**TEAM TINSEL** 4 stone for Christmas

donnajt said:
Life is NOT a box of chocolates,
its more like a jar of jalapenos
what you do today can burn your a***tomorrow!

It definitely can! Think of that when you want something naughty and it might help you stay on track! :) xx
donnajt said:
I am stuffed!!! made vegetarian burgers tonight with sw chips and chopped salad - literally can't move but already fancying another burger lol!

Weigh in tomorrow....hoping for 5lbs

Ooh hope you get the 5lbs hun! Have you had a sneaky weigh in at home or are you going in blind? Xx
2lbs off towards my xmas mid target. Hoping 2 stone off by then. So 26 to go. Too late for the 4 stones off. Fingers crossed. X

Barney2106 - that's an amazing loss, well done!!! Think positive - its doable - I have lots 37lb more to lose, but hey ho if we don't do it for Christmas we'll do it for Valentines xxx
Wow Donna that's amazing!!! Good job hunny, I bet you're so pleased! Your hard work has paid off, keep it up! Xx
Am still in shock Sammy lol!!! I could have been a bit waterlogged last as I came on this week but I really don't care

Been up since 5 - courtesy of Noah - been out and delivered all my Avon catalogues, got loads of jobs I want to do today - but mainly the front gardens they both look so umkept!

So jobs today:-

1. Breakfast (got magic pancake mix in fridge)
2. Garden
3. Sort out storage in Noah's wardrobe (need to be able to access his toys himself now!)
4. SW Scones
5. SW Quiche
6. SW Pasties
8. Ironing
9. Housework
10. Ebay
11. Dye my hair

What have you got planned Sammy? something a bit more fun than me I hope!
Morning everyone! Thought I`d check-in quickly as I`m at work this morning, teaching at a local school, and thankfully one of the ladies I teach works here so has logged me on to one of the PCs. My 10:00 class haven`t turned up so I`ve got a sneaky 20 mins to catch-up with the world. (This keyboard is bizarre, there`s no apostrophe key?)

I`ve had a bit of a crap few days food-wise. I don`t think it`s affected my weight too badly actually but it`s not good. I`ve been on my own at home since Thursday and I end up feling a bit bored and lonely so I eat! It`s been worse not having the internet cos normally I`d come and talk to you guys. No phone line either to give people a ring and that. I have to say my (two) closest friends are absolute crap. One of them has disappeared into the ether since I started losing weight (possibly just a complete coincidence but you just don't know). I just find them so selfish. I always make the effort to see them but feel like if I didn't bother I'd not see them at all. I always go to them, they never come to me. They've got their partners and children and I know I'm (understandably) really low on their priority list, but I just don't think they even begin to fathom how much I depend on them for being able to go out and about. I feel like I do everything on my own. I'm a bit sick of me! I want to spend some time with other people that's not in a work setting and where the other people aren't my parents. Don't get me wrong, I get on really well with my parents but it's not the same. I'm an only child too and my closest cousin lives in bloody Chelmsford!!!

Got, I'm sorry for venting all this. I should really be saying to these people who i feel let-down by, but I wonder what's the point? I'm not important enough to them, they've shown they don't really care (they both forgot my birthday and only realised once people started putting messages on fb) but if I cut them off I'm leaving myself even more isolated than I already am.

I feel really frustrated. I know I'm not a horrible or vindictive person and I've got a huge amount to give to people. They just don't seem to want to take it. WTF is wrong with me?

Missing yous lots (can you tell, lol). I think I'll be fine once t'internet's back up and running.
Oh f**k me, in the midst of all my self-pity I completely missed Donna's AMAZING loss!!! WOW!! That is so bloody fantastic, I'm so chuffed for you Donna, it's totally deserved. xxxx :worthy:
Morning Andrea, you will probably find your friends envy you - if they are anything like me - husband and kids and no time for themselves, and I binge bigtime when I can't get on here at all, hence my 6lbs weight gain

I am your friend, I know you live a long way away but you are always welcome to come here, Paul is working overtime at weekends at mo so I am bored and I am usually always a fishing widow one day over weekend when he isn't working!!!

Have you thought about joining some clubs etc locally? or starting a new hobby that will get you meeting new people with similar interests? I used to find it hard to mix but sometimes you just have to take the bull by the horns and say..."oh do you fancy a coffee?"

