The Body Magic Team (formerly exercise bike challenge)

I pick my bells up today guys!!!:D

I'm a sucker for a deal and so I went for the Davina set ranging from 2kg-7kg's, plus they are really nice colours!!!!;)

I shall be watching some vid's later to get some tips, thats once i've been on the bike of corse!!

Aesir can I ask you a quick question plese....

If I wanted to calculate how much i'd need to do on the bike to say burn a certain amount of cals per day could you point me in the right direction???:confused:
Not for accurate figures I'm afraid. There's too many things that would influence it.

All I can say is good look with the KB!!!!! you will get Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness a day or 2 after. It will hurt to sit down lol. Its normal. Still use the bike in that time, keep the muscles limber!

Really make sure you get correct form. Start with the swing. Weight in heels, squat down dont bend the spine, engage core, use momentum to power swing, not the arms. Watch plenty of vids on youtube, correct form is important. Don't go for the 2kg either lol go heavier.
At the minute I do about ten mins every lunch break, consisting mostly on 2 hand swings, one hand swings, clean and press and snatched. Youtube is your best friend when it comes to learning these!
Ok so I've done my final 20km'a today and I've had a go at the bells, not sure what its called or if I've even done it right but its the swinging motion through the legs slightly bent.

Whatever it is i've done 50 with the 5kg and 15 with the 7.5 (Owwwww)

Must watch some vid's on YouTube so I can have a proper go tomorrow.

Hope your all enjoying your weekend and being reasonably good!
Two hand swing its called :) yeah deffo watch youtube vids form is so so case i didnt stress that enough earlier ;) dont wanna injure yourself!!!

Just had a horrid horrid piano lesson and now all i can think about is pizza making it all better!!!!
Did 16k tonight so thats 66 for me so far.

It looks like its going to be a exercise bike and kettlebell challenge.

I haven't got into the kettlebell properly yet as don't feel like doing a great deal after work. Usually do my bike as soon as I get home while dinner is cooking and don't do kettlebell every night.
Its quite good though as I normally just swing it around a bit while watching tv.
At the moment I don't follow any routine but that's only because I am normally doing it watching tv and can't be bothered putting you tube on to do a routine.

I think I might start doing that tomorrow and for a bit longer than I normally do.
I can handle the swinging bit ok but find it a bit heavy doing the lifting and arm excercise ones and don't think I will ever be able to use anything heavier than the one I am using at the moment.
Yes I promise to watch the vids and double check I have it right, my back is a little sore already! So, pizzas your thing you ever make your own? Hubby makes the best bases and wants us to have a pizza night soon. If I loose good this week I may treat myself. Gave away the last of my size 14 clothes this weekend, feels great!!!
Wish I resisted.....I bought a bottle of wine to use some in my Beef Bourginion that I was meant to cook today and instead hubby and I shared the whole bottle.:sigh:

Now I feel a little hung over, how times have changed....I used to drink half a bottle of wine a night and at least 2 bottles at the weekend, all to myself!!!:eek:

Hope the coffee helps anyway.

Well done for resisting, nothing like the urge when it creeps up on ya! Have to say SW wouldn't be half as easy if you couldn't have chips!!!

As for the kettlebells, I haven't hurt myself (Yey!) I do know that I used them for sure but I'm definately spending some time researching today what moves are best for tummies and arms as I'm limited for time and would like a routine to go along side the bike really.

Not sure what to cook now we've drank the wine, we always have stew and i'm sick of it!!;)
""Not sure what to cook now we've drank the wine, we always have stew and i'm sick of it!!""
Lucy, why not go get another bottle of wine haha.

Anyway I am sure half a bottle of wine now and again won't hurt.
I used to go out every Friday night and couldn't even count the amount I used to drink. But I now can't remember the last time I had a drink apart from my birthday in May. 1./2 a lager and I would be well gone now I think.

Soo glad we can still have chips and now I make them SW style, I do them with a different taste everytime, I love spicy chips.

