Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=85329"/><img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=85330"/> Hair and nails not the best pic of me lol and nails she cutttttttt me lol

Looking fab hun!! Xx
I had tikka masala ( that or korma are the only ones I like) with plain rice, 2 mini bhajis and a garlic naan - ill probably regret it on Wed but it was bloody lush lol x
I halved it and said ill keep this for lunch tomorrow and then I said sod it im enjoying it too much - I wish I had now lol x
Lol I thought I could handle a full portion Minky seems now I cant - my tummy is killing and I wont be needing any laxatives I can assure you lol
mmm tikka masala is my ultimate fav curry! x
Fran ive always had eyes bigger than my belly lol thats what got me to the size I was in the first place haha. However I have to say the curry is a good laxative for me lol and its worked. I wasnt as bad as Minky but was having probs so thank god for Tikka Masala.

Lazy day planned for me today, Ive had bacon and eggs for brekkie, Ive got leftover stir fry for lunch just need to cook some more noodles, then corned beef hash for tea. So today just involves re heating whoop