The Beck Diet Solution Book Group


Repeat Offender
Well it's Monday, the day we said we'd start so here's Day 1! Each day we can come on here and discuss the reading and activity for the day, don't worry if you can't make it on each day I doube we'll be able to all make it every day but try to keep up with the reading and get on when you can :)
Day 1 - Response Card - Advantages of Losing Weight

So today Dr Beck wants us to create a response card about all the reasons why we wwant to lose weight, I never bothered to do this before, I just thought about them but this time I have written them down, I'm going to put them on my phone, as my computer screensaver and they're here too..

I won't feel like my weight defines who I am anymore, I'll be Caroline not the fat girl
1. I'll live a longer, healthier life
2. I'll escape the fear of diabetes
3. I'll have nothing to hold me back physically, I can do what I want, go where I want and not worry
4. I'll look and feel better about myself
5. I'll feel more attractive and confident
6. I'll be able to wear nice clothes from any shop
7. Even better sex!
8. I won't feel self conscious eating in front of anyone
9. I'll look and feel good on holiday instead of like a self conscious beached whale
10. I'll look good in a swimming costume
11. I won't feel the need to avoid mirrors at all costs

I'm going to read my response card each morning when I get up and when I get home from work. That way I'm set up for the day and hopefully won't feel so tempted to pick during the evening.
My reminder system will be alarms on my phone.

:checkmark: I created my advantages response card (in my notebook)
:checkmark: I recorded and posted these advantages elsewhere (here and phone)
:checkmark: I implemented a reminder system

So ladies, what are your advantages?
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This is the short version on my phone:

I will look much better
I will feel much better
I will be healthier
My endo & pcos will improve
I may avoid a major operation
I will be able to shop in every shop for clothes that will fit
I will be proud of my acheivement
Andrew will be proud of me
It may improve my fertility
I will be happier on the beach
I will be able to keep fit
I will have more energy
I will have the energy to get Laylah Stone Jewellery up and running
I will have the energy to make this a success
I can be an inspiration to others who are like I used to be and struggle to lose weight and keep it off
I can actually be a size 12
I will no longer be defined by my weight
I can fufill a life long ambition to help others lose weight and keep it off too and have my own business and be successful

Is it okay of I join this group! I FINALLY broke out my Beck again as I'm in mortal fear of gaining even more while in the U.S. the first two weeks in April.

Day 1 Reasons for Losing Weight

1. Improve my health, fitness, appearance and energy levels.
2. Better role model for my children; not embarrass them; not be judged by them.
3. Social acceptance; employment opportunities; other opportunities.
4. Improved self-esteem; increased confidence; feel like being better groomed, dressed, etc.
5. More wardrobe choices when shopping, and can fit into and be comfortable in clothing I already own
6. Willing to try new, different, etc. activities
7. Willing to eat in front of other people without feeling self-conscious or guilty.
8. Might inspire or motivate others (friends, family and one of DD's friends).
9. Have a sense of control and accomplishment.
10. Support DH who needs to lose weight and be on a dairy-free, low fat diet.
11. Make exercise easier.
12. Be motivated to get and do things.
Of course! Great reasons from both of you.
My main ones:

I'll have more confidence
I'll fit into nicer clothes and not be stuck wearing what will fit
I'll feel happier looking in the mirror
I won't feel as self conscious
I'll have more energy and want to be more physically active
I won't mind getting undressed in front of others
My family won't keep getting at me to lose weight
I'll be happier preparing food and eating in front of others
My knees and shins will cause me less problems
I'll spend less money on food
It will make my job easier
I have written down quite a few- here are some of them:

I will feel in control.
I will be able to buy fancy underwear.
I will like myself better.
I will be more assertive.
I will feel more comfortable eating in front of others.
I won't feel so self-conscious.
I will be more willing to make life changes.
Oh so many reasons and I'm sure I'll think of more:
I'll feel more in control
I'll feel as if I've accomplished something important
I won't be out of breath
I'll fit in all my clothes again
I'll be able to bend down to tie my boots without feeling winded (!)
I'll be less self-critical
I'll be able to exercise comfortably
I'll live longer
I'll have more energy
My bones won't hurt so much
I won't be hot all the time
I won't presume that I'm judged for my weight before anything else
The nurse might be able to find a vein next time I need a drip or to give blood
Most recent reason: NEVER again will I be told I'm too fat for a general anaesthetic when I need an operation!!!

That's enough to be going on with :)
Hi all, can I join in? Really motivating reading all your advantages to losing weight, they all really resonate with me. A few extra of my own... I'm planning to get pregnant this year and so a lot of my focus relates to that: imim improve chances of getting pregnant, and having a healthy pregnancy; avoid the wrath of Drs and midwives; have a lovely defined bump; be able to run around after my toddler/ get up and down off the floor (hard enough at the moment when I'm not pregnant, so who knows what it would be like overweight+pregnant!); less chance of pregnancy complications; more chance of having birth I want (birthing pool, etc). For some reason my computer won't let me put this in a bullet-pointed list, argh!
my OH thought of the best one for me;
-finally achieve the goal ive been trying to reach for ages! (almost my lifetime for me!)
Hi everyone, I just found this reading another thread. I actually ended up on day 1 On Sunday and plan to follow 1 a day, most days.

* more respectable / avoid *fat* judgements
* improved health
* safer weight for future pregnancy
* access to nice clothes
* not to embarrass family with weight
* improved confidence
* career prospects
* save money on food!
* more holiday options
* feel more relaxed in public
* reduce food based anxiety feelings
* enjoy clothes shopping
* better for split stomach muscles
* sense of accomplishment
* take little one swimming!