Aesir, well done resisting the Pizza, I know its nice at the time but I always find that soon as I have eaten something like that I feel totally sick for eating it. so now only do it if its planned and not spur of the moment.

I lost 1lb today, I have a feeling this is going to be a long hike.
Time for my bike ride now hee hee bye for now.

""Not sure what to cook now we've drank the wine, we always have stew and i'm sick of it!!""
Lucy, why not go get another bottle of wine haha.

Anyway I am sure half a bottle of wine now and again won't hurt.
I used to go out every Friday night and couldn't even count the amount I used to drink. But I now can't remember the last time I had a drink apart from my birthday in May. 1./2 a lager and I would be well gone now I think.

Soo glad we can still have chips and now I make them SW style, I do them with a different taste everytime, I love spicy chips.

Aesir, well done resisting the Pizza, I know its nice at the time but I always find that soon as I have eaten something like that I feel totally sick for eating it. so now only do it if its planned and not spur of the moment.

I lost 1lb today, I have a feeling this is going to be a long hike.
Time for my bike ride now hee hee bye for now.


Yup, i'm off to Morrisons shortly to get the wine, makes sense really!!!

Have a good day!!!

You cannot spot burn fat. By that I mean you can't pick an area to lose fat from. You can build the myscles beautifully but if there's an inch of fat above them it makes no difference. Its like sit-ups. People do them to try and lose stomach fat but you have to do something ridiculous like 10,000 to burn half a pound of fat. Great for the stomach muscles but you can't see them for the layer of fat.

To burn fat from your entire body you need to engage the big muscles...namely the ones in your legs. Bigger muscles used means more overall fat burned.

Your body loses weight from extremeties first, your limbs and face. As a survival technique it stores fat around the torso to protect and heat vital organs. This is why the torso takes so long to trim down!

So if you want to lose stomach fat you need to engage large myscle groups to burn overall fat. This can be done with the bike (yaaaaaaay). The kettlebell is great because the moves hit most of the large muscle groups and engage the core so when the stomach fat goes you have nice muscles underneath!

Bells should be used in quite a regimented way. I'll list an example workout:

Two hand swing 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Two hand swing 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Left hand swing 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Right hand swing 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Clean and press right 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Clean and press left 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat routine.
Dam hit send too soon. There you have a fat busting routine for beginners in just twelve minutes!! Doesn't seem like long but thats the beauty of bells, major workout in minimal time. In time add more or different moves. Rest time is important between swings, and every few weeks reduce it by 5 seconds until you're left with 10sec rests with more varied moves.
Ha Ha, Lucy can't do The Kettlebell Clean!!

I've done 50 two armed swings and 30 each for single armed.

I've also done a measly 6km on the bike so thats me for one sunday afternoon!!! I've cooked me Bourginion for tomorrow tea and a huge Mousakka which we will enjoy tonight with a huge salad and perhaps the rest of the bottle of wine (who knows)

Then again the whole mousakka has got about 20syns in it, stupid Lucy didn't get Quark, just low fat spread that isn't so low in syns!!!!

Oh well, I know i'll enjoy it and it'll be enough for hubby's lunch tomoz and some to freeze so its a treat, the end!!!
I've just checked out the kettlebell clean and haven't tried that one and i doubt that I would be able to do that.

I managed to do 22k today so think that makes it 83 for me.

Went shopping this afternoon and then spent over 3 hours ironing and i hate ironing. Don't feel too much like doing anything else now, see how I feel later.

Forgot to say Lucy congrats on getting into a size 12 and losing all your 14 clothes, As for me I can't wait to get into a 14, hopefully not too long to go,

Enjoy your Mousaka, which will go nicely with a glass of wine.
I think we struggle because of the weight of the kettlebell but with practice it should get easier to do.
Hi all

had a really bad start this week and only managed to get started tonight and did 10 k.
How are you all, its a bit quiet on here?
