The Body Magic Team (formerly exercise bike challenge)

I must get out my kettelbell today, you are dong fantastic with it while mine is gathering dust.
Silly question but what is the sit up and to do a 100 well, all I can say is 'wow'

I did 23.5k yesterday on the bike which takes me to about 68ishk so far but will do some more shortly.

Went out for xmas work dinner Friday night which was lovely, tried to be good and picked from the deli board and ate as little of the scrummy houmous alone as I possibly could but not much left in the bowl at the end of it. I did manage to leave the bread rolls and butter alone.

Weighted in this morning and lost 2lb and got my 2 stone award so totally over the moon which spurs me on yet again.
I am loving this SW as the more I eat, the more I lose which is great.

Yeeehaaaa!!! 2 Stone shiny for you!!!

The sit ups are basically the usual sit up except you hold the kettle with the heavy weight pointing into the air and at each sit up I touch the kettle with my chin. Ive also been doing some more arm move and I swear the definition is starting already!!!

Not sure if I can hope to get 2lbs this week but I sure wish I would!!
Well done Lucy.
Didn't do any exercise, ended up going shopping instead and then put chriistmas tree up so only did about 70 I think it was.

I haven't got an iphone so can't get that app Aesir.

Its been that long since I used my kettlebell, I think I will need to start from scratch again.
Evening guys, What a day at work! Ended up having to go out to clients and worked through lunch, grrr..hope I stick to plan tonight and don't go off on a binge!

So its the week that hubby's here and my exercise always suffers. Def having a night off after the day i've had, perhaps tomorrow.....
Hi Guys.....Very quiet in here!!!

Perhaps your exercising as much as me (none...)

Well i'm back from weigh in and pleased to report a 2lb loss taking me to my 2stone shiny and I got slimmer of the week too!!
We were waiting for your result. Well done! I still have another 3lbs to my 2 stone shiny. Ugh!!! Want it before xmas.

Have done kettlebell and bike today.
Nice weight losses guys.
Lucy we have both lost the same, only I don't ever get to be slimmer of the week seeing as I do it online and there are probably thousands of us so doubt very much that anyone would notice my losses.
Nice xmas pressie Aesir!

No exercise at all for me this week, i've been busy every night getting a CV ready for a secondment Team Leader job that is coming up in my place. Sort of deleted my CV a few months ago after not needing it for the last 15 years and never thought I would be needing it again.
Had to make a few bits up but probably looks more impressive than it did.
Just can't seem to find the time to do any exercise at the moment, just finished this CV so hopefully no excuses after tonight :eek:
Well in an attempt to lose 3lbs at weigh in I hsve been vigilant with exercise and food. Been craving a chicken parmo something chronic for 3 days now, must resist!!!
Well I have just come back from the doctors. I booked an appoint after feeling some strong sort of extra heart beats over the last week or so and it turns out I have a murmur.

God knows for how long, maybe always have had it! Got to go back wed's for blood tests and an ecg.

I asked about exercise as I get them on the bike but he said I should be fine as long as they don't get worse....Oh and i've gotta try an drink less caffeine. Boo hoo, I love my coffee!!!
Oh dear thats a bit rubbish! Least you took notice though, most people would ignore it!

Don't envy you on the caffeine issue. Looks like a switch to decaf!
Well I have just come back from the doctors. I booked an appoint after feeling some strong sort of extra heart beats over the last week or so and it turns out I have a murmur.

God knows for how long, maybe always have had it! Got to go back wed's for blood tests and an ecg.

I asked about exercise as I get them on the bike but he said I should be fine as long as they don't get worse....Oh and i've gotta try an drink less caffeine. Boo hoo, I love my coffee!!!

I hope you're ok Lucy.
Glad you went to the Doctor's and hopefully you will be ok. The Doctor must be pretty certain that it isn't serious otherwise he would have told you to leave the bike alone for now.
I had a heart attack 3 years ago and was just at the point where i was really getting back into exercising so thought that it was something to do with the exercise but Doc doesn't think so. I am now on lots of tabs a day which I hate but as long as I am ok I don't mind too much I suppose.
Sorry, I don't mean to scare or worry you , just saying glad that you have gone to docs.
My daughter can't drink caffeine as it makes her heart race, although I don't think that she has anything wrong with her.
Let us know how you get on, will be thinking of you.

Are any of you anywhere near Leeds, I am going there xmas shopping tomorrow as thought we would go somewhere different. Is it ok for shopping does anyone know?
I hope you're ok Lucy.
Glad you went to the Doctor's and hopefully you will be ok. The Doctor must be pretty certain that it isn't serious otherwise he would have told you to leave the bike alone for now.
I had a heart attack 3 years ago and was just at the point where i was really getting back into exercising so thought that it was something to do with the exercise but Doc doesn't think so. I am now on lots of tabs a day which I hate but as long as I am ok I don't mind too much I suppose.
Sorry, I don't mean to scare or worry you , just saying glad that you have gone to docs.
My daughter can't drink caffeine as it makes her heart race, although I don't think that she has anything wrong with her.
Let us know how you get on, will be thinking of you.

Are any of you anywhere near Leeds, I am going there xmas shopping tomorrow as thought we would go somewhere different. Is it ok for shopping does anyone know?

A Heart Attack??? Don't panic me woman!! ;)