Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Texty you SO will not be a whale! Far from it!
HEXA - ss milk in my rice pudd/ milk for tea

Brekkie -
Homemade Rice Pudd mixed with cinnamon

Lunch -
Gammon, cherry tomatoes

Tea -
Hunters chicken with a mix of SW and Sweet Potato chips

Drinks -
Tea, Pepsi Max
Snacks -
Strawberries, Pineapple

Syns -
Cathedral Lighter 25g (4) Sugar (2) BBQ Sauce (2)
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HEXA - ss milk in my rice pudd/ milk for tea
HEXB - None

Brekkie - Homemade Rice Pudd mixed with cinnamon

Lunch - Gammon, cherry tomatoes

Tea - Hunters chicken with a mix of SW and Sweet Potato chips

Drinks - Tea, Pepsi Max
Snacks - Strawberries, Pineapple

Syns - Cathedral Lighter 25g (4) Sugar (2)

Good food day hun xx
Hi hunni and to you too. Im having a lie in tomorrow morning, then I plan to have a SW brekkie, a lazyish day until 3 15, then im getting my nails fixed (snapped 2 acrylics) ouch. Back home nice hot bath pamper myself and then out on the town with the girls whoop. Not been out since before xmas so im looking forward to it :D What about you chick??
Sounds lovely, especially the lazy day bit!! Hehe.
I'm off to a 30th birthday do tomorrow night, visiting OH's family before we go, can't wait to see our gorgeous little nephew, he's only just started walking :) taking all our stuff so we can get ready at their house. I'll probably be the one driving home as I'm really not that fussed about drinking....how old did that make me sound??!!!! Lol xx
I hope you have a fab time mrstore I love a good party lol. I however will not be driving I intend having a good drink :D

I love the hunters too Fran the BBQ sauce makes it so tasty yummy, and the chips made it even better lol.