The best thing about losing weight is....

The best thing will be the sense of pride in what ive achieved and no longer beling ashamed when i meet people cos i know that they're thinkin 'god shes let herself go since i saw her last ' ... Soon they'll be saying 'god shes looking better than ever. Oh and having more energy, knowing that ill be healthier and wearing fab fashionable clothes!!

Ps nick- yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck!!! Whatever about finger nails, surely toe nails are too chewy!! Hehe.
I did something shocking today. Something I haven't done in years - since before having children. I tucked my top into my size 18 trousers and went about work and town. My stomach was flat(tish - come on, I'm still hefty!) and my bum was definitely trimmer. It felt brilliant and I've been in such a good mood all day. Now I'm going to chuck out all those long tunics that I've been hiding under!
Good for you Helen!

I had to go to a funeral so I wore a dress, which I don't do very often, and thought that I actually looked ok(ish) mind you I had very restrictive underwear on!
The best thing about losing weight is... Being able to wear nice clothes to work AND being complimented on how good I look in them (by the company glamour puss none the less!)