Nomad, a lot of fun with only one carriage in the rush hour! Did you like my song?!

I did! :D

Hope your day got better. x
Ahhh thanks!

Jim, there were some break downs over night so they had to use anything that was available. As I told one passenger, it was either that or no train at all! I asked who needed a ticket for the Cosy Express, that made them smile! not one complaint about the lack of seats, which was good.
I nearly said enjoy your time off yesterday but couldn't remember if you still had a day to work. Judging by the time you posted, one assumes today is your last day? xx
Nice one Taz and good morning to you love.
You finished for the day then Taz? Tomorrow is my last day as well. :)
Well if today is anything to go by (and I have the same job tomorrow!) it won't be an easy last day! The first part of the day was fine as my train was cancelled. The middle bit was also ok. But the last bit, my train was 20 minutes late so I had a lot to do and I ended up finishing 50 minutes late! I know I can expect the same tomorrow as the delays are caused by the trains having to run at a reduced speed due to the conditions.

Ah well, after tomorrow none of it matters!