Tempus fugit


Full Member
Day 16 . . . Wow! Beginning to feel as if I'm getting into my stride. They say it takes three weeks to make or break a habit so hoping the shakes will soon just be part of my life instead of taking up every conscious minute of my time. Same every time I wake up (which is more often as need to go to loo). It's what gets me out of bed . . . to get on scales even though I promised I wouldn't. Are thoughts of LT taking over your lives?
I'm still totally obsessed :( Prob because even when in ketosis I'm hungry and my cravings are so bad! xx
Its like anything new it feels alien slaney, like when you first learn to drive its all you think about but once you been driving for a while you just get in the car and go you dont actually think about the driving its self. Once it becomes apart of your life you just do LT naturally without much thought. xx
You'll be fine. You will get to the point where it becomes second nature. For me was about week 3. I'm now in wek 18!!! Well done so far! :)
Emma x