Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Mr Taz perked up after a trip to the corner shop. It seems this fresh cold air is very good for this bug. When I had it I found it good to be outside as it really cleared the passages.

Last day today, I am expecting it to be just like yesterday - late and chaotic!
Morning Taz,Man flu is awful, way worse than anything a woman has to suffer.
Yes very brave! Another cancelled train today and my last one, as predicted, was very late! Ah well, I have now broken up for christmas and have 4 days off! Merry christmas everyone!
I'm totally bummed out now :( I have just found out that I'm unlikely to get new years day off and we have booked the weekend away :( we will now have to cancel. Not a happy bunny :( :(
ah, That's a shame Taz,can you swap with anyone?
there's a terrible bug going around this time of year taz ;) *hint hint*

Never mind the bugs, she could go away with all good intentions of coming home for work but get "snowbound" & not make it!!! x ;)
Ha ha I like your thinking! Although, I have already had the bug, still with traces of it now. they would have to see that I really am ill to be convinced. I have found out that the job I am supposed to do on NYD is actually cancelled and only 6 hours but that doesn't mean they cant give me another job to do. Ah well, if i don't get it off it will be the first time I have had to stay home for new year so I guess I can't really complain too much.

Anyhooo it's christmas eve!!!!!!!!!!! Woo hooooo Santa's visiting tonight!!!!!!!

Busy busy day today, popping round to my grans sometime this morning to check she is ok. She will have had no visitors all week except for her carers and they don't stay long. I will take her a slice of the banana cake I made last night. Then sometime this afternoon the Stone's are stopping by on their way home, they too will be force fed my banana cake! Then this evening my friend/colleague/neighbour is coming round, as she does every christmas eve, and we will have a drink, watch christmas films, have some munchies. And in between all that I have to find some time to do some tidying/cleaning, washing, washing up and I have to wash my hair and have a shower!

Ohhhh and as Friday is my official WI day, and the last one before christmas, I am just 2lb from the goal I had in mind for christmas! So now I have to think about an acceptable gain for next WI which I think should be no more that 3lb. EEEK!

Merry christmas everyone x