I have set alarms to read my card at 10.30am and 8.30pm, the late night one is because my craving danger time is the night.
Morning BBRs (Beck Book Readers) -- I read my 1st ARC twice and managed more water and tea than coffee for once.:)

Day 2 Pick Two Reasonable Diets

1. I will use low carb, healthy eating plus some S & S meal replacements (The Healthy Liver and South Beach recipes) until goal

2. Strict S & S or possibly CD with a counsellor


1. A fad diet isn't healthy, and I'll be on an "Eating Plan" or variation of one for a long time. In fact, I need to make permanent changes to my relationship with food.

2. I really need to learn how to manage my food NOW, as I am losing weight so that when I get to goal it will not be such a struggle to maintain my losses.

3. Any healthy diet can (and will) work - I have to figure out what works best for me, and be prepared to "change it up" if it becomes too difficult or I find a need to do so.

4. It needs to be what I can make work at that point in time and with how I live my life.
Brilliant thread. Here are some of mine ( if you don't mind ) :)
To be in control of my mind
To show my body respect it deserves
To feel better about myself
To be more confident
To be more successful
To be able to do workouts I can't do now
To be able to wear a bikini and not feel self conscious
To wear a mini skirt!
To feel proud
To be healthier
To be able to fit in my old clothes
To be fit enough to run a marathon next year!

Morning BBRs (Beck Book Readers) -- I read my 1st ARC twice and managed more water and tea than coffee for once.:)

Day 2 Pick Two Reasonable Diets

1. I will use low carb, healthy eating plus some S & S meal replacements (The Healthy Liver and South Beach recipes) until goal

2. Strict S & S or possibly CD with a counsellor


1. A fad diet isn't healthy, and I'll be on an "Eating Plan" or variation of one for a long time. In fact, I need to make permanent changes to my relationship with food.

2. I really need to learn how to manage my food NOW, as I am losing weight so that when I get to goal it will not be such a struggle to maintain my losses.

3. Any healthy diet can (and will) work - I have to figure out what works best for me, and be prepared to "change it up" if it becomes too difficult or I find a need to do so.

4. It needs to be what I can make work at that point in time and with how I live my life.

Two reasonable diets:
1. VLCD (it's reasonable for me at this point in time)
2. Low carb/ clean eating / juicing as a way of maintaining.

Helpful thoughts:
1. SnS is just a stage one of a permanent change I will make
2. Exercise will not hinder my weight loss, it will help me stay focused and fit.
3. Returning on a vlcd is not a failure but a proof that I'm strong enough to keep fighting
4. I will put an action plan in place that will help me maintain my weight loss in a healthy sustainable way

Ooh sorry, i missed this yesterday! Here is my list..

  1. I will look better
  2. I will feel better
  3. I won’t be so self conscious
  4. I will feel happier when I look in the mirror
  5. I will like myself more
  6. I will have more confidence and self esteem
  7. My back won’t hurt so much
  8. I will be able to do more with the twins
  9. I will feel more outgoing
  10. I will feel sexier
  11. I will feel confident enough to meet someone and feel worthy
  12. I will have more energy
  13. I won’t compare myself so much with others
  14. I will not feel so self conscious with the girls on holiday
  15. I will be less self critical
  16. I will be less lazy
  17. I will feel more in control
  18. I will feel as if i have accomplished something important
  19. I will be less lonely
  20. I won’t be so afraid to go to the doctor
Hi all! Although I know Dr Beck doesn't agree that VCLD's are "reasonable", I think the problem in reality isn't being on them, it's falling off them! So my first diet plan is S&S/Exante mix, with low carb eating as a back up for planned days off (trip to London in a few weeks for example) and Slimming world as my 2nd back up diet. This time round, I've promised myself that my first week off S&S (and by "off" I've decided on the first week I don't manage to stick reasonably well to the plan for 4 days or more) I'll have joined up to slimming world within a week! Last time I fell off the wagon, would have a few good days, a few bad days, and got into a spiral of eating more and more without ever making it to my back-up plan. Not this time! Sorry for lack of spacing - my computer has gone nuts! :D Hope everyone's having a good day, I'm off to read my advantages card again :D
Today was quite an easy one for me, I already knew what my primary and back up diets were.

Plan A is S&S all the way to goal, follow the refeed and then Slimming World rules for maintenance
Plan B, which hopefully I won't need, is to just follow Slimming World

I know that Slimming World works but I find the rigidness of S&S is possibly what I need at the moment. I also need the big losses in order to hit my goal weight before going on holiday! I considered a low carb Plan B but not sure I could really do it, I like carbs! Fruit is too high carb for me to consider low carb long term other than something like S&S really.
Day 2

Since I have been planning for a couple of weeks to start S&S on April Fools'Day (!) I already know what my first (and hopefully only) diet choice will be. I think I need a diet which allows no deviation. It's too easy for me to plan a treat and turn it into a feast then a rapid exit from a diet. Until my mindset has changed properly, S&S is the best way for me. I plan to follow it for 20 weeks (my 10th wedding anniversary is in 22 weeks) then follow the 10 day refeed. After that I will switch to WW pro points EITHER to lose the last bit or to maintain.

I was a size 20 when I got married. I got down to a 12/14 4 years ago but I'm now back up to a 20. I will be a 14 at the biggest by my 10th anniversary in September.

I thought of another advantage and added it to my card today - to stick 2 fingers up at the people who would love to see me fail. This doesn't just apply to losing the weight, it also applies to keeping it off!
Plan A: S&S with low carb meals.

Plan B: JUDDDDing. Will not completely avoid carbs but will continue to have salads rather than chips, rice, etc.

Hope everyone has had a great day!