Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Good evening Texty, hope your well and that you had a good day. I'm in the bath getting warm as its very cold here horrid weather makes me want comforting food though! Got a veg & bean stew though which I cooked in the slow cooker yesterday yay! Xx

Hi hun im fine thankyou - the earache/sore throat seems to have passed, but still have a slight headache. A warm bath sounds good chick. Ive got stewing beef out to put in the slow cooker tomorrow ready to make a dinner when I get in from work x
Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Glad your feeling better hun x
They look delicious, taste like ice lollies, give me a bad head & usually make me throw up. Demon drinks they are. Maybe I'll bring the alcazelser (not sure how to spell it) x