Is there a page on Minimims to find buddies? CharleyBarley lives close to me but we have yet to meet

If you would like my home or mobile number, pm if, I know what it feels like to be lonely, you are a gorgeous lady inside and out - don't start losing confidence or self loathing we don't allow it, chin up, focus all your energies into tomorrow xxxx
donnajt said:
Am still in shock Sammy lol!!! I could have been a bit waterlogged last as I came on this week but I really don't care

Been up since 5 - courtesy of Noah - been out and delivered all my Avon catalogues, got loads of jobs I want to do today - but mainly the front gardens they both look so umkept!

So jobs today:-

1. Breakfast (got magic pancake mix in fridge)
2. Garden
3. Sort out storage in Noah's wardrobe (need to be able to access his toys himself now!)
4. SW Scones
5. SW Quiche
6. SW Pasties
8. Ironing
9. Housework
10. Ebay
11. Dye my hair

What have you got planned Sammy? something a bit more fun than me I hope!

Not much planned today and definitely not anything more fun than you unfortunately! Got to pick my mum up from hospital, she's been there visiting her best friend (like my second mum) all week because she scratched her arm (only about an inch or so long) a couple of weeks ago and it's somehow got infected with MRSA and has blistered up and spread from wrist to elbow and nearly the whole way around her arm. Antibiotics aren't working, they've tried them all, and the pharmacy at the hospital have had to actually make some super strong ones as a last resort but it's still growing so it looks like she's going to have to have the skin (basically most of her right forearm) removed and have a skin graft :-( so mums been visiting her every day and we went last night but it really worries me that jack will catch it so limiting the numbe of times we can visit, but my mums disabled so been picking her up from the hospital after visits and will be doing again tonight.

Can you tell me the magic pancake recipe and the scones recipe? I'd like to give them a try. I've got a banana pancake recipe I'm going to try today that's meant to be good. I know technically you're meant to sym bananas I'd you mash them
Up? But that's mainly because mashed/blended fruit means you eat more of it than
You normally would, and seeing as I will
Only be mashing up my usual daily banana I don't see why it should matter, so going to try them today and see how they are and if they're nice I'll post a pic :)

I got a lie in for once today as last night was bens turn to get up with jack and then he took him downstairs with him this morning to watch f1 qualifying so I got a nice lie in! Feel
So good for it!

Enjoy your gardening hunny, great body magic there! :) xx
Not much planned today and definitely not anything more fun than you unfortunately! Got to pick my mum up from hospital, she's been there visiting her best friend (like my second mum) all week because she scratched her arm (only about an inch or so long) a couple of weeks ago and it's somehow got infected with MRSA and has blistered up and spread from wrist to elbow and nearly the whole way around her arm. Antibiotics aren't working, they've tried them all, and the pharmacy at the hospital have had to actually make some super strong ones as a last resort but it's still growing so it looks like she's going to have to have the skin (basically most of her right forearm) removed and have a skin graft :-( so mums been visiting her every day and we went last night but it really worries me that jack will catch it so limiting the numbe of times we can visit, but my mums disabled so been picking her up from the hospital after visits and will be doing again tonight.

Can you tell me the magic pancake recipe and the scones recipe? I'd like to give them a try. I've got a banana pancake recipe I'm going to try today that's meant to be good. I know technically you're meant to sym bananas I'd you mash them
Up? But that's mainly because mashed/blended fruit means you eat more of it than
You normally would, and seeing as I will
Only be mashing up my usual daily banana I don't see why it should matter, so going to try them today and see how they are and if they're nice I'll post a pic :)

I got a lie in for once today as last night was bens turn to get up with jack and then he took him downstairs with him this morning to watch f1 qualifying so I got a nice lie in! Feel
So good for it!

Enjoy your gardening hunny, great body magic there! :) xx

omg that;s horrid and I completely understand not wanting to pass anything onto Jack

Magic pancakes are really easy - 35g porridge oats, 1x muller lite (I've been using the ltd ed mint and choc cos I hate it) - leave overnight in fridge, in the morning, beat a couple of eggs and beat into magic mixture, i tried frying but didn't work so i cook in micro using a bowl - spoon about 4 dessertspoons in, cook for 1.30 secs, flip cook for another 20 and serve

got a lovely lay in til 8:30 ... gardening for 6 hours yesterday, legs, knees flipping killing me today...got up and cleaned all the downstairs windows and doors tho