Team 23 - Mission: SlimPossible

Afternoon ladies.

had my first wi and i am now - 10lbs, YEEEHAAAA!!
Up until i hopped on the scales i was fed up already, this has given me the motivation i need to keep going!
Beginning of day 8 today, gonna have another 100% week to see how i do.
Glad to hear your getting on ok with 810 week raquel, hope im as strict with myself as you are.
Heva, I felt really bloated in my first few days as well, more so than usual. But i still had a great loss so don't let that feeling put you off.

Im off now for a little while but i'll pop back in a little while to see if any of you are around. Keep up the good work ladies xxxx
hi guys - sorry i havent been around for the last few days, i have had an awful few days...
saturday night i colapsed at my sons football presentation in front of lots of very good friends, i was ambulanced to a and e and been diagnosed with gallstones (although this is only proffesional opinion, i need a scan to prove it.
gall stones are caused by a rapid reduction in the fat in your diet and are a common symptom of the cambridge - i knew this and friend of mine last 13 stone on cambridge, and ended up with the, i knew what i was getting into, and i knew the risks.
The dr has banned me from cambridge until i have had my scan, and dh has banned me from it permantantly, i will return all my "spare" shakes tomorrow and thats me done.
i can no longer officially be part of this team as it is for CD HOWEVER i joined SW world last night and will continue my journey, this time im going for slow and "healthy". If you will allow me i would still like to join in and say Hi, and i wish you all a fantastic journey, whereever the journey may end.
i finished at 12.13, and it was my aim to get into the 12's so its bitter sweet that i got there the day i nearly died, (and i genuinely thought i was going to die, i have never experienced pain like it!!
i am still in pain several days later, although its milder, i do hope i wont be like this into they operate!!
so i wish you all, all the best, and i promise i wont be a stranger:D
Oh my word, what a trauma Scojos! I'm really glad you got into the 12's but completely understand that you need to do the rest on a regular healthy eating plan - at the end of the day, your health is the priority! Please keep coming on and giving us updates and the odd kick up the backside if we need it!

Miss Mallow - huge well done on the 10lbs, that is amazing! Really pleased for you and hope it's given you that extra motivation to stick this out!

Raquel, I know what you mean about the slower weight loss but I guess you are now on the most important part of this diet, the education and eating again, take it a day at a time and you'll get there!

Hope you're ok today Heva?

Well, I've been to Alton Towers today and must say, I am exhausted! Was delighted to fit comfortably onto the rides though and not get stressed about the safety bar not fitting properly!

We're going away for a few days tomorrow so I won't be around and won't be weighing in this week. I plan on having a bar and a shake and then a healthy, low carb evening meal while we are away so I don't end up getting in a strop and bingeing! I weighed myself this morning and was 2lbs down so would hope I will be 3lbs down by normal weigh in day on Friday!

Is anyone able to post the results for us all this week as I won't be back until Monday? It'll be a shame not to show Miss Mallow's amazing loss!
Agh, I would post the loss but I am going on a holiday to egypt for a week early saturday morning. Scojos, first time I saw your name on a post! Tracy, hoping the pain is lessening, gosh that is scary and I def agree that the choice to finish cd would cd best. Please continue to pop back in. Well done miss mallow on 10lbs loss thats brill! Miss mallow are you able to post the results. I did not have a good arvo, trigger to eat is work and afraid I caved. Now I know its a trigger I just wish I was strong enough to control at all times! Most of the time I am, but if I have stress at work its all over!
pop back? you re not getting rid of me that easily, lol!!
yeah, well, 100 s of tracys hence the log on, scott and josh, my boys names;)
been back today to hand back all my cd stuff to cdc, very sad, end of an era, my fat picture is on her wall, she has made me promise to send her a thin picture, i told her theres a while to go yet, hehe!!
sw going well, however, still seem to be doing cd in my head, eating all things i was allowed on 1000 cal - how wierd is that?
started on cheese, i like that!!
having an 810 approved tea tonight, brain tells me im cheating if i have anything else, and didnt use any syns yesterday - so funnily enough, when i was doing 810 i kept picking and now im not doing it, im following it to the letter...!
can anyone explain that to me???
pain is still there but bearable, hope you re all ok,
Glad your feeling better tracy. Back to day 1 maintenance for me, I have been so naughty! Not gonna make excuses I made the choices just wish I could be stronger and say no. Anyways I leave for egypt tonight so will be my last check im for 9 days, unless I come across net access on the way. Have a great half term everyone :)
On way to airport but thought id write to say I hope everyone has a great week. I need to get my head refocused maybe 9 days away from all stresses will do me good. Tracy, we are doing a 9 day tour, weather forecast is fab- ill be able to fill you in more when I return. Take care everyone.
Hi all

I'm just checking in with you...its going better, my oh started this cd on thursday so at least I have a bit of support. Went on wednesday to offload the disgusting porridge and I persuaded my counsellor to let me get on her scale as I was convinced I had gained but it said I was down 7 so very excited. Official first weigh in tomorrow so wish me luck!
Hi Guys

I'm back from a long weekend away where I made the choice to eat 'normal' food!! I really enjoyed it and made what I considered sensible choices, gained 3lbs but that's all gone but 1/2lb so happy with that!

Raquel, hope you're having a fab time in Egypt - hope it does you the world of good, you have done so, so well to get this close to goal, am sure you'll get there once you're back.

Scojos - hope you're feeling a bit better and the healthy eating is going ok...

Heva - Huge Well Done!!! 10lbs is a superb loss and it must be such a motivation that your OH has started CD too - at least you're in it together now!

Miss Mallow - how's things, your next weigh in must be soon?
hi guys, just to let you know i lost -4.5lbs at first SW wi!!
i was so excited!
struggling with too many choices to be honest, so having to regiment my days, like CD and that is working for me....
well done on your 10lb loss heva, thats fantastic, i really admire your ability to stick to this diet.
when i went to see cdc for last time, i took my BF who wants to lose weight she did 1 day and cracked! made me realise how hard it is, when you are "in" the diet, you dont realise how hard it really is...
Lizzy - glad you ve had a good w end, im v jealous of raquels trip, few more weeks for me until i go, hehe!!
well, still need to lose a stone, but got 10 weeks so hoping thats long enough on SW.
got my scan on friday to see if it is gallstones,
Wow Scojos - 4.5lbs is fantastic - well done you!! Blimey, you've lost more in one week on SW than I have recently on CD - mind you, you have been in the wars though!

I'm pleased to report that I've now lost all of the weight I gained over the weekend and another 1lb - woohoo! Should be on for a 3lb loss at weigh in on Friday.

Having the break at the weekend has helped me get over any cravings to eat and I'm now back SS 100% and focussed for the next few weeks! I think I'll see how much I have left to lose at the end of July and then start moving up the plans as I think I will be really bored by then.

How's everyone else doing - are you still around Miss Mallow?
Where is everyone??? Enjoying the sunshine I hope!

Well, considering I had a few days off, I'm pleased to report that I lost 3lbs this week! Really pleased with that but only 1/2 an inch lost over 2 weeks which I'm not too impressed about! Still, determined to keep going and it'll catch up I'm sure!
Yay, well done Heva!!!

Hope everyone's ok - seem to be a bit of a billy no mates on here at the moment!!
Absolutely it counts Heva!!!

Where is everyone else?? I've been away with work for a couple of days and there's been no activity here......